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Decode Ways 23.1% Medium
3Sum 25.1% Medium
Word Ladder 26.2% Medium
Validate Binary Search Tree 26.6% Medium
Largest Number 26.8% Medium
class Game extends Compoent {
renderActions() {
const { history } = this.state;
const selectedCell = this.getSelectedCell();
const prefilled = selectedCell && selectedCell.get('prefilled');
return (
<div className="actions">
<div className="action" onClick={history.size ? this.undo : null}>
<ReloadIcon />Undo
class Game extends Compoent {
eraseSelected = () => {
const selectedCell = this.getSelectedCell();
if (!selectedCell) return;
fillSelectedWithSolution = () => {
const { board, solution } = this.state;
class Game extends Compoent {
redo = () => {
const { history } = this.state;
let { historyOffSet } = this.state;
if (history.size) {
historyOffSet = Math.min(history.size - 1, historyOffSet + 1);
const board = history.get(historyOffSet);
this.setState({ board, historyOffSet });
import { List } from 'immutable';
class Game extends Compoent {
constructor(props) {
generateGame = (finalCount = 20) => {
// get a filled puzzle generated
class Game extends Compoent {
renderNumberControl() {
const selectedCell = this.getSelectedCell();
const prefilled = selectedCell && selectedCell.get('prefilled');
return (
<div className="control">
{range(9).map((i) => {
const number = i + 1;
// handles binding single click and double click callbacks
function getNumberOfGroupsAssignedForNumber(number, groups) {
return groups.reduce((accumulator, row) =>
accumulator + (row.get(number) > 0 ? 1 : 0), 0);
class Game extends Compoent {
// get the min between its completion in rows, columns and squares.
getNumberValueCount(number) {
const rows = this.state.board.getIn(['choices', 'rows']);
const columns = this.state.board.getIn(['choices', 'columns']);
import { Set } from 'immutable';
* give the coordinate update the current board with a number choice
* @param x
* @param y
* @param number
* @param fill whether to set or unset
* @param board the immutable board given to change
function updateBoardWithNumber({
const NumberControl = ({ number, onClick, completionPercentage }) => (
<CirclularProgress percent={completionPercentage} />
<style jsx>{NumberControlStyle}</style>
export function isPeer(a, b) {
if (!a || !b) return false;
const squareA = ((Math.floor(a.x / 3)) * 3) + Math.floor(a.y / 3);
const squareB = ((Math.floor(b.x / 3)) * 3) + Math.floor(b.y / 3);
return a.x === b.x || a.y === b.y || squareA === squareB;
class Game extends Compoent {
isConflict(i, j) {