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:date: '2020-03-20'
- - Van Horn, Texas
- - Chernobyl
- - Museu Coleção Berardo, Lisabon
- - Galleria d'Arte Moderna - Milano
alias gita="git add"
alias gitb="git branch"
alias gitc="git commit"
alias gitc-partial='git commit -p'
alias gitd="git diff"
alias gitdpm="git diff production/master..master/master"
alias gitl="git log"
alias gitm="git merge"
alias gitmmm="git merge master/master"
alias gits="git svn"
gorenje / Store Motion
Last active September 29, 2016 18:30
Store motion animated gif

Start screencapture in terminal, a single character will trigger a screencapture:

function _start_screencapture
    for n in `seq -f %03g 0 100` ; do
        if read -n 1 ; then
            screencapture -t png ~/Desktop/capture-${n}.png
            echo "Taken " ${n}
gorenje / Impossible Mission Cheat
Last active March 14, 2017 17:41
Impossible Mission cheat codes

Cheat notes for Impossible Mission - (Javascript version)

Start by creating a new tab and opening the console - i.e. "inspect element", then load mission impossible

Then in the console you can do a number of things:

  • Give yourself 1000 Snoozes
>>> game.snoozes = 1000
require 'rubygems'
require 'fileutils'
#require 'active_record'
#require 'sqlite3'
#require 'readline'
require 'ostruct'
#require 'ruby-prof'
require 'optparse'
require 'hpricot'
require 'addressable/uri'
gorenje /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24

Woogas Office Weather - Wow!

At Wooga, we're very conscious about our work environment and the happiness of everyone working here. So when some Woogas moved to 3rd floor in winter and began to feel tired and complain of headaches, we knew something was not right.

After a bit of research, we came up with the idea that perhaps the air could a little to sticky. So we decided to start measuring the CO2 levels.

gorenje / timer.ino
Last active December 24, 2015 20:09
// -*- c -*-
#define MINUTES(x) x * 60L * 1000L
#define HOURS(x) x * MINUTES(60L)
* Pin 10 is the light
* Pin 9 is the pump
#define PUMP_PIN 9
parse_git_branch ()
ref=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) || return;
local a="";
local ro=$(git config --get branch.${lb}.remote || echo "origin");
local rb=$(git config --get branch.${lb}.merge);
local ab=;
if [ "" != "${rb}" ]; then
## leave running
while [ 1 ] ; do curl -v "" 2>&1 >/dev/null | awk '/Trying/ { printf $3; } /[<] HTTP\/1.1/ { print $3 " " $4; }'; done | tee -a results.txt
## then
sort results.txt | uniq -c | grep -v "0 0"