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export S3_ENABLED=true
export THIS_THING="asdf"
glennfu /
Created October 30, 2015 17:42
My Git Cheatsheet

Create a remote branch

git pull git push origin master:refs/heads/new_branch git co -b new_branch --track origin/new_branch

Create a remote branch from your current branch

git push origin localbranch:remotebranch

Delete a remote branch

git push origin :remote_branch_name

default: -r features/support/env.rb -r features/support/plain.rb -r features/step_definitions features/plain --format progress features --tags ~@pending
selenium: -r features/support/env.rb -r features/support/enhanced.rb -r features/step_definitions features/enhanced features/plain --format progress features --tags ~@pending
function precmd() {
echo -ne "\033]2;${PWD##*/}\a" # set window title to the current folder
function preexec() {
if [ "$1" = "rs" ]; then
echo -ne "\033]6;1;bg;red;brightness;180\a"
echo -ne "\033]6;1;bg;green;brightness;205\a"
echo -ne "\033]6;1;bg;blue;brightness;90\a"