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Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
title: 'Simple Form',
bodyPadding: 5,
width: 350,
layout: 'anchor',
defaults: {
anchor: '100%'
#Introduction to Application Architecture
Ext JS provides support for both MVC and MVVM application architectures. Both of these
architectural approaches share certain concepts and focus on dividing application code
along logical lines. Each approach has its strengths based on how it chooses to divide
up the pieces of an application.
The goal of this guide is to provide you with foundational knowledge regarding the
components that make up these architectures.
[12:59:21]Step 4/7: Build Source (Command Line) (3m:40s)
[12:59:21][Step 4/7] Starting: /home/teamcity/buildAgent/temp/agentTmp/custom_script7259852426090459145
[12:59:21][Step 4/7] in directory: /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/2f120a127ae4f7c3/docs/lib
[12:59:23][Step 4/7] (node) v8::ObjectTemplate::Set() with non-primitive values is deprecated
[12:59:23][Step 4/7] (node) and will stop working in the next major release.
[12:59:23][Step 4/7]
[12:59:23][Step 4/7] ==== JS stack trace =========================================
[12:59:23][Step 4/7]
[12:59:23][Step 4/7] Security context: 0x2f5bf74c9e59 <JS Object>#0#
[12:59:23][Step 4/7] 1: .nodeodule.js:568] [pc=0x1bc29da20c24] (this=0x255b817f7f29 <an Object with map 0x28215702f2e9>#1#,module=0x150cedb26291 <a Module with map 0x282157017d41>#2#,filename=0x150cedb26209 <String[111]: /home/teamcity/buildAgent/work/2f120a127ae4f7c3/docs/lib/node_modules/oniguruma/build/Release/onig_scanner.node>)
"version": 1,
"profiles": {
"js": {
"language": "javascript",
"builtins": [
Doxi error: The static property Ext.dom.Element.validNodeTypes shows up with a name of "9"
Ext.dom.Element.callOverridden is understood by Duck to be a method. Doxi believe's it is a property due to how the thing is set up: "BasePrototype.callOverridden = BasePrototype.callParent;"
Ext.dom.Element.focusable is missing. I believe this is Doxi not picking up items like this in a 'deprecated' block.
Ext.dom.Element.getRightMarginFixCleaner documentation is missing from Doxi. Not sure why, yet. (maybe because it's in the overrides file?)
Ext.dom.Element.hide is documented twice in the Doxi output and only once in Duck. Also, seeing 3 setHtml methods. Also, 2 setOpacities. Also 2 setSize. And... a few others