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Greg Fenton gregfenton

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gregfenton / c5_code_challenge_week_1.js
Last active February 26, 2021 17:25
JAVASCRIPT: EvolveU C5 coding challenge - week #1 - answers
// This answer comes in 2 flavours: the "plays nice with others" version and the "hax0rz rUlez!!" version.
const arr2num = (arr) => {
return arr
.reverse() // work from least-to-most significant digits
gregfenton / get_firestore_collection_as_json.js
Last active May 16, 2023 17:38
Downloads all docs in a Firestore collection and stores as a JSON file -- command-line JavaScript/node
* get_firestore_collection_as_json.js
* This code is a "node script" used to fetch all documents from a Firestore collection,
* either in "the cloud" or the emulator, and write them to a file as JSON.
* The script is a "client app", so it logs in with Firebase Auth using email/password from the variable USER1.
* This USER1 user ( must exist in your Firebase project and have read access
* to the collection(s) you are populating. You can create that account via
* Firebase Console >> Authentication.
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
const char* ssid = "xxx";
const char* password = "xxxxxxx";
const char* url = "";
const char* fingerprint = "51 87 10 92 52 38 41 A9 SD 23 V3 23 72 58 SE EF 06 8D 35 4C";
gregfenton / .versionrc.js
Last active February 18, 2023 22:43
EXPO: configuration of standard-version-expo for a code base that has multiple configuration files
/* What?
* A configuration for standard-version-expo that updates multiple config files
* by dynamically identifying them from a sub-directory when you bump the
* version using the `standard-version` tool
* How?
* Modelled from the post by @bycedric:
* Follow the setup instructions listed at the URL above or at
* Why?
gregfenton /
Last active February 26, 2021 17:27
EXPO: a description of ejecting an app from Expo Managed Workflow to run & debug it in Android Studio
gregfenton / android_logcat.log
Last active February 26, 2021 17:27
REACT-NATIVE: output from `logcat` starting just as the UI is clicked to display the component that includes [MapView]( from react-native-maps
09-26 13:53:23.229 1397 5471 W audio_hw_generic: Not supplying enough data to HAL, expected position 2427928 , only wrote 2427853
09-26 13:53:23.236 6517 6654 E unknown:ViewManager: Error while updating prop left
09-26 13:53:23.236 6517 6654 E unknown:ViewManager: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
09-26 13:53:23.236 6517 6654 E unknown:ViewManager: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-26 13:53:23.236 6517 6654 E unknown:ViewManager: at$PropSetter.updateShadowNodeProp(
09-26 13:53:23.236 6517 6654 E unknown:ViewManager: at$FallbackShadowNodeSetter.setProperty(
09-26 13:53:23.236 6517 6654 E unknown:ViewManager: at
09-26 13:53:23.236 6517 6654 E unknown:ViewMa
gregfenton / fetch-user-records-from-google-sheets.js
Last active December 7, 2022 23:00
Downloads data from a Google Sheets worksheet and stores in a local JSON file -- command-line JavaScript/node
* A script that:
* 1. loads Google Sheets API keys and spreadsheet IDs (see GOOGLE_API_KEY)
* 2. connects to the identifed Google Sheet
* 3. grabs the data from a named Worksheet (see SHEET_TO_GET)
* 4. iterates over each row (see processUserRows())
* 5. puts them into a JSON structure
* 6. and writes that out to a file (see FILE_NAME)
* To run this script, I have this in my package.json:
gregfenton / load_json_to_firstore.js
Last active December 4, 2023 16:24
Loads JSON data into a Firestore database (cloud or local emulator) -- command-line JavaScript/node
* load_json_to_firstore.js
* This code is a "node script" used to load data into your Firestore database, either in "the cloud" or the emulator.
* The script is a "client app", so it logs in with Firebase Auth using email/password from the variable USER1.
* The USER1 user ( must exist in your Firebase project and have write access
* to the collection(s) you are populating. You can create that account via Firebase Console >> Authentication.
gregfenton / cleanup_firestore.js
Last active September 10, 2023 02:18
Deletes all records from a Firestore collection that match some criteria -- command-line JavaScript/node
* cleanup_firestore.js
* This code is a "node script" used to delete all documents from a Firestore
* collection that are older than a given date. This script can run against
* "the cloud" or the emulator.
* The jump point for the script is this line in main():
* await deleteDocs('orders', 'closedDate', '<', new Date('2021/08/31'))
gregfenton / useVehicleList.js
Created June 8, 2020 00:02
a custom hook for "paging" queries to Firestore
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { useSelector } from "react-redux";
export const FIRESTORE_META_ID = "__META_ID__";
* A custom hook to query the "vehicles" top collection of a Firestore database.
* @param {Firestore} firestore - instance of firestore, such as you get in props when a parent component is wrapped in `withFirestore()`
* @param {number} pageNum - the current page number to fetch; first page is 0, second page is 1, etc...