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Sarcone's dynamic Muller-Lyer illusion no output
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"cells": [
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "# Sarcone's dynamic Muller-Lyer illusion\n\nGen Kuroki\n\n2018-03-10\n\nSee\n\n*\n\n*"
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"source": "using Plots\ngr(legend=false)\nENV[\"PLOTS_TEST\"] = \"true\"\n\n# 線分を描く函数\nsegment(A, B; color=\"black\", kwargs...) = plot([A[1], B[1]], [A[2], B[2]]; color=color, kwargs...)\nsegment!(A, B; color=\"black\", kwargs...) = plot!([A[1], B[1]], [A[2], B[2]]; color=color, kwargs...)\nsegment!(p, A, B; color=\"black\", kwargs...) = plot!(p, [A[1], B[1]], [A[2], B[2]]; color=color, kwargs...)\n\n# 円周を描く函数\nfunction circle(O, r; a=0, b=2π, color=\"black\", kwargs...)\n t = linspace(a, b, 1001)\n x(t) = O[1] + r*cos(t)\n y(t) = O[1] + r*sin(t)\n plot(x.(t), y.(t); color=color, kwargs...)\nend\nfunction circle!(O, r; a=0, b=2π, color=\"black\", kwargs...)\n t = linspace(a, b, 1001)\n x(t) = O[1] + r*cos(t)\n y(t) = O[2] + r*sin(t)\n plot!(x.(t), y.(t); color=color, kwargs...)\nend\nfunction circle!(p, O, r; a=0, b=2π, color=\"black\", kwargs...)\n t = linspace(a, b, 1001)\n x(t) = O[1] + r*cos(t)\n y(t) = O[1] + r*sin(t)\n plot!(p, x.(t), y.(t); color=color, kwargs...)\nend\n\n# 表示用函数\nshowimg(mime, fn) = open(fn) do f\n base64 = base64encode(f)\n display(\"text/html\", \"\"\"<img src=\"data:$mime;base64,$base64\">\"\"\")\nend",
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"source": "A = [1.5, 0]\nB = [3.5, 0]\nC = [5.5, 0]\n\nN = 10\n\nθ₀ = 2π/(2N)\nR = [\n cos(θ₀) -sin(θ₀)\n sin(θ₀) cos(θ₀)\n]\n\nV(θ) = [cos(θ), sin(θ)]\nr = 1.55*2π/(2N)\n\n@time anim = @animate for a in [0.6:0.025:1.4; 1.375:-0.025:0.625]\n θ = a*2π/4\n p = plot(xlim=(-6.5, 6.5), ylim=(-6.5, 6.5))\n plot!(grid=false, legend=false, xaxis=false, yaxis=false)\n for k in 1:10\n RR = R^(2k-1)\n segment!(RR*A, RR*B, lw=2, color=:black)\n segment!(RR*B, RR*C, lw=2, color=:blue)\n segment!(RR*A, RR*(A+r*V(θ)), lw=2, color=:black)\n segment!(RR*A, RR*(A+r*V(-θ)), lw=2, color=:black)\n segment!(RR*B, RR*(B+r*V(π-θ)), lw=2, color=:black)\n segment!(RR*B, RR*(B+r*V(π+θ)), lw=2, color=:black)\n segment!(RR*C, RR*(C+r*V(θ)), lw=2, color=:black)\n segment!(RR*C, RR*(C+r*V(-θ)), lw=2, color=:black)\n end\n plot(p, size=(500, 500))\nend\n\ngifname = \"dynamic Muller-Lyer.gif\"\n@time gif(anim, gifname, fps = 15)\nsleep(0.1)\nshowimg(\"image/gif\", gifname)",
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"source": "lw = 1.0 # 太さ\n\nA = [1.5, 0]\nB = [3.5, 0]\nC = [5.5, 0]\n\nN = 10\n\nθ₀ = 2π/(2N)\nR = [\n cos(θ₀) -sin(θ₀)\n sin(θ₀) cos(θ₀)\n]\n\nV(θ) = [cos(θ), sin(θ)]\nr = 1.55*2π/(2N)\n\n@time anim = @animate for a in [0.6:0.025:1.4; 1.375:-0.025:0.625]\n θ = a*2π/4\n p = plot(xlim=(-6.5, 6.5), ylim=(-6.5, 6.5))\n plot!(grid=false, legend=false, xaxis=false, yaxis=false)\n for k in 1:10\n RR = R^(2k-1)\n segment!(RR*A, RR*B, lw=lw, color=:black)\n segment!(RR*B, RR*C, lw=lw, color=:blue)\n segment!(RR*A, RR*(A+r*V(θ)), lw=lw, color=:black)\n segment!(RR*A, RR*(A+r*V(-θ)), lw=lw, color=:black)\n segment!(RR*B, RR*(B+r*V(π-θ)), lw=lw, color=:black)\n segment!(RR*B, RR*(B+r*V(π+θ)), lw=lw, color=:black)\n segment!(RR*C, RR*(C+r*V(θ)), lw=lw, color=:black)\n segment!(RR*C, RR*(C+r*V(-θ)), lw=lw, color=:black)\n end\n plot(p, size=(500, 500))\nend\n\ngifname = \"dynamic Muller-Lyer $lw.gif\"\n@time gif(anim, gifname, fps = 15)\nsleep(0.1)\nshowimg(\"image/gif\", gifname)",
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"metadata": {
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