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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am gigyas on github.
  • I am gigyas ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBfqekTQtlvpaNsv1BJCRauEshjxZCYiOHIvroLmgarIAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

gigyas / gist:677704841a9da132028fe03ef25edfaa
Created December 12, 2016 21:33
Get the location of a systemd unit file from the service name
systemctl show -p FragmentPath <service-name>
gigyas /
Created August 7, 2018 21:42
S3 Pre Signed URL with Python
import datetime
from hashlib import sha256
import hmac
import urllib.parse
class SignClient(object):
AWSAccessKeyId = ''
AWSSecretAccessKey = ''
AWSRegion = ''