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glob globau

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pathlib import Path
import argparse
import functools
import json
import re
import urllib.request as url_request
import urllib.parse as url_parse
globau /
Last active February 14, 2023 14:01
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import datetime
import functools
import json
import urllib.parse as url_parse
import urllib.request as url_request
from pathlib import Path
hg 5.9.3
2021-12-07T15:57:20,488: [io 140374578356632 /Users/byron/dev/mozilla-central] ... wake up (pinged=false)
2021-12-07T15:57:20,488: [io 140374578356632 /Users/byron/dev/mozilla-central] poll_events timeout=5120msms
2021-12-07T15:57:21,171: [notify 140374578356632 /Users/byron/dev/mozilla-central] fsevents: got /Users/byron/dev/mozilla-central/.hg 20400 InodeMetaMod ItemIsDir
2021-12-07T15:57:21,171: [notify 140374578356632 /Users/byron/dev/mozilla-central] add_pending: /Users/byron/dev/mozilla-central/.hg VIA_NOTIFY
2021-12-07T15:57:21,171: [notify 140374578356632 /Users/byron/dev/mozilla-central] fsevents: got /Users/byron/dev/mozilla-central/.hg/.blackbox.log-thgae81s1~ 110300 ItemCreated ItemRemoved ItemIsFile
2021-12-07T15:57:21,171: [notify 140374578356632 /Users/byron/dev/mozilla-central] add_pending: /Users/byron/dev/mozilla-central/.hg/.blackbox.log-thgae81s1~ VIA_NOTIFY
2021-12-07T15:57:21,171: [notify 140374578356632 /Users/byron/dev/mozilla-central] fsevents: got /Users/byron/dev/mozilla
package xyz.australiasmp.tpa;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
diff --git a/gulp/package.json b/gulp/package.json
index 9c3d018..02cc854 100644
--- a/gulp/package.json
+++ b/gulp/package.json
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
"flatted": "^2.0.1",
"fs-extra": "^8.1.0",
"gulp-audiosprite": "^1.1.0",
+ "gulp-newy": "^2.0.4",
"howler": "^2.1.2",
diff --git a/gulp/sounds.js b/gulp/sounds.js
index c38e7a6..c1459ef 100644
--- a/gulp/sounds.js
+++ b/gulp/sounds.js
@@ -46,20 +46,14 @@ function gulptasksSounds($, gulp, buildFolder) {
.src([path.join(soundsDir, "music", "**", "*.wav"), path.join(soundsDir, "music", "**", "*.mp3")])
- $.cache(
- $.fluentFfmpeg("mp3", function (cmd) {
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.GameMode;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.SoundCategory;
def venv_broken(self, *, full_check=False):
# check if a venv is broken (eg. after a python upgrade)
# full_check validates the #! line of each bin/ script
logger.debug("checking venv %s", self.venv_path)
bin_path = self.venv_path / "bin"
for bin_name in ("python3", "pip3"):
if not (bin_path / bin_name).exists():
logger.debug("%s not found", bin_path / bin_name)
python3 -X importtime ./mach
import time: self [us] | cumulative | imported package
import time: 647 | 647 | _frozen_importlib_external
import time: 604 | 604 | time
import time: 245 | 849 | zipimport
import time: 80 | 80 | _codecs
import time: 738 | 817 | codecs
import time: 1074 | 1074 | encodings.aliases
import time: 1270 | 3161 | encodings
usage: mach [global arguments] command [command arguments]
mach (German for "do") is the main interface to the Mozilla build system and
common developer tasks.
You tell mach the command you want to perform and it does it for you.
Some common commands are:
mach build Build/compile the source tree.