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glenwatson / gist:2949358
Created June 18, 2012 16:49
table to unordered list
<script src="" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var unorderedGradesList = $('<ul></ul>') //Create the unordered list to put the grades into
$('tr > td').each(function(index, element) //Get the table's contents and loop over them
glenwatson /
Created March 21, 2013 00:02
Collections.sort() defers to Arrays.sort()
* Src is the source array that starts at index 0
* Dest is the (possibly larger) array destination with a possible offset
* low is the index in dest to start sorting
* high is the end index in dest to end sorting
* off is the offset into src corresponding to low in dest
private static void mergeSort(Object[] src,
Object[] dest,
int low, int high, int off,
String.prototype.hackability = function() {
var toppasswords = /password|123456|12345678|1234|qwerty|12345|dragon|pussy|baseball|football|letmein|monkey|696969|abc123|mustang|michael|shadow|master|jennifer|111111|2000|jordan|superman|harley|1234567|fuckme|hunter|fuckyou|trustno1|ranger|buster|thomas|tigger|robert|soccer|fuck|batman|test|pass|killer|hockey|george|charlie|andrew|michelle|love|sunshine|jessica|asshole|6969|pepper|daniel|access|123456789|654321|joshua|maggie|starwars|silver|william|dallas|yankees|123123|ashley|666666|hello|amanda|orange|biteme|freedom|computer|sexy|thunder|nicole|ginger|heather|hammer|summer|corvette|taylor|fucker|austin|1111|merlin|matthew|121212|golfer|cheese|princess|martin|chelsea|patrick|richard|diamond|yellow|bigdog|secret|asdfgh|sparky|cowboy|camaro|anthony|matrix|falcon|iloveyou|bailey|guitar|jackson|purple|scooter|phoenix|aaaaaa|morgan|tigers|porsche|mickey|maverick|cookie|nascar|peanut|justin|131313|money|horny|samantha|panties|steelers|joseph|snoopy|boomer|whatever|ice
public List<Snippet> listSnippets() throws IOException {
File[] txtfiles = DIRECTORY.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File file) {
return file.isFile() && !file.isHidden() && file.getName().endsWith(".txt");
File[] titlefiles = DIRECTORY.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File file) {
return file.isFile() && !file.isHidden() && title.getName().endsWith(".title");
glenwatson / doesntwork
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
md() vs. not-md()
function md() {
mkdir $1 && cd $1
def insert_row_at(self, values, row_idx):
""""Adds a row to the beginning of the worksheet and populates it with values.
Widens the worksheet if there are more values than columns.
:param values: List of values for the new row.
data_width = len(values)
if self.col_count < data_width:
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.TDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics;
public class ConfidenceIntervalApp {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// data we want to evaluate: average height of 30 one year old male and female toddlers
// interestingly, at this age height is not bimodal yet
double data[] = new double[] { 63.5, 81.3, 88.9, 63.5, 76.2, 67.3, 66.0, 64.8, 74.9, 81.3, 76.2, 72.4, 76.2, 81.3, 71.1, 80.0, 73.7, 74.9, 76.2, 86.4, 73.7, 81.3, 68.6, 71.1, 83.8, 71.1, 68.6, 81.3, 73.7, 74.9 };