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gotjosh gotjosh

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This is my response to an email asking about Domain-Driven Design in golang project.

Thank you for getting in touch. Below you will find my thoughts on how golang works with DDD, changing it. This is merely a perception of how things worked out for us in a single project.

That project has a relatively well-known domain. My colleagues on this project are very knowledgeable, thoughtful and invested in quality design. The story spelled out below is a result of countless hours spent discussing and refining the approach.

Conclusions could be very different, if there was a different project, team or a story-teller.

Short story

gotjosh / gist:8105782
Last active April 8, 2017 04:59
Pixel Perfect Tree's - Full Stack Developer

Pixel Perfect Tree - Full Stack Developer.

Hi there!

We’ve cleared out our desks to make space for a new member at Pixel Perfect Tree. We're a company that's 100% self bootstrap, we had an amazing year and continue to grow on a steady pace.

Our quest searching for a passionate and savvy full-stack developer has just begun.

The lucky developer will have the responsibility of defending our company’s honour fighting imaginary dragons and ogres along our skilled knights from the Order of the Pixel in our Santo Domingo office (however, if you are a wizard and prefer to fight from afar, remote work is a possibility for the right candidate). You'll be expected to not only to write code but also provide your insight on projects and technologies used.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am gotjosh on github.
  • I am gotjosh ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCBd6Tht6Om-UwNHP_Uuu2OzWC6Pvm1PjqbQdu8ChR86Ao

To claim this, I am signing this object:

class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
enum format: [:standard, :draft, :cube, :pauper, :modern, :board_games, :commander, :free_for_all, :sealed_deck, :two_headed_giant]
validates :title, presence: true
validates :date, presence: true
validates :format, presence: true
validates :price, presence: true
scope :weekly, -> { where(date: :asc).limit(6) }
gotjosh / how.rb
Last active April 22, 2016 14:45
# Current
def initialize(resource = nil)
@resource = resource
def resource
@resource ||= ExternalAdapter.instance.connection)

Pixel Perfect Tree - .NET Full Stack

Hi there!

We are Pixel Perfect Tree. We're a company that's 100% self bootstrap, we're having an amazing year and continue to grow on a steady pace.

Our quest searching for a passionate full-stack .NET developer with an interest in Ruby has just begun.

You'll be expected to write clean code but also provide your insight on projects and technologies used on them.
- si el post original dice "mejor" skip it.
- si dice offtopic you should read it.
- si dije java y .net en la misma oracion skip it.
- Si melvyn arranco el post skip it.
- If it has more than 50 replies skip it.
- if marmolejos answered first skip it.
- if Orly quotes the rules skip it.
- if it contains php next, probably not worth it.
- si dice morrison, dodo o software libre skip it.
gotjosh / gist:5462561
Last active December 16, 2015 16:19
Node controller.
index: function (req,res) {
api_url = api_base_url + '/sandwiches';
request.get(api_url, function(error, response, body){
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
var sandwiches = body;
var totalPages = 50, buttons = 3;
var currentPage = lowerLimit = upperLimit = Math.min(50, totalPages);
for (var b = 1; b < buttons && b < totalPages;) {
if (lowerLimit > 1 ) { lowerLimit--; b++; }
if (b < buttons && upperLimit < totalPages) { upperLimit++; b++; }