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glukki / configuration.nix
Created May 4, 2024 05:25
Setting up Resilio Sync on NixOS
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
let sharedDirectory = "/var/www/midlib";
in {
# Network
networking = {
firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 4444 ]; # let connect directly to Resilio Sync
# System
glukki / main.ts
Last active January 20, 2022 13:55
Proxmark3 Easy LF Ferrite Antenna for Implant Calculator
const CoilLDRatioToCapacitanceFactor = [[0.1, 0.96], [0.125, 0.875], [0.15, 0.79], [0.175, 0.745], [0.2, 0.7], [0.225, 0.67], [0.25, 0.64], [0.275, 0.62], [0.3, 0.6], [0.325, 0.585], [0.35, 0.57], [0.375, 0.555], [0.4, 0.54], [0.425, 0.53], [0.45, 0.52], [0.475, 0.51], [0.5, 0.5], [0.525, 0.495], [0.55, 0.49], [0.575, 0.485], [0.6, 0.48], [0.625, 0.4775], [0.65, 0.475], [0.675, 0.4725], [0.7, 0.47], [0.725, 0.4675], [0.75, 0.465], [0.775, 0.4625], [0.8, 0.46], [0.825, 0.46], [0.85, 0.46], [0.875, 0.46], [0.9, 0.46], [0.925, 0.46], [0.95, 0.46], [0.975, 0.46], [1, 0.46], [1.125, 0.4625], [1.25, 0.465], [1.375, 0.4675], [1.5, 0.47], [1.625, 0.4775], [1.75, 0.485], [1.875, 0.4925], [2, 0.5], [2.125, 0.515], [2.25, 0.53], [2.375, 0.545], [2.5, 0.56], [2.625, 0.5725], [2.75, 0.585], [2.875, 0.5975], [3, 0.61], [3.125, 0.625], [3.25, 0.64], [3.375, 0.655], [3.5, 0.67], [3.625, 0.6825], [3.75, 0.695], [3.875, 0.7075], [4, 0.72], [4.125, 0.7325], [4.25, 0.745], [4.375, 0.7575], [4.5, 0.77], [4.625, 0.78], [4.75, 0.79
glukki /
Created October 16, 2020 13:49
Bash scripts starter pack
// ==UserScript==
// @name Free WiFi Reconnect
// @namespace
// @description Detects free Wi-Fi timelimit expiration and logs you back in
// @version 0.0.5
// @updateURL
// @match
// @match *://*
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @copyright 2014+, Vitaliy Meschaninov
glukki / .gitconfig
Last active December 17, 2015 06:49
Gitshots @ Windows 8
ci = !powershell "gitshot" && git commit