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Andrew Gertig gertig

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gertig / 0_instructions.txt
Created March 30, 2012 14:42 — forked from stan/0_instructions.txt
Sprocket 2 in Rails 3.0.x ala Rails 3.1
Some brief instructions on how to use Sprocket 2 in Rails to get CoffeeScript
powered JS and SASS powered CSS with YUI compression all via the magic of rack.
This stuff will be native in Rails 3.1 and the layout of the files on the
filesystem will be different but this guide will get you working with it
while we wait for all that to finalize.
Ignore the number prefixes on each file. This is just to ensure proper order in the Gist.
It's based on eric1234 gist ijust made it 3.1 compliant in terms of convention
gertig /
Created March 31, 2012 12:05 — forked from erikh/
OSX For Hackers
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# This is script with usefull tips taken from:
# install it:
# curl -sL | sh
gertig / ExampleClass.m
Created June 26, 2012 03:08 — forked from lukeredpath/ExampleClass.m
Macro for creating your "shared instance" using GCD
@implementation MySharedThing
+ (id)sharedInstance
return [[self alloc] init];
gertig / juggernaut.rb
Created June 26, 2012 11:51 — forked from maccman/juggernaut.rb
Sinatra Server Side Event streaming.
# Usage: redis-cli publish message hello
require 'sinatra'
require 'redis'
conns = []
get '/' do
erb :index
gertig / juggernaut_channels.rb
Created June 26, 2012 11:55 — forked from maccman/juggernaut_channels.rb
Sinatra Server Side Event streaming with private channels.
# Usage: redis-cli publish message.achannel hello
require 'sinatra'
require 'redis'
conns = {|h, k| h[k] = [] }
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
get '/' do
gertig /
Created September 5, 2012 03:00 — forked from friggeri/haiku
random heroku-like name generator
haiku = ->
adjs = [
"autumn", "hidden", "bitter", "misty", "silent", "empty", "dry", "dark",
"summer", "icy", "delicate", "quiet", "white", "cool", "spring", "winter",
"patient", "twilight", "dawn", "crimson", "wispy", "weathered", "blue",
"billowing", "broken", "cold", "damp", "falling", "frosty", "green",
"long", "late", "lingering", "bold", "little", "morning", "muddy", "old",
"red", "rough", "still", "small", "sparkling", "throbbing", "shy",
"wandering", "withered", "wild", "black", "young", "holy", "solitary",
"fragrant", "aged", "snowy", "proud", "floral", "restless", "divine",
gertig / gist:6038283
Last active December 19, 2015 23:59 — forked from arkan/gist:5662905
class MyCustomCell < UITableViewCell
# This method is used by ProMotion to instantiate cells.
def initWithStyle(style_name, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)
# A delegate method when the user clicks the Row(it's blue by default)

Converting Obj-C blocks to RubyMotion

A guide on how to translate Objective-C blocks into Ruby blocks.

Ruby Lambda and Proc Syntaxes

block = lamda { |param|  ... }
block = lamda do |param|

Deploy Rails app to digitalocean with nginx, unicorn, capistrano & postgres

Create droplet of your liking (ubuntu 12.10 x32)

ssh to root in terminal with your server ip

ssh root@

Add ssh fingerprint and enter password provided in email

I am the owner of And I'm glad to hear it's helpful. In truth, it's just a fancy DNS trick. and all of it's sub-domains just point back to your computer ( That means running ssl is as simple (or difficult) as running ssl on your computer.

I'm not sure how comfortable you are with the command line, but here's my how I setup my development environment. (rvm, passenger, nginx w/ SSL, etc).

Install rvm (no sudo!)


bash < <( curl ) source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm rvm install ree-1.8.7-2010.02