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import { useFocusRing } from "@react-aria/focus";
import { useListBox, useOption } from "@react-aria/listbox";
import { mergeProps } from "@react-aria/utils";
import { ListProps, ListState, useListState } from "@react-stately/list";
import { Node } from "@react-types/shared";
import { useRef } from "react";
interface ListBoxProps<T> extends ListProps<T> {
label?: string;
interface FruitMap {
'Apple': AppleFruit;
'Banana': BananaFruit;
type FruitName = keyof FruitMap;
type Fruit = FruitMap[FruitName]
interface FruitBase<Type extends FruitName> {
type FruitTemplate<Type extends string, Props> ={ type: Type } & Props
type Fruit =
| AppleFruit
| BananaFruit
type AppleFruit = FruitTemplate<'Apple', {
sliced: boolean;
peeled: boolean;
import React, {
CSSProperties, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState, useRef,
} from 'react';
import Head from 'next/head';
import { Pos } from '../models/Length';
const DraggablePage: React.FC = () => {
const [dragging, setDragging] = useState(false);
const [from, setFrom] = useState<Pos>({ x: 0, y: 0 });
const [pointerType, setPointerType] = useState('');

「JavaScript のまま TypeScript を始める」 + TypeScriptもくもく

JSConf Japan 2019 のセッション「JavaScript のまま TypeScript を始める」をまたお話します。30分。

セッションの後はもくもく会です。TypeScript を知ってる方も知らない方もお越しください。(知ってる方、別にメンターのような役割をして頂かなくても大丈夫です。お気軽に。)


JavaScript のまま TypeScript を始める

$ firebase setup:emulators:firestore
i  firestore: downloading cloud-firestore-emulator-v1.9.0.jar... 
Progress: ===================================================> (100% of 61MB

Firebase と React Router でさくさく SPA を作るハンズオン

React と Firebase を組み合わせるとアプリをさくさく作れるのでおすすめです。そういう構成の一例を一緒に組み立てていきましょう。自作アプリを作りたい方向けです。

9 月のハンズオンの内容と合わせて利用すると強いかと思います。



const { Client, DefaultMediaReceiver } = require('castv2-client');
const googleTTS = require('google-tts-api');
const address = '';
const message = {
language: undefined, // default: 'en'
body: 'Hello World!',
speed: undefined, // default: 1
timeout: undefined, // default: 1000
(async () => {
const token = prompt('Token?');
const selector = 'all';
const url = `${selector}/effects/breathe`;
const params = {
color: 'red',
cycles: 3,

Coding notes

[WIP] Component categories

TODO: find better names

The word "component" is so general that we leave it from our categories.

  • pages ... Largest components
  • organizations ... Small size components