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"photo" :
"name" : "N.Y. / Region: Just Add Water",
"from" :
"name" : "The New York Times",
"category" : "Communications",
"id" : "5281959998"
<entry xmlns="" xmlns:activity="" xmlns:service="" xmlns:thr="" xmlns:gnip="">
<title>The New York Times posted a video to Facebook</title>
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<title>Facebook - Fan Page - Posts (by page owner, no comments) - nytimes</title>
"note" :
"from" :
"name" : "Vishal Patil",
"id" : "100001363580341"
"id" : "5027904559_417872574559",
"to" :
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<title>Vishal Patil posted a note to Facebook</title>
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<title>Facebook - Fan Page - Feed (no comments) - shakira</title>
"page" :
"name" : "The New York Times",
"category" : "Communications",
"username" : "nytimes",
"id" : "5281959998",
"mission" : "The New York Times’s core purpose is to enhance society by creating, collecting and distributing high-quality news, information and entertainment.",
"products" : "The New York Times Company, a leading media company, includes The New York Times, the International Herald Tribune, The Boston Globe, 15 other daily newspapers, and more than 50 Web sites, including, and",
"fan_count" : "667798",
"note" :
"from" :
"name" : "Amethyst Rl",
"id" : "1360422051"
"id" : "5027904559_417878469559",
"to" :
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<title>Amethyst Rl posted a note to Facebook</title>
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<title>Facebook - Fan Page - Feed (with comments) - shakira</title>
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<category scheme="" term=""/>
<category scheme="" term="Animals" label="Pets & Animals"/>
<category scheme="" term="xon"/>
<category scheme="" term="cat"/>
<category scheme="" term="black cat"/>
<title type="text">Xon As A Kitten</title>
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<title>k8wtfx posted a video to YouTube</title>
<category term="VideoPosted" label="Video Posted"/>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/>
<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href=""/>
<title>YouTube - Keyword - Uploads - kitten</title>
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<yt:state name="restricted" reasonCode="limitedSyndication">Syndication of this video was restricted by its owner.</yt:state>
<category scheme="" term="Shows" label="Shows"/>
<category scheme="" term="Win a Trip"/>
<category scheme="" term="Nicholas Kristof"/>