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Jeremy Wilken gnomeontherun

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gnomeontherun /
Last active September 18, 2015 18:41
Web Components: What's in a name?

The term "component" is overloaded in frontend development. There are Web Components, Angular Components, Ember Components, and React Components. What makes them different? How do these all behave?

Examine the principles behind these various types of components and how they address the concepts of reusability, modularity, and encapsulation. Under the hood, these different approaches often solve the same problems, but there are tradeoffs.

You'll see a set of examples built with Web Components, Angular, Ember, and React that demonstrate how the different approaches work and expose some of the limitations they have.

gnomeontherun /
Last active September 18, 2015 18:29
Building an Angular 2 App with TypeScript

Learn how to structure and build an Angular 2 app using TypeScript and ES6. Angular 2 comes with some new paradigms and features that make it a powerful tool for today's web.

Using an example driven approach, you'll dig into components and how they encapsulate small pieces of reusable functionality. Get practical training on the Angular 2 architecture, how TypeScript can improve your applications, and how features of ES6 make Angular 2 more approachable and easier to work with.

If you're familiar with Angular 1, this is a chance to see how it differs from Angular 2 and learn about the upgrade path.

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