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This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
[thread ffffffff][I][58]: Log system initialised
[thread ffffffff][I][144]: Default allowed number of simultaneously open files in the system is 2448.
[thread ffffffff][I][144]: Current memlock limit is 65536.
[thread ffffffff][I][145]: setrlimit(RLIMIT_MEMLOCK) failed, (1) Operation not permitted
[thread ffffffff][I][163]: setup_teb_register() - using LDT entry 13
[thread 00000001][I][167]: Forcing OpenGL Core context usage
[thread 00000001][I][177]: OpenGL Core context version 4.1 detected
[thread 00000001][I][198]: OpenGL information:
[thread 00000001][I][198]: renderer: GeForce GT 540M/PCIe/SSE2
[thread 00000001][I][198]: vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
[thread ffffffff][I][3]: Log system initialised
[thread ffffffff][I][3]: Default allowed number of simultaneously open files in the system is 2448.
[thread ffffffff][I][3]: Current memlock limit is 65536.
[thread ffffffff][I][3]: setrlimit(RLIMIT_MEMLOCK) failed, (1) Operation not permitted
[thread ffffffff][I][4]: setup_teb_register() - using LDT entry 13
[thread 00000001][I][5]: Forcing OpenGL Core context usage
[thread 00000001][I][22]: OpenGL Core context version 4.1 detected
[thread 00000001][I][24]: OpenGL information:
[thread 00000001][I][24]: renderer: GeForce GT 540M/PCIe/SSE2
[thread 00000001][I][24]: vendor: NVIDIA Corporation