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gnoluv gnoluv9x

Working from home
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gnoluv9x /
Created March 27, 2024 02:44 — forked from silver-xu/
Setup a Node.js project with Typescript, ESLint, Prettier, Husky

Setup a Node.js project with Typescript, ESLint, Prettier, Husky


Starting a personal node project could be easy; starting a team node project could be challenging.

I am a developer currently working in SEEK Australia.

In my experience, common mistakes developer make when starting a projects are:

  • No Linting
paulnguyen-mn /
Created June 25, 2020 15:46
Lộ trình học ReactJS cơ bản cho người mới bắt đầu 2020 🚀

Lộ trình học ReactJS cơ bản cho người mới bắt đầu 2020 🎉

  • Đôi tượng: mới bắt đầu học ReactJS mà không biết học những gì.
  • Yêu cầu kiến thức:
silver-xu /
Last active June 19, 2024 15:10
Setup a Node.js project with Typescript, ESLint, Prettier, Husky

Setup a Node.js project with Typescript, ESLint, Prettier, Husky


Starting a personal node project could be easy; starting a team node project could be challenging.

I am a developer currently working in SEEK Australia.

In my experience, common mistakes developer make when starting a projects are:

  • No Linting
bluzky / slug.js
Last active April 8, 2024 05:01
Remove vietnamese accent javascript / Bỏ dấu tiếng Việt
function stringToSlug(str) {
// remove accents
var from = "àáãảạăằắẳẵặâầấẩẫậèéẻẽẹêềếểễệđùúủũụưừứửữựòóỏõọôồốổỗộơờớởỡợìíỉĩịäëïîöüûñçýỳỹỵỷ",
to = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeduuuuuuuuuuuoooooooooooooooooiiiiiaeiiouuncyyyyy";
for (var i=0, l=from.length ; i < l ; i++) {
str = str.replace(RegExp(from[i], "gi"), to[i]);
str = str.toLowerCase()
jarvisluong / nonAccentVietnamese.js
Last active June 12, 2024 06:12
Converting standard Vietnamese Characters to non-accent ones (Chuyển đổi ký tự tiếng Việt sang không dấu). Example: hải -> hai
// This function converts the string to lowercase, then perform the conversion
function toLowerCaseNonAccentVietnamese(str) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
// We can also use this instead of from line 11 to line 17
// str = str.replace(/\u00E0|\u00E1|\u1EA1|\u1EA3|\u00E3|\u00E2|\u1EA7|\u1EA5|\u1EAD|\u1EA9|\u1EAB|\u0103|\u1EB1|\u1EAF|\u1EB7|\u1EB3|\u1EB5/g, "a");
// str = str.replace(/\u00E8|\u00E9|\u1EB9|\u1EBB|\u1EBD|\u00EA|\u1EC1|\u1EBF|\u1EC7|\u1EC3|\u1EC5/g, "e");
// str = str.replace(/\u00EC|\u00ED|\u1ECB|\u1EC9|\u0129/g, "i");
// str = str.replace(/\u00F2|\u00F3|\u1ECD|\u1ECF|\u00F5|\u00F4|\u1ED3|\u1ED1|\u1ED9|\u1ED5|\u1ED7|\u01A1|\u1EDD|\u1EDB|\u1EE3|\u1EDF|\u1EE1/g, "o");
// str = str.replace(/\u00F9|\u00FA|\u1EE5|\u1EE7|\u0169|\u01B0|\u1EEB|\u1EE9|\u1EF1|\u1EED|\u1EEF/g, "u");
// str = str.replace(/\u1EF3|\u00FD|\u1EF5|\u1EF7|\u1EF9/g, "y");
hu2di / ConvertVie.js
Last active July 2, 2024 13:56
JavaScript: Chuyển tiếng Việt có dấu sang không dấu
function removeVietnameseTones(str) {
str = str.replace(/à|á|ạ|ả|ã|â|ầ|ấ|ậ|ẩ|ẫ|ă|ằ|ắ|ặ|ẳ|ẵ/g,"a");
str = str.replace(/è|é|ẹ|ẻ|ẽ|ê|ề|ế|ệ|ể|ễ/g,"e");
str = str.replace(/ì|í|ị|ỉ|ĩ/g,"i");
str = str.replace(/ò|ó|ọ|ỏ|õ|ô|ồ|ố|ộ|ổ|ỗ|ơ|ờ|ớ|ợ|ở|ỡ/g,"o");
str = str.replace(/ù|ú|ụ|ủ|ũ|ư|ừ|ứ|ự|ử|ữ/g,"u");
str = str.replace(/ỳ|ý|ỵ|ỷ|ỹ/g,"y");
str = str.replace(/đ/g,"d");
str = str.replace(/À|Á|Ạ|Ả|Ã|Â|Ầ|Ấ|Ậ|Ẩ|Ẫ|Ă|Ằ|Ắ|Ặ|Ẳ|Ẵ/g, "A");
str = str.replace(/È|É|Ẹ|Ẻ|Ẽ|Ê|Ề|Ế|Ệ|Ể|Ễ/g, "E");
lopspower /
Last active July 3, 2024 18:19
Hexadecimal color code for transparency

Hexadecimal color code for transparency


How to set transparency with hex value ?

For example, you want to set 40% alpha transparence to #000000 (black color), you need to add 66 like this #66000000.

Download This sample on Google Play Store