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Created October 19, 2017 14:33
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Julia code in an example of XRjulia
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"source": "# = Define a function in Julia for a linear regression = #\n#regjl <- juliaEval(\"\nfunction reg(x,y)\n n=size(x,1)\n xreg=hcat(ones(size(x)[1],1),x)\n k=size(xreg,2)\n p1=((xreg'xreg)^(-1))\n b=p1*xreg'y\n r=y-xreg*b\n sig=(r'r)/(n-k)\n vmat=sig[1]*p1\n sigb=sqrt.(diag(vmat))\n t=b./sigb\n \n return (b,t)\nend\n#\")\n \n# = Tell R regjl is a function = #\n#regjl_function=JuliaFunction(regjl)",
"execution_count": 1,
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"source": "# = Generate Data = #\n# set.seed(1)\n# x=matrix(rnorm(9000),300,30)\n# y=rnorm(300)\nsrand(1)\nx = randn(300,30)\ny = randn(300)\n\n# = Run Julia Regression = #\n#test=regjl_function(x,y)\n# = Convert Julia object to R = #\n#JLreg=juliaGet(test)[[1]]\n@time reg(x,y) \n\n# = Run regression using lm and compare = #\n#Rreg=coef(lm(y~x))\n#cbind(Rreg,JLreg)",
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"text": " 1.003914 seconds (571.21 k allocations: 28.702 MiB, 5.61% gc time)\n",
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"source": "# = Load Combinatorics package in Julia. You need to install it. = #\n# = In julia, type: Pkg.add(\"Combinatorics\")\n#comb=juliaEval(\"using Combinatorics\")\nusing Combinatorics\n \n# = Evaluate the CSR function = #\n#csrjl <- juliaEval(\"\nfunction csr(x,y,k,K,fixed_controls)\n fixed_controls=floor(Int,fixed_controls)\n if fixed_controls!=0\n w=x[:,fixed_controls]\n nonw=setdiff(1:size(x,2),fixed_controls)\n end\n if fixed_controls[1]==0\n nonw=1:size(x,2)\n end\n\n save_stat=zeros(size(x,2),2)\n save_stat[:,2]=1:size(x,2)\n for i in nonw\n if fixed_controls[1]==0\n (betas,tstat)=reg(x[:,i],y)\n save_stat[i,1]=abs(tstat[2])\n end\n if fixed_controls!=0\n (betas,tstat)=reg(hcat(w,x[:,i]),y)\n save_stat[i,1]=abs(tstat[end])\n end\n end\n\n t_ord = sortperm(save_stat[:,1],rev=true)\n save_stat=save_stat[t_ord,:]\n\n selected=save_stat[1:K,2]\n\n #comb=collect(Base.combinations(selected,k))\n comb=collect(combinations(selected,k))\n m=size(comb)[1]\n final_coef=zeros(m,size(x,2))\n final_const=zeros(m)\n\n if fixed_controls!=0\n for i in 1:m\n xr=hcat(x[:,fixed_controls],x[:,floor(Int,comb[i])])\n (model,tstat)=reg(xr,y)\n final_const[i]=model[1]\n model1=model[2:end]\n if length(fixed_controls)>1\n final_coef[i,fixed_controls]=model1[1:(size(fixed_controls)[1])]\n model2=model1[size(fixed_controls)[1]+1:end]\n else\n final_coef[i,fixed_controls]=model1[1]\n model2=model1[2:end]\n end\n\n final_coef[i,floor(Int,comb[i])]=model2\n end\n elseif fixed_controls[1]==0\n for i in 1:m\n # (model,tstat)=reg(x[:,floor(Int,comb[i])],y)\n (model,tstat)=reg(x[:,floor.(Int,comb[i])],y)\n final_const[i]=model[1]\n # final_coef[i,floor(Int,comb[i])]=model[2:end]\n final_coef[i,floor.(Int,comb[i])]=model[2:end]\n end\n end\n aux=hcat(final_const,final_coef)\n result=[mean(aux[:,i]) for i in 1:size(aux)[2]]\n\nend\n#\")\n# = Define it as a function to R = #\n#csrjl_function=JuliaFunction(csrjl)",
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"text": " 0.156353 seconds (184.67 k allocations: 169.663 MiB, 15.04% gc time)\n",
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