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Contract Killer

The popular open-source contract for web designers and developers by Stuff & Nonsense

  • Originally published: 23/12/2008
  • Revised date: 15/12/2013
  • Original post

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="author" content="" />
<meta name="copyright" content="" />
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />

I keep saying that impromptu, unwanted feminism 101 discussions are exhausting and not a good use of my resources. Then people ask what I mean by 101, so I'm starting to make a list. This list will change over time - I recommend checking back.

I highly recommend checking this list before engaging with me about feminism if you're new to it. It'll save both of us a lot of time and frustration.

Diversity in tech

Women aren't equally represented in tech because biology

Nope. This argument is bad and the science does not support it. Unfortunately, every time you say this out loud, you are contributing to cultural problems that do decrease the number of women in tech.

Also see, How Does Biology Explain the Low Numbers of Women in CS? Hint: it doesn't

<!DOCTYPE html> <!--Sets the document type to HTML-->
<html> <!--Now we begin describing the web page-->
<script> <!-- We are using inline javascript. That is Javascript inside HTML //-->
var note, html, timeout; <!-- Set the variables //-->
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
note = document.getElementById('note');
html = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0];
html.addEventListener('keyup', function(ev) {
if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
timeout = setTimeout(saveNote, 100);
gersande / gist:8193587
Created December 31, 2013 07:09 — forked from idan/gist:3135754

Hello there! This is a sample post for, a super-lightweight writing soapbox for hackers.

Now look up. Further. Above the post title. See that grey text with the gist ID?

Now back to me. That grey text is a link! Open that sucker in a new tab to see the source for this post. Also, I'm on a horse.

This is a major heading

If you peek at it with a web inspector, you'll see that it is a second-level heading. You can use first level headings, but they'll look just like the second level ones, and the gods of the HTML5 outlining algorithm will frown upon you.

gersande / flame.lua
Last active May 16, 2023 00:09 — forked from joshski/flame.lua
-- a little flame in a functional style
function particle(step, style, t)
local newStyle = step(style, t)
return {
style = newStyle,
next = function()
return particle(step, newStyle, t + 1)