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glycerine /
Created April 26, 2020 01:07 — forked from voidexp/
Go development environment on Windows with MSYS2

Go development environment on Windows with MSYS2

Normally, it is sufficient to grab the Go MSI installer from the website in order to set up the toolchain. However, some packages that provide Go wrappers for C libraries rely on cgo tool, which in turn, needs the GCC toolchain in order to build the glue code. Also, 3rd-party dependencies are usually hosted on services like GitHub, thus Git is also needed. This mini-guide illustrates how to setup a convenient development environment on Windows using MSYS2.

glycerine / gist:5bb156bdeea314b215fc2816500bd759
Created January 16, 2019 02:18
compare go1.12beta2 and go1.10.7 compile times
(env3) jaten@Jasons-MBP ~/go/src/ (generate) $ go version
go version
go version go1.12beta2 darwin/amd64
(env3) jaten@Jasons-MBP ~/go/src/ (generate) $ time go install -a -toolexec=time -x
time go install -a -toolexec=time -x
mkdir -p $WORK/b004/
mkdir -p $WORK/b010/
cat >$WORK/b004/importcfg << 'EOF' # internal
# import config
glycerine / luajit-ffi-pushcdata.c
Created January 17, 2018 21:47 — forked from rtsisyk/luajit-ffi-pushcdata.c
An example how to work with CDATA (LuaJIT FFI) objects using lua_State
void *
luaL_pushcdata(struct lua_State *L, uint32_t ctypeid, uint32_t size)
* ctypeid is actually has CTypeID type.
* CTypeId is defined somewhere inside luajit's internal headers
* which should not be included in init.h header.
static_assert(sizeof(ctypeid) == sizeof(CTypeID),
glycerine / ProFi.lua
Created January 13, 2018 22:00 — forked from perky/ProFi.lua
ProFi, a simple lua profiler that works with LuaJIT and prints a pretty report file in columns.
ProFi v1.3, by Luke Perkin 2012. MIT Licence
ProFi = require 'ProFi'
coroutine.resume( some_coroutine )
glycerine /
Created April 17, 2017 07:07 — forked from dpino/
Setup a network namespace with Internet access
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -x
glycerine / bash transcript
Created January 13, 2017 03:32
build attempt beta-20170112 cockroachdb
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
~/go/src/ (master) $ git checkout beta-20170112
Note: checking out 'beta-20170112'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
// how can we do a tree in Rust, where each node
// tells its children to update, and in turn, the
// child may update the parent?
// The following example illustrates the technique. Notice how we
// can't let the children have full backpointers to
// parent nodes, and instead have to have them point
// back to Otherwise the two paths
// (parent) and (parent->child) overlap, and modifying
// parent could unsafely clobber (parent->child) use.
glycerine /
Created November 2, 2015 18:34 — forked from bradfitz/
# Brad's el-ghetto do-our-storage-stacks-lie?-script
sub usage {
die <<'END';
Usage: -s <server[:port]> verify <file> -s <server[:port]> create <file> <size_in_MB> -l [port]
package main
// simple example to show how to process one message at a time with nsq using the go-nsq client library.
// see config stuff in var below to play around with different scenarios.
import (
just a couple of hints as you are learning the language
I do very little with apply. If necessary to process a matrix in row form, as this seems to be doing, I would define a function that did the row transformation, then apply it once.
sort takes the very useful additional parameter index=T, which will return the sorted order, obviating the need to do separate ranking.
For really sophisticated searching of sorted things, there is findInterval, which does binary search. It took me a while to find it in R. But it's incredibly nice. Here's an example of using sort (with i=T), and findInterval together.
# si.sample() :
# put a arbitrarily sampled sequence of events into a regularly sampled line,