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gcolvin /
Created December 30, 2016 21:00
Effective, DoS-resistant code caching

I've been thinking on an effective cache of compiled bytecode that is difficult to attack. LRU, FIFO, and related eviction/retention policies are easily attacked with round robin access. Currently there are about 4 GB worth of compiled contract code on tth blockchain. Two policies seem safe. I'd like to discuss whether they are in fact effective and safe.

  1. Random eviction:

The number of transactions per contract is Zipf distributed with alpha=1; I estimate that if you cached 1/4 of the contracts you'd get a hit ratio of about 80-90%. Probably worth it, and it seems expensive to DoS. To degrade the cache you have to pollute it with spam, and the more spam you put in the higher the probability of it getting kicked out. If you managed to get the cache half-full of spam then you would have to keep paying for half of all transactions to keep it that way.

  1. Expensive retention:

The retention formula is F = geo/m, where the factors are moving averages of

  • g = gas use
gcolvin / masm.h
Last active September 26, 2017 07:49
stupid simple EVM assembler
// For example take this code
// XPUSH(1,1) ff
// XPUSH(1,1) ee
// XAND(1,1)
// run it through the preprocessor and tr
// gcc -E -P -x c-header -include masm.h test.evm | tr -d [:space:]
// and get this output
// e011ffe011eed611
// Haven't figured out labels yet, might have to just count.
// No, this is not suitable for real work, but will suffice
gcolvin@Dell:~/ether/perf-tests/test/unittests/performance$ make -f ETHVM-JIT=./ethvm add256.ran
echo ethvm-jit; time -p ./ethvm --vm jit test add256.bin; touch add256.ran
; ModuleID = '7665577a0bc6fbdb1b11cddad76dad92559f0915def3ec7cbb39ad92ae658c11F'
source_filename = "7665577a0bc6fbdb1b11cddad76dad92559f0915def3ec7cbb39ad92ae658c11F"
%Runtime = type { %RuntimeData*, %Env*, %Array }
%RuntimeData = type { i64, i64, i8*, i64, i256, i8*, i64, i256, i256, i64 }
%Env = type opaque
%Array = type { i256*, i64, i64 }
gcolvin@Dell:~/ether/perf-tests/test/unittests/performance$ make -f ETHVM-JIT=./ethvm add256.ran
echo ethvm-jit; time -p ./ethvm --vm jit test add256.bin; touch add256.ran
; ModuleID = '7665577a0bc6fbdb1b11cddad76dad92559f0915def3ec7cbb39ad92ae658c11F'
source_filename = "7665577a0bc6fbdb1b11cddad76dad92559f0915def3ec7cbb39ad92ae658c11F"
%Runtime = type { %RuntimeData*, %Env*, %Array }
%RuntimeData = type { i64, i64, i8*, i64, i256, i8*, i64, i256, i256, i64 }
%Env = type opaque
%Array = type { i256*, i64, i64 }
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
uint32_t shift_left(uint32_t v, uint32_t n) {
return v << n;
// return v * pow(2, n);
gcolvin / terp-test.cpp
Created April 13, 2019 02:29
minimal function vs switch interpreter comparison
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
namespace interp {
enum ops { STOP, ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV };
const char* op_stop(long*&,const char* PC) {
gcolvin /
Last active May 21, 2022 16:35
EVM opcode histogram
OP Count Total % Cum %
PUSH1 37,886,773 37,886,773 11.12% 11.12%
PUSH2 28,280,939 66,167,712 8.30% 19.43%
POP 24,003,852 90,171,564 7.05% 26.47%
JUMPDEST 22,374,953 112,546,517 6.57% 33.04%
SWAP1 18,110,085 130,656,602 5.32% 38.36%
DUP2 17,393,988 148,050,590 5.11% 43.47%
DUP1 16,132,946 164,183,536 4.74% 48.20%
JUMPI 14,963,477 179,147,013 4.39% 52.60%