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Andrew Gertig gertig

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$ rails generate scaffold email_subscriber first_name:string last_name:string email:string
$ rake db:migrate
filter: alpha(opacity=80); /* internet explorer */
-khtml-opacity: 0.8; /* khtml, old safari */
-moz-opacity: 0.8; /* mozilla, netscape */
opacity: 0.8; /* fx, safari, opera */
/*Rounded Corners*/
-moz-border-radius: 10px; /* Firefox */
-webkit-border-radius: 10px; /* Safari, Chrome */
border-radius: 10px; /* CSS3 */
gertig / very_useful.rb
Created February 1, 2011 04:53
Snippets of code that are very useful in .rb files in Rails
rescue_from CanCan::AccessDenied do |exception|
flash[:error] = "Access Denied"
redirect_to root_url
def javascript(*files)
content_for(:head) { javascript_include_tag(*files)}
gertig / routes.rb
Created February 6, 2011 01:40
Rails 3 demo of using HTTParty and Moment for delayed jobs
# config/routes.rb
MyApp::Application.routes.draw do
resources :people
resources :custom
resources :custom do
member do
get 'mycustomaction'
gertig / custom_controller.rb
Created February 6, 2011 01:43
Rails 3 demo of using HTTParty and Moment for delayed jobs
# controllers/custom_controller.rb
class CustomController < ApplicationController
def index
def mycustomaction
#Do Something with the user_id
gertig / scheduler.rb
Created February 6, 2011 01:43
Rails 3 demo of using HTTParty and Moment for delayed jobs
# models/scheduler.rb
require 'httparty'
require 'pp'
class Scheduler
include HTTParty
base_uri ''
gertig / person.rb
Created February 6, 2011 01:44
Rails 3 demo of using HTTParty and Moment for delayed jobs
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.create_schedule
@people = Person.find(:all)
time_increment = 1 #Starts the first scheduled task for 1 minute from now.
@people.each do |person|
gertig / cron.rake
Created February 6, 2011 01:44
Rails 3 demo of using HTTParty and Moment for delayed jobs
desc "This task is called by the Heroku cron add-on"
task :cron => :environment do
if == 0 # run at midnight
puts "Finished running my first CRON task"
gertig / gist:817199
Created February 8, 2011 20:46 — forked from Arcath/gist:481321
def gravatar_url(email,options = {})
require 'digest/md5'
hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email)
url = "{hash}"
options.each do |option|
option == options.first ? url+="?" : url+="&"
key = option[0].to_s
value = option[1].to_s
url+=key + "=" + value
# Inside: Rails.root/config/compass.rb
if Rails.env.production?
css_dir = "tmp/stylesheets/compiled"
css_dir = "public/stylesheets/compiled"
# Inside: Rails.root/config/initializers/compass.rb