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Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

We live in a time, where cameras are ubiquitous. It is not because there are a few surveillance cameras installed here and there. It is because cameras are so cheap and tiny that almost everyone carries one around in their pocket. We are documenting our lives to share those moments with our family, friends and the rest of the world. Photos are more than ever a proof of existence. Pics or it didn’t happen.
<strong>Photo sharing and privacy</strong>
Given the fact, that more than half a billion photos are shared publicly every day, it is not surprising that cameras even find their way into watches, glasses and other wearables. The urge to document everything might be satisfied by generating a continuous life log. But when everyone is documenting everything and shares it with everyone, how does this affect our privacy and mutual social behavior? How do we protect ourselves from becoming too transparent?
// Selects all text layers that have the same text style as the reference text layer (command control t)
// init
var layerCount = 0;
var pageCount = 0;
var lastFoundOnPage = -1;
var selectedLayers = [];
var i = 0;
// This plugin selects all layers that have the same fill color as the currently selected layer/s (command shift c)
// Can be used to combine colors that are visually very similar
#import 'inventory.js'
// Get an array of all selected colors
var count = 0;
var referenceColors = [];
var pages = [[doc pages]objectEnumerator];
getColorOf: function(layer) {
var color = null;
var fill = null;
if ([layer isKindOfClass:[MSTextLayer class]]) {
color = [layer textColor];
try {
fill = [[[layer style] fills] firstObject];
if (fill !== null && [fill isEnabled] && [fill fillType] === 0) color = [fill color];
} catch (error) {
// Selects all text layers that have the same color as the reference layer
#import 'inventory.js'
// init
(function() {
var pageCount = 0,
color = null,
fill = null,
i = 0,
lastFoundOnPage = -1,
/* Text Styles from Sketch */
.body-small {
font-family: "HelveticaNeue", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
color: #333333;
line-height: 21px;
.placeholder {
var com = com || {};
com.getflourish = (function() {
var my = {};
my.execute = function(block) {
var com = com || {};
com.getflourish = (function() {
var my = {};
my.execute = function(block) {
// (shift control cmd c)
function theFunction() {
var color = null,
results = 0,
referenceColor = null,
selected = null;
if (selection.count() == 1) {
getflourish / Sketch-to-FramerJS-Boilerplate
Created October 17, 2014 08:50
This plugin copies FramerJS boiler plate code for the currently selected layer.
// (shift cmd c)
// This plugin copies FramerJS boiler plate code for the currently selected layer.
// Example:
# Import Table Cell from Sketch
tableCell = layers.Table_Cell