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Last active June 21, 2016 21:10
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Tiny static site generator, with <?js "templates" ?>

HTMX - static document generator, with Javascript preprocessing

Use Javascript where you would ordinarily use PHP or some templating language.

STATUS: v0.0.2 so alpha it hurts

This has just been hacked together, so expect a bumpy ride.


$ echo "1::b::3" | htmx --context "{b:'2'}"
→ 123

Default script delimiters are the same for left and right side. Double colon :: was chosen for it's scarse use in websites source-code.

You can set it up with ['<\\?', '\\?>'] delimiters for PHP-like short tags.

If your Javascript returns an object structure instead of a text response, (say some vDOM) you can use the preprocess() function to layout the final output.


npm install -g htmx

Node.js Quickstart

fs= require('fs'),
htmx= require('htmx')()

  'test.html',                                // → "123"
    fs.readFileSync('test.htmx').toString(),  // → "1::b::3"
    fs.readFileSync('test.js').toString()     // → "{b:2}"

Shell Quickstart

$ cat index.html
→ "1::b::3"
$ cat index.js
→ {b:'2'}
$ htmx --context index.js  --template index.html
→ 123
// -c can be a JSON string
// if -t is missing, STDIN is used instead
$ htmx --root .  --build ../build  // see
// builds current dir, using index.js for context, if exists

F. A. Q. (advanced usage)

All shell options can be shortened, as long as they are distinguishable.
So the --root option can become -r and the --context option can become -c

Use the --delimiter option like so: htmx -d \\\{\\\{ \\\}\\\}. Yes, I know.
RegExp escape, shell escape, no quotes, weird space in the middle. PRs welcome.

The preprocess() function lives in the preprocess.js module, which you will have to hack on. PRs welcome.


PHP is way too clunky still. Things like Jinja's filter pipes in Javascript naturally become chains, the script return value naturally becomes the response, I mean, I didn't do much to make all this work, not at all.

Javascript is a fine templating language, when used like this.

fs= require('fs'),
readFile= fs.readFileSync,
writeFile= fs.writeFileSync,
statPath= fs.statSync,
JSON= /^\s*\{[^]*\}\s*$/gi
// relaxed Javascript Object, for use with eval([js]).pop()
module.exports= function (HTMX){
function unpickle (__json){ return eval ('[' + __json + ']')[0] }
test= process.argv.slice(2).join(' '),
getParam= function (name){
return new RegExp(name + '\\s+([^]*?)\\s*(-|$)', 'gi') },
dir= getParam('[-]?-b\\w*').exec(test),
ctx= getParam('[-]?-c\\w*').exec(test),
tpl= getParam('[-]?-t\\w*').exec(test),
dat= getParam('[-]?-r\\w*').exec(test)
// TODO: yuck, replace this shit
delim= /[-]?-d\w*\s+([^]*?)\s([^]*?)\s*(-|$)/gi.exec(test)
if (delim) delim= [delim[1], delim[2]]
render= HTMX(delim)
if (dir) {
dir= dir[1]
var isdir
try {
isdir= statPath(dir).isDirectory
} catch (_) { }
if (!isdir)
throw new Error("--build isn't a directory, can't read")
if (dat){
dat= dat[1]
if (!dir)
throw new Error("--build directory required")
// TODO: for each file in `dat` recursively, `render()` that fucker, with it's `ctx`
process.stderr.write( 'TODO: not implemented, PRs welcome')
} else {
tpl && (tpl= tpl[1])
if (ctx){
ctx= ctx[1],
process.stderr.write('Running ' + (tpl || 'STDIN') + ' with ' + ctx + "\n")
if (ctx && ctx.match( JSON)){
ctx= unpickle( ctx)
} else {
try {
ctx= unpickle( readFile( ctx).toString())
} catch (_){
throw new Error("--context not a Javascript object, can't read as filename")
if (tpl){
try {
var out= render( readFile( tpl).toString(), ctx)
} catch (TemplateException){
if ('ENOENT' == TemplateException.code)
throw new Error("--template can't be read as filename")
else {
process.stderr.write( "Can't render template")
throw TemplateException
if (!dir)
process.stdout.write( out)
writeFile( dir + '/' + tpl.split('/').pop(), out)
} else {
tpl= []
process.stdin.on('readable', function (){
process.stdin.on('end', function (){
if (tpl)
process.stdout.write( render( tpl.join(''), ctx))
#!/usr/bin/env node
// build a --template, or a whole project --root directory
// default context filename is `index.js` for dirs, unless --context
// specify a --build directory to output there, instead of STDOUT
preprocess= require('./preprocess'),
// here you can pre-process the response before final output
DELIM= ["::", "::"], // or use ["<\\?js", "\\?>"] to get `1<?js2?>3` → `123`
// describe your document context in JSON, then use <?js ?> for the template
// i.e. root/index.json {a:1, b:"hi"} , index.html <!doctype html> ::b+a:: → "hi1"
JSON= /^\s*\{[^]*\}\s*$/gi
// relaxed Javascript Object, for use with eval([js]).pop()
function HTMX (delim){
function unpickle (__ctx, __js){ with (__ctx){ return eval (__js) }}
NOT_DELIM= ANY= "([^]*?)"
return (function (delim, pre){
return function renderTemplateWithContext (t, c){
r= t.split( new RegExp(delim.join( NOT_DELIM), 'ig')),
n= 0, s,
c= c || {}
do {
s= 3 *n + 1
if (r[s] && r[s].match( JSON)){
r[s]= unpickle( c, '[' + r[s] + ']')[0]
r[s]= c, r[s])
r[s]= r[s].return
} else {
r[s]= unpickle( c, r[s])
n += 1
} while (void 0 !== r[3 *n])
return r.join(EMPTY_STR)
})(delim || DELIM, preprocess)
if (require.main === module){
if (2 >= process.argv.length)
throw new Error("use --root with --build, or --template with --context")
} else
module.exports= HTMX
"name": "htmx",
"version": "0.0.2",
"description": "Use Javascript in place of PHP",
"homepage": "",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"author": "Yuli Che. <>",
"license": "MIT",
"keywords": [
"main": "htmx.js",
"bin": "htmx.js",
"files": [
// TODO: maybe set delim and preproc on the HTMX() object, or pass it in an options obj
function preprocess (res){
return res
module.exports= preprocess


  • require command-line-args
  • build
  • watch

Maybe this can grow to be a PHP-like execution environment, so that live HTTP responses can be generated and served.


v0.0.2 alpha

  • fix npm install -g htmx

v0.0.1 alpha

  • npm package
  • preprocess, for doing whatever you want before scriptlet's final output
  • renderTemplateWithContext, module's main functionality
  • DELIM, for custom scriptlet delimiters, i. e. var htmx= require('htmx')( ['<%', '%>'] )
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