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Last active February 8, 2022 05:50
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Non-tetrahedral stereo.ipynb
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
"cells": [
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"id": "treated-somewhere",
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "from rdkit import Chem\nfrom rdkit.Chem import Draw\nfrom rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole\nIPythonConsole.ipython_useSVG = True\nIPythonConsole.drawOptions.prepareMolsBeforeDrawing = False\nfrom rdkit.Chem import rdDepictor\nfrom rdkit.Chem import rdDistGeom",
"execution_count": 8,
"outputs": []
"metadata": {},
"id": "invisible-thursday",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "dev/nontetrahedral_stereo branch\n\nCommit: c78a8f7a2"
"metadata": {},
"id": "wooden-husband",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "# 2D\n\nWithout wedging you can't tell if these are correct, but at least you can see that they could be correct"
"metadata": {},
"id": "oriental-forest",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "## SP"
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"id": "southwest-narrative",
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "Draw.MolsToGridImage([Chem.MolFromSmiles(x) for x in \n ('C[Pt@SP1](F)(Cl)[H]','C[Pt@SP2](F)(Cl)[H]','C[Pt@SP3](F)(Cl)[H]')])",
"execution_count": 3,
"outputs": [
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": "[06:36:19] WARNING: not removing hydrogen atom with neighbor that has non-tetrahedral stereochemistry\n[06:36:19] WARNING: not removing hydrogen atom with neighbor that has non-tetrahedral stereochemistry\n[06:36:19] WARNING: not removing hydrogen atom with neighbor that has non-tetrahedral stereochemistry\n"
"data": {
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502.6 87.4 L 505.4 87.4 L 505.4 93.4 L 511.6 93.4 L 511.6 96.3 L 505.4 96.3 L 505.4 107.7 Q 505.4 111.2, 508.4 111.2 Q 509.6 111.2, 511.3 110.7 L 512.0 113.3 Q 509.8 114.2, 507.7 114.2 Q 505.0 114.2, 503.3 112.6 Q 501.6 111.0, 501.6 107.9 L 501.6 96.3 L 498.0 96.3 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-2\" d=\"M 567.9 157.6 L 584.8 157.6 L 584.8 160.9 L 571.7 160.9 L 571.7 169.5 L 583.3 169.5 L 583.3 172.7 L 571.7 172.7 L 571.7 185.9 L 567.9 185.9 L 567.9 157.6 \" fill=\"#33CCCC\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-3\" d=\"M 405.3 28.9 Q 405.3 21.8, 408.6 18.2 Q 411.9 14.4, 418.2 14.4 Q 424.1 14.4, 427.2 18.6 L 424.5 20.7 Q 422.3 17.7, 418.2 17.7 Q 413.9 17.7, 411.7 20.6 Q 409.4 23.4, 409.4 28.9 Q 409.4 34.5, 411.7 37.4 Q 414.1 40.2, 418.7 40.2 Q 421.8 40.2, 425.4 38.4 L 426.5 41.4 Q 425.1 42.3, 422.8 42.9 Q 420.6 43.4, 418.1 43.4 Q 411.9 43.4, 408.6 39.7 Q 405.3 35.9, 405.3 28.9 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-3\" d=\"M 430.6 12.7 L 434.3 12.7 L 434.3 43.1 L 430.6 43.1 L 430.6 12.7 \" 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"text/plain": "<IPython.core.display.SVG object>"
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"metadata": {},
"id": "devoted-beaver",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "## TB\nThese should be re-oriented so that the axial ligands are vertical, not horizontal"
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"id": "hungarian-height",
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "ms = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(x) for x in \n ('S[As@TB1](F)(Cl)(Br)N','S[As@TB3](F)(Cl)(Br)N','S[As@TB15](F)(Cl)(Br)N')]\nfor m in ms:\n rdDepictor.Compute2DCoords(m,canonOrient=False)\nDraw.MolsToGridImage(ms)",
"execution_count": 9,
"outputs": [
"data": {
"image/svg+xml": "<svg xmlns=\"\" xmlns:rdkit=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" version=\"1.1\" baseProfile=\"full\" xml:space=\"preserve\" width=\"600px\" height=\"200px\" viewBox=\"0 0 600 200\">\n<!-- END OF HEADER -->\n<rect style=\"opacity:1.0;fill:#FFFFFF;stroke:none\" width=\"600.0\" height=\"200.0\" x=\"0.0\" y=\"0.0\"> </rect>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 atom-1\" d=\"M 104.3,37.8 L 104.3,60.9\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#CCCC00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 atom-1\" d=\"M 104.3,60.9 L 104.3,84.1\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-1 atom-1 atom-2\" d=\"M 94.0,89.4 L 72.6,77.1\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-1 atom-1 atom-2\" d=\"M 72.6,77.1 L 51.2,64.7\" 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Q 107.0 36.0, 104.0 36.0 Q 102.2 36.0, 100.9 35.6 Q 99.6 35.3, 98.0 34.6 L 98.8 32.4 \" fill=\"#CCCC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-0\" d=\"M 113.0 15.7 L 115.7 15.7 L 115.7 24.1 L 125.8 24.1 L 125.8 15.7 L 128.5 15.7 L 128.5 35.5 L 125.8 35.5 L 125.8 26.4 L 115.7 26.4 L 115.7 35.5 L 113.0 35.5 L 113.0 15.7 \" fill=\"#CCCC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-1\" d=\"M 110.3 105.3 L 108.3 99.5 L 100.4 99.5 L 98.4 105.3 L 95.8 105.3 L 102.6 85.5 L 105.9 85.5 L 112.9 105.3 L 110.3 105.3 M 101.2 97.3 L 107.5 97.3 L 104.3 88.3 L 101.2 97.3 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-1\" d=\"M 115.1 102.3 Q 116.4 102.9, 117.3 103.1 Q 118.2 103.4, 119.2 103.4 Q 120.4 103.4, 121.1 102.8 Q 121.9 102.3, 121.9 101.3 Q 121.9 100.6, 121.5 100.2 Q 121.1 99.8, 120.6 99.6 Q 120.2 99.4, 118.9 99.0 Q 118.7 99.0, 117.4 98.5 Q 116.2 98.1, 115.5 97.1 Q 114.8 96.2, 114.8 94.8 Q 114.8 93.0, 116.1 91.9 Q 117.5 90.7, 120.1 90.7 Q 121.2 90.7, 122.1 90.9 Q 123.1 91.2, 124.1 91.6 L 123.4 93.7 Q 122.5 93.3, 121.7 93.1 Q 120.9 92.9, 120.1 92.9 Q 118.8 92.9, 118.1 93.4 Q 117.4 93.9, 117.4 94.7 Q 117.4 95.5, 117.9 95.9 Q 118.5 96.3, 119.7 96.7 Q 120.0 96.8, 120.2 96.9 L 120.9 97.1 Q 122.1 97.5, 122.8 97.9 Q 123.5 98.3, 124.0 99.1 Q 124.5 99.9, 124.5 101.2 Q 124.5 103.3, 123.0 104.4 Q 121.6 105.5, 119.2 105.5 Q 117.8 105.5, 116.7 105.3 Q 115.5 105.0, 114.3 104.5 L 115.1 102.3 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-2\" d=\"M 38.0 50.6 L 49.8 50.6 L 49.8 52.9 L 40.7 52.9 L 40.7 58.9 L 48.8 58.9 L 48.8 61.2 L 40.7 61.2 L 40.7 70.4 L 38.0 70.4 L 38.0 50.6 \" fill=\"#33CCCC\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-3\" d=\"M 25.0 131.0 Q 25.0 126.1, 27.2 123.5 Q 29.6 120.9, 33.9 120.9 Q 38.0 120.9, 40.2 123.8 L 38.4 125.3 Q 36.8 123.2, 33.9 123.2 Q 31.0 123.2, 29.4 125.2 Q 27.8 127.2, 27.8 131.0 Q 27.8 134.9, 29.4 136.9 Q 31.1 138.9, 34.3 138.9 Q 36.4 138.9, 39.0 137.6 L 39.8 139.7 Q 38.7 140.4, 37.2 140.8 Q 35.6 141.2, 33.9 141.2 Q 29.6 141.2, 27.2 138.5 Q 25.0 135.9, 25.0 131.0 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-3\" d=\"M 42.6 119.7 L 45.2 119.7 L 45.2 140.9 L 42.6 140.9 L 42.6 119.7 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 177.0 94.9 Q 178.9 95.4, 179.9 96.6 Q 180.9 97.8, 180.9 99.5 Q 180.9 102.2, 179.1 103.8 Q 177.4 105.3, 174.1 105.3 L 167.4 105.3 L 167.4 85.5 L 173.3 85.5 Q 176.6 85.5, 178.3 86.9 Q 180.0 88.3, 180.0 90.8 Q 180.0 93.8, 177.0 94.9 M 170.1 87.8 L 170.1 94.0 L 173.3 94.0 Q 175.2 94.0, 176.2 93.2 Q 177.3 92.4, 177.3 90.8 Q 177.3 87.8, 173.3 87.8 L 170.1 87.8 M 174.1 103.1 Q 176.0 103.1, 177.0 102.1 Q 178.1 101.2, 178.1 99.5 Q 178.1 97.8, 176.9 97.0 Q 175.8 96.2, 173.7 96.2 L 170.1 96.2 L 170.1 103.1 L 174.1 103.1 \" fill=\"#7F4C19\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 185.4 90.9 L 185.7 92.9 Q 187.2 90.7, 189.6 90.7 Q 190.4 90.7, 191.5 91.0 L 191.0 93.3 Q 189.8 93.0, 189.2 93.0 Q 188.0 93.0, 187.2 93.5 Q 186.5 94.0, 185.9 95.1 L 185.9 105.3 L 183.2 105.3 L 183.2 90.9 L 185.4 90.9 \" fill=\"#7F4C19\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-5\" d=\"M 100.0 155.3 L 106.4 165.8 Q 107.1 166.8, 108.1 168.7 Q 109.2 170.6, 109.2 170.7 L 109.2 155.3 L 111.8 155.3 L 111.8 175.1 L 109.1 175.1 L 102.2 163.7 Q 101.4 162.3, 100.5 160.8 Q 99.7 159.2, 99.4 158.8 L 99.4 175.1 L 96.8 175.1 L 96.8 155.3 L 100.0 155.3 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-5\" d=\"M 114.2 155.3 L 116.9 155.3 L 116.9 163.7 L 127.0 163.7 L 127.0 155.3 L 129.7 155.3 L 129.7 175.1 L 127.0 175.1 L 127.0 166.0 L 116.9 166.0 L 116.9 175.1 L 114.2 175.1 L 114.2 155.3 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-5\" d=\"M 130.6 174.4 Q 131.1 173.2, 132.3 172.5 Q 133.4 171.8, 135.0 171.8 Q 137.0 171.8, 138.1 172.9 Q 139.2 173.9, 139.2 175.8 Q 139.2 177.8, 137.7 179.6 Q 136.3 181.4, 133.4 183.5 L 139.4 183.5 L 139.4 185.0 L 130.6 185.0 L 130.6 183.8 Q 133.0 182.0, 134.5 180.7 Q 135.9 179.4, 136.6 178.3 Q 137.3 177.1, 137.3 175.9 Q 137.3 174.7, 136.7 174.0 Q 136.1 173.3, 135.0 173.3 Q 133.9 173.3, 133.2 173.7 Q 132.5 174.1, 132.0 175.1 L 130.6 174.4 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 atom-1\" d=\"M 304.3,37.8 L 304.3,60.9\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#CCCC00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 atom-1\" d=\"M 304.3,60.9 L 304.3,84.1\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-1 atom-1 atom-2\" d=\"M 294.0,101.4 L 272.6,113.7\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-1 atom-1 atom-2\" d=\"M 272.6,113.7 L 251.2,126.1\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#33CCCC;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-2 atom-1 atom-3\" d=\"M 326.2,95.4 L 345.8,95.4\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-2 atom-1 atom-3\" d=\"M 345.8,95.4 L 365.3,95.4\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#00CC00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-3 atom-1 atom-4\" d=\"M 304.3,107.0 L 304.3,130.5\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-3 atom-1 atom-4\" d=\"M 304.3,130.5 L 304.3,153.9\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#7F4C19;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-4 atom-1 atom-5\" d=\"M 294.0,89.4 L 273.4,77.6\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-4 atom-1 atom-5\" d=\"M 273.4,77.6 L 252.8,65.7\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#0000FF;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-0\" d=\"M 298.8 32.4 Q 299.0 32.5, 299.9 32.9 Q 300.8 33.3, 301.8 33.5 Q 302.9 33.8, 303.9 33.8 Q 305.7 33.8, 306.8 32.9 Q 307.9 31.9, 307.9 30.4 Q 307.9 29.3, 307.4 28.6 Q 306.8 27.9, 306.0 27.6 Q 305.1 27.2, 303.8 26.8 Q 302.0 26.3, 300.9 25.8 Q 299.9 25.2, 299.1 24.2 Q 298.4 23.1, 298.4 21.3 Q 298.4 18.9, 300.1 17.3 Q 301.8 15.8, 305.1 15.8 Q 307.4 15.8, 310.0 16.9 L 309.4 19.0 Q 307.0 18.0, 305.2 18.0 Q 303.3 18.0, 302.2 18.9 Q 301.2 19.6, 301.2 21.0 Q 301.2 22.1, 301.7 22.7 Q 302.3 23.3, 303.1 23.7 Q 303.9 24.1, 305.2 24.5 Q 307.0 25.1, 308.1 25.6 Q 309.1 26.2, 309.9 27.3 Q 310.7 28.4, 310.7 30.4 Q 310.7 33.1, 308.8 34.6 Q 307.0 36.0, 304.0 36.0 Q 302.2 36.0, 300.9 35.6 Q 299.6 35.3, 298.0 34.6 L 298.8 32.4 \" fill=\"#CCCC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-0\" d=\"M 313.0 15.7 L 315.7 15.7 L 315.7 24.1 L 325.8 24.1 L 325.8 15.7 L 328.5 15.7 L 328.5 35.5 L 325.8 35.5 L 325.8 26.4 L 315.7 26.4 L 315.7 35.5 L 313.0 35.5 L 313.0 15.7 \" fill=\"#CCCC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-1\" d=\"M 310.3 105.3 L 308.3 99.5 L 300.4 99.5 L 298.4 105.3 L 295.8 105.3 L 302.6 85.5 L 305.9 85.5 L 312.9 105.3 L 310.3 105.3 M 301.2 97.3 L 307.5 97.3 L 304.3 88.3 L 301.2 97.3 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-1\" d=\"M 315.1 102.3 Q 316.4 102.9, 317.3 103.1 Q 318.2 103.4, 319.2 103.4 Q 320.4 103.4, 321.1 102.8 Q 321.9 102.3, 321.9 101.3 Q 321.9 100.6, 321.5 100.2 Q 321.1 99.8, 320.6 99.6 Q 320.2 99.4, 318.9 99.0 Q 318.7 99.0, 317.4 98.5 Q 316.2 98.1, 315.5 97.1 Q 314.8 96.2, 314.8 94.8 Q 314.8 93.0, 316.1 91.9 Q 317.5 90.7, 320.1 90.7 Q 321.2 90.7, 322.1 90.9 Q 323.1 91.2, 324.1 91.6 L 323.4 93.7 Q 322.5 93.3, 321.7 93.1 Q 320.9 92.9, 320.1 92.9 Q 318.8 92.9, 318.1 93.4 Q 317.4 93.9, 317.4 94.7 Q 317.4 95.5, 317.9 95.9 Q 318.5 96.3, 319.7 96.7 Q 320.0 96.8, 320.2 96.9 L 320.9 97.1 Q 322.1 97.5, 322.8 97.9 Q 323.5 98.3, 324.0 99.1 Q 324.5 99.9, 324.5 101.2 Q 324.5 103.3, 323.0 104.4 Q 321.6 105.5, 319.2 105.5 Q 317.8 105.5, 316.7 105.3 Q 315.5 105.0, 314.3 104.5 L 315.1 102.3 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-2\" d=\"M 238.0 120.4 L 249.8 120.4 L 249.8 122.7 L 240.7 122.7 L 240.7 128.7 L 248.8 128.7 L 248.8 131.0 L 240.7 131.0 L 240.7 140.2 L 238.0 140.2 L 238.0 120.4 \" fill=\"#33CCCC\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-3\" d=\"M 366.5 96.1 Q 366.5 91.2, 368.8 88.6 Q 371.1 86.0, 375.5 86.0 Q 379.6 86.0, 381.8 88.9 L 379.9 90.4 Q 378.3 88.3, 375.5 88.3 Q 372.5 88.3, 370.9 90.3 Q 369.4 92.3, 369.4 96.1 Q 369.4 100.0, 371.0 102.0 Q 372.6 104.0, 375.8 104.0 Q 378.0 104.0, 380.5 102.7 L 381.3 104.8 Q 380.3 105.5, 378.7 105.9 Q 377.2 106.3, 375.4 106.3 Q 371.1 106.3, 368.8 103.6 Q 366.5 101.0, 366.5 96.1 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-3\" d=\"M 384.2 84.8 L 386.7 84.8 L 386.7 106.0 L 384.2 106.0 L 384.2 84.8 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 307.2 164.7 Q 309.1 165.2, 310.1 166.4 Q 311.1 167.6, 311.1 169.3 Q 311.1 172.0, 309.3 173.6 Q 307.6 175.1, 304.3 175.1 L 297.6 175.1 L 297.6 155.3 L 303.5 155.3 Q 306.8 155.3, 308.5 156.7 Q 310.2 158.1, 310.2 160.6 Q 310.2 163.6, 307.2 164.7 M 300.3 157.6 L 300.3 163.8 L 303.5 163.8 Q 305.4 163.8, 306.4 163.0 Q 307.5 162.2, 307.5 160.6 Q 307.5 157.6, 303.5 157.6 L 300.3 157.6 M 304.3 172.9 Q 306.2 172.9, 307.2 171.9 Q 308.3 171.0, 308.3 169.3 Q 308.3 167.6, 307.1 166.8 Q 306.0 166.0, 303.8 166.0 L 300.3 166.0 L 300.3 172.9 L 304.3 172.9 \" fill=\"#7F4C19\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 315.5 160.7 L 315.9 162.7 Q 317.4 160.5, 319.8 160.5 Q 320.6 160.5, 321.7 160.8 L 321.2 163.1 Q 320.0 162.8, 319.4 162.8 Q 318.2 162.8, 317.4 163.3 Q 316.7 163.8, 316.1 164.9 L 316.1 175.1 L 313.4 175.1 L 313.4 160.7 L 315.5 160.7 \" fill=\"#7F4C19\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-5\" d=\"M 208.9 50.6 L 211.6 50.6 L 211.6 59.0 L 221.7 59.0 L 221.7 50.6 L 224.4 50.6 L 224.4 70.4 L 221.7 70.4 L 221.7 61.3 L 211.6 61.3 L 211.6 70.4 L 208.9 70.4 L 208.9 50.6 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-5\" d=\"M 225.3 69.7 Q 225.8 68.5, 226.9 67.8 Q 228.1 67.1, 229.7 67.1 Q 231.6 67.1, 232.7 68.2 Q 233.9 69.2, 233.9 71.1 Q 233.9 73.1, 232.4 74.9 Q 231.0 76.7, 228.0 78.8 L 234.1 78.8 L 234.1 80.3 L 225.3 80.3 L 225.3 79.0 Q 227.7 77.3, 229.2 76.0 Q 230.6 74.7, 231.3 73.6 Q 232.0 72.4, 232.0 71.2 Q 232.0 70.0, 231.4 69.3 Q 230.8 68.6, 229.7 68.6 Q 228.6 68.6, 227.9 69.0 Q 227.2 69.4, 226.7 70.3 L 225.3 69.7 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-5\" d=\"M 239.5 50.6 L 246.0 61.1 Q 246.6 62.1, 247.7 64.0 Q 248.7 65.9, 248.8 66.0 L 248.8 50.6 L 251.4 50.6 L 251.4 70.4 L 248.7 70.4 L 241.7 58.9 Q 240.9 57.6, 240.0 56.1 Q 239.2 54.5, 239.0 54.1 L 239.0 70.4 L 236.4 70.4 L 236.4 50.6 L 239.5 50.6 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 atom-1\" d=\"M 452.0,125.6 L 473.1,113.4\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#CCCC00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 atom-1\" d=\"M 473.1,113.4 L 494.2,101.2\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-1 atom-1 atom-2\" d=\"M 494.0,89.4 L 472.6,77.1\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-1 atom-1 atom-2\" d=\"M 472.6,77.1 L 451.2,64.7\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#33CCCC;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-2 atom-1 atom-3\" d=\"M 504.3,83.8 L 504.3,60.8\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-2 atom-1 atom-3\" d=\"M 504.3,60.8 L 504.3,37.9\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#00CC00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path 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140.2 L 420.8 120.4 \" fill=\"#CCCC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-0\" d=\"M 438.3 137.1 Q 438.5 137.2, 439.4 137.6 Q 440.4 138.0, 441.4 138.2 Q 442.4 138.5, 443.4 138.5 Q 445.3 138.5, 446.4 137.6 Q 447.5 136.7, 447.5 135.1 Q 447.5 134.0, 446.9 133.3 Q 446.4 132.6, 445.5 132.3 Q 444.7 131.9, 443.3 131.5 Q 441.5 131.0, 440.5 130.5 Q 439.4 130.0, 438.7 128.9 Q 438.0 127.8, 438.0 126.0 Q 438.0 123.6, 439.6 122.0 Q 441.3 120.5, 444.7 120.5 Q 447.0 120.5, 449.6 121.6 L 448.9 123.7 Q 446.6 122.7, 444.8 122.7 Q 442.9 122.7, 441.8 123.6 Q 440.7 124.3, 440.8 125.7 Q 440.8 126.8, 441.3 127.4 Q 441.8 128.1, 442.6 128.4 Q 443.4 128.8, 444.8 129.2 Q 446.6 129.8, 447.6 130.3 Q 448.7 130.9, 449.4 132.0 Q 450.2 133.1, 450.2 135.1 Q 450.2 137.8, 448.4 139.3 Q 446.6 140.7, 443.5 140.7 Q 441.8 140.7, 440.4 140.3 Q 439.1 140.0, 437.5 139.3 L 438.3 137.1 \" fill=\"#CCCC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-1\" d=\"M 510.3 105.3 L 508.3 99.5 L 500.4 99.5 L 498.4 105.3 L 495.8 105.3 L 502.6 85.5 L 505.9 85.5 L 512.9 105.3 L 510.3 105.3 M 501.2 97.3 L 507.5 97.3 L 504.3 88.3 L 501.2 97.3 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-1\" d=\"M 515.1 102.3 Q 516.4 102.9, 517.3 103.1 Q 518.2 103.4, 519.2 103.4 Q 520.4 103.4, 521.1 102.8 Q 521.9 102.3, 521.9 101.3 Q 521.9 100.6, 521.5 100.2 Q 521.1 99.8, 520.6 99.6 Q 520.2 99.4, 518.9 99.0 Q 518.7 99.0, 517.4 98.5 Q 516.2 98.1, 515.5 97.1 Q 514.8 96.2, 514.8 94.8 Q 514.8 93.0, 516.1 91.9 Q 517.5 90.7, 520.1 90.7 Q 521.2 90.7, 522.1 90.9 Q 523.1 91.2, 524.1 91.6 L 523.4 93.7 Q 522.5 93.3, 521.7 93.1 Q 520.9 92.9, 520.1 92.9 Q 518.8 92.9, 518.1 93.4 Q 517.4 93.9, 517.4 94.7 Q 517.4 95.5, 517.9 95.9 Q 518.5 96.3, 519.7 96.7 Q 520.0 96.8, 520.2 96.9 L 520.9 97.1 Q 522.1 97.5, 522.8 97.9 Q 523.5 98.3, 524.0 99.1 Q 524.5 99.9, 524.5 101.2 Q 524.5 103.3, 523.0 104.4 Q 521.6 105.5, 519.2 105.5 Q 517.8 105.5, 516.7 105.3 Q 515.5 105.0, 514.3 104.5 L 515.1 102.3 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-2\" d=\"M 438.0 50.6 L 449.8 50.6 L 449.8 52.9 L 440.7 52.9 L 440.7 58.9 L 448.8 58.9 L 448.8 61.2 L 440.7 61.2 L 440.7 70.4 L 438.0 70.4 L 438.0 50.6 \" fill=\"#33CCCC\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-3\" d=\"M 496.7 26.3 Q 496.7 21.4, 499.0 18.8 Q 501.3 16.2, 505.7 16.2 Q 509.8 16.2, 512.0 19.1 L 510.1 20.6 Q 508.5 18.5, 505.7 18.5 Q 502.7 18.5, 501.1 20.5 Q 499.6 22.5, 499.6 26.3 Q 499.6 30.2, 501.2 32.2 Q 502.8 34.2, 506.0 34.2 Q 508.2 34.2, 510.7 32.9 L 511.5 35.0 Q 510.5 35.7, 508.9 36.1 Q 507.4 36.5, 505.6 36.5 Q 501.3 36.5, 499.0 33.8 Q 496.7 31.2, 496.7 26.3 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-3\" d=\"M 514.4 15.0 L 516.9 15.0 L 516.9 36.2 L 514.4 36.2 L 514.4 15.0 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 577.0 94.9 Q 578.9 95.4, 579.9 96.6 Q 580.9 97.8, 580.9 99.5 Q 580.9 102.2, 579.1 103.8 Q 577.4 105.3, 574.1 105.3 L 567.4 105.3 L 567.4 85.5 L 573.3 85.5 Q 576.6 85.5, 578.3 86.9 Q 580.0 88.3, 580.0 90.8 Q 580.0 93.8, 577.0 94.9 M 570.1 87.8 L 570.1 94.0 L 573.3 94.0 Q 575.2 94.0, 576.2 93.2 Q 577.3 92.4, 577.3 90.8 Q 577.3 87.8, 573.3 87.8 L 570.1 87.8 M 574.1 103.1 Q 576.0 103.1, 577.0 102.1 Q 578.1 101.2, 578.1 99.5 Q 578.1 97.8, 576.9 97.0 Q 575.8 96.2, 573.7 96.2 L 570.1 96.2 L 570.1 103.1 L 574.1 103.1 \" fill=\"#7F4C19\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 585.4 90.9 L 585.7 92.9 Q 587.2 90.7, 589.6 90.7 Q 590.4 90.7, 591.5 91.0 L 591.0 93.3 Q 589.8 93.0, 589.2 93.0 Q 588.0 93.0, 587.2 93.5 Q 586.5 94.0, 585.9 95.1 L 585.9 105.3 L 583.2 105.3 L 583.2 90.9 L 585.4 90.9 \" fill=\"#7F4C19\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-5\" d=\"M 500.0 155.3 L 506.4 165.8 Q 507.1 166.8, 508.1 168.7 Q 509.2 170.6, 509.2 170.7 L 509.2 155.3 L 511.8 155.3 L 511.8 175.1 L 509.1 175.1 L 502.2 163.7 Q 501.4 162.3, 500.5 160.8 Q 499.7 159.2, 499.4 158.8 L 499.4 175.1 L 496.8 175.1 L 496.8 155.3 L 500.0 155.3 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-5\" d=\"M 514.2 155.3 L 516.9 155.3 L 516.9 163.7 L 527.0 163.7 L 527.0 155.3 L 529.7 155.3 L 529.7 175.1 L 527.0 175.1 L 527.0 166.0 L 516.9 166.0 L 516.9 175.1 L 514.2 175.1 L 514.2 155.3 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-5\" d=\"M 530.6 174.4 Q 531.1 173.2, 532.3 172.5 Q 533.4 171.8, 535.0 171.8 Q 537.0 171.8, 538.1 172.9 Q 539.2 173.9, 539.2 175.8 Q 539.2 177.8, 537.7 179.6 Q 536.3 181.4, 533.4 183.5 L 539.4 183.5 L 539.4 185.0 L 530.6 185.0 L 530.6 183.8 Q 533.0 182.0, 534.5 180.7 Q 535.9 179.4, 536.6 178.3 Q 537.3 177.1, 537.3 175.9 Q 537.3 174.7, 536.7 174.0 Q 536.1 173.3, 535.0 173.3 Q 533.9 173.3, 533.2 173.7 Q 532.5 174.1, 532.0 175.1 L 530.6 174.4 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n</svg>",
"text/plain": "<IPython.core.display.SVG object>"
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"metadata": {},
"id": "administrative-instrument",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "## OH"
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"id": "occupied-monster",
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "ms = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(x) for x in \n ('O[Co@OH1](Cl)(C)(N)(F)P','O[Co@OH3](Cl)(C)(N)(F)P','O[Co@OH27](Cl)(C)(N)(F)P')]\nfor m in ms:\n rdDepictor.Compute2DCoords(m,canonOrient=False)\nDraw.MolsToGridImage(ms)",
"execution_count": 11,
"outputs": [
"data": {
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98.3, 103.0 97.0 Q 104.0 95.7, 104.0 93.2 Q 104.0 90.7, 103.0 89.4 Q 101.9 88.1, 100.0 88.1 Q 98.1 88.1, 97.1 89.4 Q 96.1 90.7, 96.1 93.2 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-2\" d=\"M 23.4 124.6 Q 23.4 119.9, 25.6 117.5 Q 27.8 115.0, 32.0 115.0 Q 35.9 115.0, 38.0 117.7 L 36.2 119.2 Q 34.7 117.2, 32.0 117.2 Q 29.1 117.2, 27.6 119.1 Q 26.1 121.0, 26.1 124.6 Q 26.1 128.4, 27.7 130.3 Q 29.3 132.2, 32.3 132.2 Q 34.4 132.2, 36.8 131.0 L 37.6 133.0 Q 36.6 133.6, 35.1 134.0 Q 33.6 134.4, 31.9 134.4 Q 27.8 134.4, 25.6 131.8 Q 23.4 129.3, 23.4 124.6 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-2\" d=\"M 40.3 113.8 L 42.8 113.8 L 42.8 134.1 L 40.3 134.1 L 40.3 113.8 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 153.2 47.6 L 159.4 57.7 Q 160.0 58.7, 161.0 60.4 Q 161.9 62.2, 162.0 62.3 L 162.0 47.6 L 164.5 47.6 L 164.5 66.6 L 161.9 66.6 L 155.3 55.6 Q 154.5 54.3, 153.7 52.8 Q 152.9 51.4, 152.6 50.9 L 152.6 66.6 L 150.2 66.6 L 150.2 47.6 L 153.2 47.6 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path 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100.2,77.9 L 100.1,77.8 L 100.0,77.7 L 99.9,77.7 L 99.8,77.7 L 99.7,77.6 L 99.6,77.6 L 99.5,77.6 L 99.3,77.6 L 99.2,77.6 L 99.1,77.7 L 99.0,77.7 L 98.9,77.7 L 98.8,77.8 L 98.7,77.8 L 98.6,77.9 L 98.5,78.0 L 98.4,78.1 L 98.4,78.1 L 98.3,78.2 L 98.2,78.3 L 98.2,78.4 L 98.2,78.6 L 98.1,78.7 L 98.1,78.8 L 98.1,78.9 L 98.1,79.0 L 98.1,79.1 L 98.1,79.2 L 98.2,79.3 L 98.2,79.5 L 98.2,79.6 L 98.3,79.7 L 98.4,79.8 L 98.4,79.8 L 98.5,79.9 L 98.6,80.0 L 98.7,80.1 L 98.8,80.1 L 98.9,80.2 L 99.0,80.2 L 99.1,80.3 L 99.2,80.3 L 99.3,80.3 L 99.5,80.3 L 99.6,80.3 L 99.7,80.3 L 99.8,80.2 L 99.9,80.2 L 100.0,80.2 L 100.1,80.1 L 100.2,80.0 L 100.3,80.0 L 100.4,79.9 L 100.5,79.8 L 100.5,79.7 L 100.6,79.6 L 100.6,79.5 L 100.7,79.4 L 100.7,79.3 L 100.7,79.2 L 100.8,79.1 L 100.8,79.0 L 99.4,79.0 Z\" style=\"fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 atom-1\" d=\"M 347.0,118.0 L 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atom-4\" d=\"M 308.2,85.4 L 328.5,73.8\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-3 atom-1 atom-4\" d=\"M 328.5,73.8 L 348.7,62.1\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#0000FF;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-4 atom-1 atom-5\" d=\"M 280.0,79.3 L 264.1,70.1\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-4 atom-1 atom-5\" d=\"M 264.1,70.1 L 248.3,61.0\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#33CCCC;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-5 atom-1 atom-6\" d=\"M 299.4,102.0 L 299.4,124.3\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path 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83.4 Q 282.1 81.0, 286.3 81.0 Q 290.2 81.0, 292.3 83.7 L 290.5 85.2 Q 289.0 83.2, 286.3 83.2 Q 283.4 83.2, 281.9 85.1 Q 280.4 87.0, 280.4 90.6 Q 280.4 94.4, 282.0 96.3 Q 283.5 98.2, 286.6 98.2 Q 288.7 98.2, 291.1 97.0 L 291.9 99.0 Q 290.9 99.6, 289.4 100.0 Q 287.9 100.3, 286.2 100.3 Q 282.1 100.3, 279.9 97.8 Q 277.7 95.3, 277.7 90.6 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-1\" d=\"M 293.5 93.2 Q 293.5 89.9, 295.2 88.0 Q 296.9 86.1, 300.0 86.1 Q 303.2 86.1, 304.9 88.0 Q 306.6 89.9, 306.6 93.2 Q 306.6 96.5, 304.9 98.4 Q 303.2 100.3, 300.0 100.3 Q 296.9 100.3, 295.2 98.4 Q 293.5 96.5, 293.5 93.2 M 296.1 93.2 Q 296.1 95.7, 297.1 97.0 Q 298.1 98.3, 300.0 98.3 Q 301.9 98.3, 303.0 97.0 Q 304.0 95.7, 304.0 93.2 Q 304.0 90.7, 303.0 89.4 Q 301.9 88.1, 300.0 88.1 Q 298.1 88.1, 297.1 89.4 Q 296.1 90.7, 296.1 93.2 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-2\" d=\"M 223.4 124.6 Q 223.4 119.9, 225.6 117.5 Q 227.8 115.0, 232.0 115.0 Q 235.9 115.0, 238.0 117.7 L 236.2 119.2 Q 234.7 117.2, 232.0 117.2 Q 229.1 117.2, 227.6 119.1 Q 226.1 121.0, 226.1 124.6 Q 226.1 128.4, 227.7 130.3 Q 229.3 132.2, 232.3 132.2 Q 234.4 132.2, 236.8 131.0 L 237.6 133.0 Q 236.6 133.6, 235.1 134.0 Q 233.6 134.4, 231.9 134.4 Q 227.8 134.4, 225.6 131.8 Q 223.4 129.3, 223.4 124.6 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-2\" d=\"M 240.3 113.8 L 242.8 113.8 L 242.8 134.1 L 240.3 134.1 L 240.3 113.8 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 353.2 47.6 L 359.4 57.7 Q 360.0 58.7, 361.0 60.4 Q 361.9 62.2, 362.0 62.3 L 362.0 47.6 L 364.5 47.6 L 364.5 66.6 L 361.9 66.6 L 355.3 55.6 Q 354.5 54.3, 353.7 52.8 Q 352.9 51.4, 352.6 50.9 L 352.6 66.6 L 350.2 66.6 L 350.2 47.6 L 353.2 47.6 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 366.8 47.6 L 369.4 47.6 L 369.4 55.7 L 379.0 55.7 L 379.0 47.6 L 381.6 47.6 L 381.6 66.6 L 379.0 66.6 L 379.0 57.8 L 369.4 57.8 L 369.4 66.6 L 366.8 66.6 L 366.8 47.6 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 382.5 65.9 Q 383.0 64.7, 384.1 64.1 Q 385.2 63.4, 386.7 63.4 Q 388.6 63.4, 389.6 64.4 Q 390.7 65.4, 390.7 67.3 Q 390.7 69.1, 389.3 70.8 Q 388.0 72.6, 385.1 74.6 L 390.9 74.6 L 390.9 76.0 L 382.5 76.0 L 382.5 74.9 Q 384.8 73.2, 386.2 72.0 Q 387.6 70.7, 388.3 69.6 Q 388.9 68.5, 388.9 67.4 Q 388.9 66.2, 388.3 65.5 Q 387.7 64.8, 386.7 64.8 Q 385.7 64.8, 385.0 65.2 Q 384.3 65.6, 383.9 66.5 L 382.5 65.9 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-5\" d=\"M 235.9 47.6 L 247.2 47.6 L 247.2 49.8 L 238.4 49.8 L 238.4 55.6 L 246.2 55.6 L 246.2 57.7 L 238.4 57.7 L 238.4 66.6 L 235.9 66.6 L 235.9 47.6 \" fill=\"#33CCCC\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-6\" d=\"M 299.0 147.9 Q 302.2 147.9, 303.8 149.4 Q 305.5 150.8, 305.5 153.5 Q 305.5 156.1, 303.8 157.6 Q 302.1 159.1, 299.0 159.1 L 296.0 159.1 L 296.0 166.9 L 293.4 166.9 L 293.4 147.9 L 299.0 147.9 M 299.0 156.9 Q 300.8 156.9, 301.8 156.1 Q 302.8 155.2, 302.8 153.5 Q 302.8 151.8, 301.8 150.9 Q 300.8 150.1, 299.0 150.1 L 296.0 150.1 L 296.0 156.9 L 299.0 156.9 \" fill=\"#FF7F00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-6\" d=\"M 307.7 147.9 L 310.3 147.9 L 310.3 156.0 L 320.0 156.0 L 320.0 147.9 L 322.6 147.9 L 322.6 166.9 L 320.0 166.9 L 320.0 158.1 L 310.3 158.1 L 310.3 166.9 L 307.7 166.9 L 307.7 147.9 \" fill=\"#FF7F00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-6\" d=\"M 323.5 166.2 Q 323.9 165.0, 325.0 164.4 Q 326.1 163.7, 327.6 163.7 Q 329.5 163.7, 330.6 164.7 Q 331.7 165.7, 331.7 167.6 Q 331.7 169.4, 330.3 171.1 Q 328.9 172.9, 326.1 174.9 L 331.9 174.9 L 331.9 176.3 L 323.4 176.3 L 323.4 175.1 Q 325.8 173.5, 327.2 172.3 Q 328.5 171.0, 329.2 169.9 Q 329.9 168.8, 329.9 167.6 Q 329.9 166.4, 329.3 165.8 Q 328.7 165.1, 327.6 165.1 Q 326.6 165.1, 326.0 165.5 Q 325.3 165.9, 324.8 166.8 L 323.5 166.2 \" fill=\"#FF7F00\"/>\n<path d=\"M 300.8,79.0 L 300.8,78.8 L 300.7,78.7 L 300.7,78.6 L 300.7,78.5 L 300.6,78.4 L 300.6,78.3 L 300.5,78.2 L 300.5,78.1 L 300.4,78.0 L 300.3,77.9 L 300.2,77.9 L 300.1,77.8 L 300.0,77.7 L 299.9,77.7 L 299.8,77.7 L 299.7,77.6 L 299.6,77.6 L 299.5,77.6 L 299.3,77.6 L 299.2,77.6 L 299.1,77.7 L 299.0,77.7 L 298.9,77.7 L 298.8,77.8 L 298.7,77.8 L 298.6,77.9 L 298.5,78.0 L 298.4,78.1 L 298.4,78.1 L 298.3,78.2 L 298.2,78.3 L 298.2,78.4 L 298.2,78.6 L 298.1,78.7 L 298.1,78.8 L 298.1,78.9 L 298.1,79.0 L 298.1,79.1 L 298.1,79.2 L 298.2,79.3 L 298.2,79.5 L 298.2,79.6 L 298.3,79.7 L 298.4,79.8 L 298.4,79.8 L 298.5,79.9 L 298.6,80.0 L 298.7,80.1 L 298.8,80.1 L 298.9,80.2 L 299.0,80.2 L 299.1,80.3 L 299.2,80.3 L 299.3,80.3 L 299.5,80.3 L 299.6,80.3 L 299.7,80.3 L 299.8,80.2 L 299.9,80.2 L 300.0,80.2 L 300.1,80.1 L 300.2,80.0 L 300.3,80.0 L 300.4,79.9 L 300.5,79.8 L 300.5,79.7 L 300.6,79.6 L 300.6,79.5 L 300.7,79.4 L 300.7,79.3 L 300.7,79.2 L 300.8,79.1 L 300.8,79.0 L 299.4,79.0 Z\" style=\"fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 atom-1\" d=\"M 547.0,63.1 L 527.5,74.4\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#FF0000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 atom-1\" d=\"M 527.5,74.4 L 507.9,85.6\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-1 atom-1 atom-2\" d=\"M 479.5,102.0 L 461.7,112.3\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-1 atom-1 atom-2\" d=\"M 461.7,112.3 L 443.9,122.6\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#00CC00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-2 atom-1 atom-3\" d=\"M 499.4,84.4 L 499.4,23.7\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-3 atom-1 atom-4\" d=\"M 499.4,102.0 L 499.4,124.3\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-3 atom-1 atom-4\" d=\"M 499.4,124.3 L 499.4,146.5\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#0000FF;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-4 atom-1 atom-5\" d=\"M 508.2,95.6 L 529.3,107.8\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-4 atom-1 atom-5\" d=\"M 529.3,107.8 L 550.3,119.9\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#33CCCC;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-5 atom-1 atom-6\" d=\"M 480.0,79.3 L 464.3,70.3\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-5 atom-1 atom-6\" d=\"M 464.3,70.3 L 448.7,61.2\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#FF7F00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-0\" d=\"M 548.6 57.2 Q 548.6 52.6, 550.9 50.1 Q 553.1 47.5, 557.3 47.5 Q 561.5 47.5, 563.8 50.1 Q 566.0 52.6, 566.0 57.2 Q 566.0 61.8, 563.8 64.4 Q 561.5 67.0, 557.3 67.0 Q 553.2 67.0, 550.9 64.4 Q 548.6 61.8, 548.6 57.2 M 557.3 64.8 Q 560.2 64.8, 561.8 62.9 Q 563.4 61.0, 563.4 57.2 Q 563.4 53.4, 561.8 51.6 Q 560.2 49.7, 557.3 49.7 Q 554.4 49.7, 552.9 51.5 Q 551.3 53.4, 551.3 57.2 Q 551.3 61.0, 552.9 62.9 Q 554.4 64.8, 557.3 64.8 \" fill=\"#FF0000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-0\" d=\"M 568.3 47.7 L 570.9 47.7 L 570.9 55.8 L 580.6 55.8 L 580.6 47.7 L 583.1 47.7 L 583.1 66.7 L 580.6 66.7 L 580.6 57.9 L 570.9 57.9 L 570.9 66.7 L 568.3 66.7 L 568.3 47.7 \" fill=\"#FF0000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-1\" d=\"M 477.7 90.6 Q 477.7 85.9, 479.9 83.4 Q 482.1 81.0, 486.3 81.0 Q 490.2 81.0, 492.3 83.7 L 490.5 85.2 Q 489.0 83.2, 486.3 83.2 Q 483.4 83.2, 481.9 85.1 Q 480.4 87.0, 480.4 90.6 Q 480.4 94.4, 482.0 96.3 Q 483.5 98.2, 486.6 98.2 Q 488.7 98.2, 491.1 97.0 L 491.9 99.0 Q 490.9 99.6, 489.4 100.0 Q 487.9 100.3, 486.2 100.3 Q 482.1 100.3, 479.9 97.8 Q 477.7 95.3, 477.7 90.6 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-1\" d=\"M 493.5 93.2 Q 493.5 89.9, 495.2 88.0 Q 496.9 86.1, 500.0 86.1 Q 503.2 86.1, 504.9 88.0 Q 506.6 89.9, 506.6 93.2 Q 506.6 96.5, 504.9 98.4 Q 503.2 100.3, 500.0 100.3 Q 496.9 100.3, 495.2 98.4 Q 493.5 96.5, 493.5 93.2 M 496.1 93.2 Q 496.1 95.7, 497.1 97.0 Q 498.1 98.3, 500.0 98.3 Q 501.9 98.3, 503.0 97.0 Q 504.0 95.7, 504.0 93.2 Q 504.0 90.7, 503.0 89.4 Q 501.9 88.1, 500.0 88.1 Q 498.1 88.1, 497.1 89.4 Q 496.1 90.7, 496.1 93.2 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-2\" d=\"M 423.4 124.6 Q 423.4 119.9, 425.6 117.5 Q 427.8 115.0, 432.0 115.0 Q 435.9 115.0, 438.0 117.7 L 436.2 119.2 Q 434.7 117.2, 432.0 117.2 Q 429.1 117.2, 427.6 119.1 Q 426.1 121.0, 426.1 124.6 Q 426.1 128.4, 427.7 130.3 Q 429.3 132.2, 432.3 132.2 Q 434.4 132.2, 436.8 131.0 L 437.6 133.0 Q 436.6 133.6, 435.1 134.0 Q 433.6 134.4, 431.9 134.4 Q 427.8 134.4, 425.6 131.8 Q 423.4 129.3, 423.4 124.6 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-2\" d=\"M 440.3 113.8 L 442.8 113.8 L 442.8 134.1 L 440.3 134.1 L 440.3 113.8 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 495.2 147.9 L 501.5 158.0 Q 502.1 158.9, 503.1 160.7 Q 504.0 162.5, 504.1 162.6 L 504.1 147.9 L 506.6 147.9 L 506.6 166.9 L 504.0 166.9 L 497.4 155.9 Q 496.6 154.6, 495.8 153.1 Q 495.0 151.7, 494.7 151.2 L 494.7 166.9 L 492.3 166.9 L 492.3 147.9 L 495.2 147.9 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 508.9 147.9 L 511.5 147.9 L 511.5 156.0 L 521.1 156.0 L 521.1 147.9 L 523.7 147.9 L 523.7 166.9 L 521.1 166.9 L 521.1 158.1 L 511.5 158.1 L 511.5 166.9 L 508.9 166.9 L 508.9 147.9 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 524.6 166.2 Q 525.1 165.0, 526.2 164.4 Q 527.3 163.7, 528.8 163.7 Q 530.7 163.7, 531.7 164.7 Q 532.8 165.7, 532.8 167.6 Q 532.8 169.4, 531.4 171.1 Q 530.1 172.9, 527.2 174.9 L 533.0 174.9 L 533.0 176.3 L 524.6 176.3 L 524.6 175.1 Q 526.9 173.5, 528.3 172.3 Q 529.7 171.0, 530.4 169.9 Q 531.0 168.8, 531.0 167.6 Q 531.0 166.4, 530.4 165.8 Q 529.8 165.1, 528.8 165.1 Q 527.8 165.1, 527.1 165.5 Q 526.4 165.9, 526.0 166.8 L 524.6 166.2 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-5\" d=\"M 551.7 114.5 L 563.0 114.5 L 563.0 116.7 L 554.2 116.7 L 554.2 122.4 L 562.0 122.4 L 562.0 124.6 L 554.2 124.6 L 554.2 133.4 L 551.7 133.4 L 551.7 114.5 \" fill=\"#33CCCC\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-6\" d=\"M 409.1 47.6 L 411.7 47.6 L 411.7 55.7 L 421.3 55.7 L 421.3 47.6 L 423.9 47.6 L 423.9 66.6 L 421.3 66.6 L 421.3 57.8 L 411.7 57.8 L 411.7 66.6 L 409.1 66.6 L 409.1 47.6 \" fill=\"#FF7F00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-6\" d=\"M 424.8 65.9 Q 425.3 64.7, 426.4 64.1 Q 427.5 63.4, 429.0 63.4 Q 430.9 63.4, 431.9 64.4 Q 433.0 65.4, 433.0 67.3 Q 433.0 69.1, 431.6 70.8 Q 430.3 72.6, 427.4 74.6 L 433.2 74.6 L 433.2 76.0 L 424.8 76.0 L 424.8 74.9 Q 427.1 73.2, 428.5 72.0 Q 429.9 70.7, 430.6 69.6 Q 431.2 68.5, 431.2 67.4 Q 431.2 66.2, 430.6 65.5 Q 430.0 64.8, 429.0 64.8 Q 428.0 64.8, 427.3 65.2 Q 426.6 65.6, 426.2 66.5 L 424.8 65.9 \" fill=\"#FF7F00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-6\" d=\"M 441.1 47.6 Q 444.3 47.6, 445.9 49.1 Q 447.6 50.5, 447.6 53.2 Q 447.6 55.8, 445.9 57.3 Q 444.2 58.8, 441.1 58.8 L 438.1 58.8 L 438.1 66.6 L 435.5 66.6 L 435.5 47.6 L 441.1 47.6 M 441.1 56.6 Q 442.9 56.6, 443.9 55.8 Q 444.9 54.9, 444.9 53.2 Q 444.9 51.5, 443.9 50.7 Q 442.9 49.8, 441.1 49.8 L 438.1 49.8 L 438.1 56.6 L 441.1 56.6 \" fill=\"#FF7F00\"/>\n<path d=\"M 500.8,79.0 L 500.8,78.8 L 500.7,78.7 L 500.7,78.6 L 500.7,78.5 L 500.6,78.4 L 500.6,78.3 L 500.5,78.2 L 500.5,78.1 L 500.4,78.0 L 500.3,77.9 L 500.2,77.9 L 500.1,77.8 L 500.0,77.7 L 499.9,77.7 L 499.8,77.7 L 499.7,77.6 L 499.6,77.6 L 499.5,77.6 L 499.3,77.6 L 499.2,77.6 L 499.1,77.7 L 499.0,77.7 L 498.9,77.7 L 498.8,77.8 L 498.7,77.8 L 498.6,77.9 L 498.5,78.0 L 498.4,78.1 L 498.4,78.1 L 498.3,78.2 L 498.2,78.3 L 498.2,78.4 L 498.2,78.6 L 498.1,78.7 L 498.1,78.8 L 498.1,78.9 L 498.1,79.0 L 498.1,79.1 L 498.1,79.2 L 498.2,79.3 L 498.2,79.5 L 498.2,79.6 L 498.3,79.7 L 498.4,79.8 L 498.4,79.8 L 498.5,79.9 L 498.6,80.0 L 498.7,80.1 L 498.8,80.1 L 498.9,80.2 L 499.0,80.2 L 499.1,80.3 L 499.2,80.3 L 499.3,80.3 L 499.5,80.3 L 499.6,80.3 L 499.7,80.3 L 499.8,80.2 L 499.9,80.2 L 500.0,80.2 L 500.1,80.1 L 500.2,80.0 L 500.3,80.0 L 500.4,79.9 L 500.5,79.8 L 500.5,79.7 L 500.6,79.6 L 500.6,79.5 L 500.7,79.4 L 500.7,79.3 L 500.7,79.2 L 500.8,79.1 L 500.8,79.0 L 499.4,79.0 Z\" style=\"fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;\"/>\n</svg>",
"text/plain": "<IPython.core.display.SVG object>"
"execution_count": 11,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"metadata": {},
"id": "occupied-dance",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "### Missing ligands:"
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"id": "peripheral-tractor",
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "smis = ('O[Co@OH1](Cl)(C)(N)(F)P','O[Co@OH1](Cl)(C)(N)F','O[Co@OH1](Cl)(C)N','O[Co@OH1](Cl)C')\nms = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(x) for x in smis]\nfor m in ms:\n rdDepictor.Compute2DCoords(m,canonOrient=False)\nDraw.MolsToGridImage(ms,legends=smis,molsPerRow=4)\n",
"execution_count": 13,
"outputs": [
"data": {
"image/svg+xml": "<svg xmlns=\"\" xmlns:rdkit=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" version=\"1.1\" baseProfile=\"full\" xml:space=\"preserve\" width=\"800px\" height=\"200px\" viewBox=\"0 0 800 200\">\n<!-- END OF HEADER -->\n<rect style=\"opacity:1.0;fill:#FFFFFF;stroke:none\" width=\"800.0\" height=\"200.0\" x=\"0.0\" y=\"0.0\"> </rect>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 atom-1\" d=\"M 147.0,102.7 L 127.5,91.4\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#FF0000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 atom-1\" d=\"M 127.5,91.4 L 107.9,80.2\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-1 atom-1 atom-2\" d=\"M 79.5,86.8 L 61.7,97.1\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-1 atom-1 atom-2\" d=\"M 61.7,97.1 L 43.9,107.4\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#00CC00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-2 atom-1 atom-3\" d=\"M 99.4,69.2 L 99.4,8.4\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-3 atom-1 atom-4\" d=\"M 108.2,70.2 L 128.5,58.5\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-3 atom-1 atom-4\" d=\"M 128.5,58.5 L 148.7,46.8\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#0000FF;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-4 atom-1 atom-5\" d=\"M 99.4,86.7 L 99.4,109.0\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-4 atom-1 atom-5\" d=\"M 99.4,109.0 L 99.4,131.3\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#33CCCC;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-5 atom-1 atom-6\" d=\"M 80.0,64.0 L 64.3,55.0\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-5 atom-1 atom-6\" d=\"M 64.3,55.0 L 48.7,46.0\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#FF7F00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-0\" d=\"M 148.6 108.8 Q 148.6 104.2, 150.9 101.7 Q 153.1 99.1, 157.3 99.1 Q 161.5 99.1, 163.8 101.7 Q 166.0 104.2, 166.0 108.8 Q 166.0 113.4, 163.8 116.0 Q 161.5 118.6, 157.3 118.6 Q 153.2 118.6, 150.9 116.0 Q 148.6 113.4, 148.6 108.8 M 157.3 116.4 Q 160.2 116.4, 161.8 114.5 Q 163.4 112.5, 163.4 108.8 Q 163.4 105.0, 161.8 103.2 Q 160.2 101.3, 157.3 101.3 Q 154.4 101.3, 152.9 103.1 Q 151.3 105.0, 151.3 108.8 Q 151.3 112.6, 152.9 114.5 Q 154.4 116.4, 157.3 116.4 \" fill=\"#FF0000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-0\" d=\"M 168.3 99.3 L 170.9 99.3 L 170.9 107.4 L 180.6 107.4 L 180.6 99.3 L 183.1 99.3 L 183.1 118.3 L 180.6 118.3 L 180.6 109.5 L 170.9 109.5 L 170.9 118.3 L 168.3 118.3 L 168.3 99.3 \" fill=\"#FF0000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-1\" d=\"M 77.7 75.3 Q 77.7 70.6, 79.9 68.2 Q 82.1 65.7, 86.3 65.7 Q 90.2 65.7, 92.3 68.4 L 90.5 69.9 Q 89.0 67.9, 86.3 67.9 Q 83.4 67.9, 81.9 69.8 Q 80.4 71.7, 80.4 75.3 Q 80.4 79.1, 82.0 81.0 Q 83.5 82.9, 86.6 82.9 Q 88.7 82.9, 91.1 81.7 L 91.9 83.7 Q 90.9 84.3, 89.4 84.7 Q 87.9 85.1, 86.2 85.1 Q 82.1 85.1, 79.9 82.6 Q 77.7 80.1, 77.7 75.3 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-1\" d=\"M 93.5 77.9 Q 93.5 74.6, 95.2 72.7 Q 96.9 70.9, 100.0 70.9 Q 103.2 70.9, 104.9 72.7 Q 106.6 74.6, 106.6 77.9 Q 106.6 81.3, 104.9 83.2 Q 103.2 85.1, 100.0 85.1 Q 96.9 85.1, 95.2 83.2 Q 93.5 81.3, 93.5 77.9 M 96.1 77.9 Q 96.1 80.5, 97.1 81.8 Q 98.1 83.1, 100.0 83.1 Q 101.9 83.1, 103.0 81.8 Q 104.0 80.5, 104.0 77.9 Q 104.0 75.4, 103.0 74.1 Q 101.9 72.8, 100.0 72.8 Q 98.1 72.8, 97.1 74.1 Q 96.1 75.4, 96.1 77.9 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-2\" d=\"M 23.4 109.4 Q 23.4 104.6, 25.6 102.2 Q 27.8 99.7, 32.0 99.7 Q 35.9 99.7, 38.0 102.5 L 36.2 103.9 Q 34.7 101.9, 32.0 101.9 Q 29.1 101.9, 27.6 103.8 Q 26.1 105.7, 26.1 109.4 Q 26.1 113.1, 27.7 115.0 Q 29.3 116.9, 32.3 116.9 Q 34.4 116.9, 36.8 115.7 L 37.6 117.7 Q 36.6 118.3, 35.1 118.7 Q 33.6 119.1, 31.9 119.1 Q 27.8 119.1, 25.6 116.6 Q 23.4 114.1, 23.4 109.4 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-2\" d=\"M 40.3 98.5 L 42.8 98.5 L 42.8 118.8 L 40.3 118.8 L 40.3 98.5 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 153.2 32.4 L 159.4 42.4 Q 160.0 43.4, 161.0 45.2 Q 161.9 47.0, 162.0 47.1 L 162.0 32.4 L 164.5 32.4 L 164.5 51.3 L 161.9 51.3 L 155.3 40.3 Q 154.5 39.1, 153.7 37.6 Q 152.9 36.1, 152.6 35.7 L 152.6 51.3 L 150.2 51.3 L 150.2 32.4 L 153.2 32.4 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 166.8 32.4 L 169.4 32.4 L 169.4 40.4 L 179.0 40.4 L 179.0 32.4 L 181.6 32.4 L 181.6 51.3 L 179.0 51.3 L 179.0 42.6 L 169.4 42.6 L 169.4 51.3 L 166.8 51.3 L 166.8 32.4 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-4\" d=\"M 182.5 50.6 Q 183.0 49.5, 184.1 48.8 Q 185.2 48.1, 186.7 48.1 Q 188.6 48.1, 189.6 49.2 Q 190.7 50.2, 190.7 52.0 Q 190.7 53.9, 189.3 55.6 Q 188.0 57.3, 185.1 59.4 L 190.9 59.4 L 190.9 60.8 L 182.5 60.8 L 182.5 59.6 Q 184.8 57.9, 186.2 56.7 Q 187.6 55.5, 188.3 54.3 Q 188.9 53.2, 188.9 52.1 Q 188.9 50.9, 188.3 50.2 Q 187.7 49.5, 186.7 49.5 Q 185.7 49.5, 185.0 50.0 Q 184.3 50.4, 183.9 51.3 L 182.5 50.6 \" fill=\"#0000FF\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-5\" d=\"M 93.8 132.7 L 105.1 132.7 L 105.1 134.8 L 96.3 134.8 L 96.3 140.6 L 104.1 140.6 L 104.1 142.8 L 96.3 142.8 L 96.3 151.6 L 93.8 151.6 L 93.8 132.7 \" fill=\"#33CCCC\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-6\" d=\"M 9.1 32.4 L 11.7 32.4 L 11.7 40.4 L 21.3 40.4 L 21.3 32.4 L 23.9 32.4 L 23.9 51.3 L 21.3 51.3 L 21.3 42.6 L 11.7 42.6 L 11.7 51.3 L 9.1 51.3 L 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25.3 181.7, 25.3 184.4 Q 25.3 187.1, 23.9 188.7 Q 22.6 190.3, 20.1 190.3 Q 17.6 190.3, 16.2 188.7 Q 14.9 187.2, 14.9 184.4 M 20.1 189.0 Q 21.8 189.0, 22.7 187.8 Q 23.7 186.7, 23.7 184.4 Q 23.7 182.2, 22.7 181.0 Q 21.8 179.9, 20.1 179.9 Q 18.3 179.9, 17.4 181.0 Q 16.5 182.1, 16.5 184.4 Q 16.5 186.7, 17.4 187.8 Q 18.3 189.0, 20.1 189.0 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 26.6 177.7 L 30.0 177.7 L 30.0 178.8 L 28.0 178.8 L 28.0 192.0 L 30.0 192.0 L 30.0 193.2 L 26.6 193.2 L 26.6 177.7 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 30.8 184.4 Q 30.8 181.6, 32.2 180.1 Q 33.5 178.6, 36.0 178.6 Q 38.3 178.6, 39.6 180.3 L 38.5 181.1 Q 37.6 179.9, 36.0 179.9 Q 34.3 179.9, 33.4 181.1 Q 32.5 182.2, 32.5 184.4 Q 32.5 186.6, 33.4 187.8 Q 34.3 188.9, 36.2 188.9 Q 37.4 188.9, 38.9 188.2 L 39.3 189.4 Q 38.7 189.8, 37.8 190.0 Q 36.9 190.2, 35.9 190.2 Q 33.5 190.2, 32.2 188.7 Q 30.8 187.2, 30.8 184.4 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 40.3 186.0 Q 40.3 184.0, 41.3 182.8 Q 42.3 181.7, 44.2 181.7 Q 46.1 181.7, 47.1 182.8 Q 48.1 184.0, 48.1 186.0 Q 48.1 188.0, 47.1 189.1 Q 46.1 190.2, 44.2 190.2 Q 42.3 190.2, 41.3 189.1 Q 40.3 188.0, 40.3 186.0 M 41.8 186.0 Q 41.8 187.5, 42.5 188.2 Q 43.1 189.0, 44.2 189.0 Q 45.4 189.0, 46.0 188.2 Q 46.6 187.5, 46.6 186.0 Q 46.6 184.4, 46.0 183.7 Q 45.4 182.9, 44.2 182.9 Q 43.1 182.9, 42.5 183.7 Q 41.8 184.4, 41.8 186.0 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 59.3 193.1 Q 58.8 193.3, 58.0 193.5 Q 57.2 193.7, 56.2 193.7 Q 53.9 193.7, 52.3 192.8 Q 50.6 191.9, 49.8 190.3 Q 48.9 188.7, 48.9 186.6 Q 48.9 184.3, 49.9 182.5 Q 50.9 180.7, 52.7 179.7 Q 54.4 178.7, 56.6 178.7 Q 58.7 178.7, 60.2 179.4 Q 61.8 180.2, 62.6 181.7 Q 63.4 183.1, 63.4 185.0 Q 63.4 186.4, 63.0 187.5 Q 62.6 188.5, 61.8 189.1 Q 61.0 189.6, 60.0 189.6 Q 59.2 189.6, 58.6 189.2 Q 58.0 188.8, 57.8 188.1 Q 57.4 188.9, 56.7 189.3 Q 56.1 189.6, 55.3 189.6 Q 54.2 189.6, 53.5 188.9 Q 52.9 188.2, 52.9 186.9 Q 52.9 185.6, 53.4 184.7 Q 53.9 183.7, 54.9 183.2 Q 55.9 182.6, 57.0 182.6 Q 58.0 182.6, 59.1 183.0 L 58.8 185.6 Q 58.7 186.0, 58.7 186.4 Q 58.7 188.4, 60.1 188.4 Q 60.8 188.4, 61.3 187.6 Q 61.8 186.8, 61.8 185.0 Q 61.8 182.7, 60.5 181.3 Q 59.2 179.9, 56.6 179.9 Q 54.9 179.9, 53.5 180.8 Q 52.1 181.7, 51.3 183.2 Q 50.5 184.8, 50.5 186.6 Q 50.5 188.3, 51.2 189.6 Q 51.9 190.9, 53.2 191.7 Q 54.5 192.4, 56.2 192.4 Q 57.1 192.4, 57.8 192.3 Q 58.5 192.1, 58.9 192.0 L 59.3 193.1 M 54.3 186.7 Q 54.3 187.5, 54.6 188.0 Q 55.0 188.4, 55.5 188.4 Q 56.2 188.4, 56.8 187.8 Q 57.3 187.1, 57.4 186.0 L 57.8 184.0 Q 57.3 183.8, 56.9 183.8 Q 55.7 183.8, 55.0 184.6 Q 54.4 185.4, 54.3 186.7 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 64.2 184.4 Q 64.2 181.7, 65.5 180.1 Q 66.9 178.6, 69.4 178.6 Q 71.9 178.6, 73.3 180.1 Q 74.6 181.7, 74.6 184.4 Q 74.6 187.1, 73.2 188.7 Q 71.9 190.3, 69.4 190.3 Q 66.9 190.3, 65.5 188.7 Q 64.2 187.2, 64.2 184.4 M 69.4 189.0 Q 71.1 189.0, 72.1 187.8 Q 73.0 186.7, 73.0 184.4 Q 73.0 182.2, 72.1 181.0 Q 71.1 179.9, 69.4 179.9 Q 67.7 179.9, 66.7 181.0 Q 65.8 182.1, 65.8 184.4 Q 65.8 186.7, 66.7 187.8 Q 67.7 189.0, 69.4 189.0 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 76.0 178.8 L 77.5 178.8 L 77.5 183.6 L 83.3 183.6 L 83.3 178.8 L 84.8 178.8 L 84.8 190.1 L 83.3 190.1 L 83.3 184.8 L 77.5 184.8 L 77.5 190.1 L 76.0 190.1 L 76.0 178.8 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 86.3 188.8 L 88.8 188.8 L 88.8 180.3 L 86.1 181.2 L 85.7 180.2 L 89.2 178.7 L 90.3 178.9 L 90.3 188.8 L 92.5 188.8 L 92.5 190.1 L 86.3 190.1 L 86.3 188.8 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 96.2 177.7 L 96.2 193.2 L 92.8 193.2 L 92.8 192.0 L 94.9 192.0 L 94.9 178.8 L 92.8 178.8 L 92.8 177.7 L 96.2 177.7 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 97.0 185.5 Q 97.0 183.2, 97.7 181.3 Q 98.4 179.5, 99.7 177.4 L 100.6 178.0 Q 99.5 179.9, 99.0 181.6 Q 98.5 183.3, 98.5 185.5 Q 98.5 187.7, 99.0 189.4 Q 99.5 191.1, 100.6 193.1 L 99.7 193.6 Q 98.4 191.6, 97.7 189.7 Q 97.0 187.8, 97.0 185.5 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 101.4 184.4 Q 101.4 181.6, 102.7 180.1 Q 104.0 178.6, 106.5 178.6 Q 108.9 178.6, 110.1 180.3 L 109.0 181.1 Q 108.1 179.9, 106.5 179.9 Q 104.8 179.9, 103.9 181.1 Q 103.0 182.2, 103.0 184.4 Q 103.0 186.6, 103.9 187.8 Q 104.9 188.9, 106.7 188.9 Q 107.9 188.9, 109.4 188.2 L 109.8 189.4 Q 109.3 189.8, 108.4 190.0 Q 107.5 190.2, 106.5 190.2 Q 104.0 190.2, 102.7 188.7 Q 101.4 187.2, 101.4 184.4 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 111.5 177.9 L 113.0 177.9 L 113.0 190.1 L 111.5 190.1 L 111.5 177.9 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 116.9 185.5 Q 116.9 187.8, 116.2 189.7 Q 115.5 191.6, 114.2 193.6 L 113.4 193.1 Q 114.4 191.1, 114.9 189.4 Q 115.4 187.7, 115.4 185.5 Q 115.4 183.3, 114.9 181.6 Q 114.4 179.9, 113.4 178.0 L 114.2 177.4 Q 115.5 179.5, 116.2 181.3 Q 116.9 183.2, 116.9 185.5 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 117.7 185.5 Q 117.7 183.2, 118.3 181.3 Q 119.0 179.5, 120.3 177.4 L 121.2 178.0 Q 120.2 179.9, 119.6 181.6 Q 119.1 183.3, 119.1 185.5 Q 119.1 187.7, 119.6 189.4 Q 120.2 191.1, 121.2 193.1 L 120.3 193.6 Q 119.0 191.6, 118.3 189.7 Q 117.7 187.8, 117.7 185.5 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 122.0 184.4 Q 122.0 181.6, 123.3 180.1 Q 124.6 178.6, 127.1 178.6 Q 129.5 178.6, 130.7 180.3 L 129.7 181.1 Q 128.8 179.9, 127.1 179.9 Q 125.4 179.9, 124.5 181.1 Q 123.6 182.2, 123.6 184.4 Q 123.6 186.6, 124.6 187.8 Q 125.5 188.9, 127.3 188.9 Q 128.6 188.9, 130.0 188.2 L 130.5 189.4 Q 129.9 189.8, 129.0 190.0 Q 128.1 190.2, 127.1 190.2 Q 124.6 190.2, 123.3 188.7 Q 122.0 187.2, 122.0 184.4 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 134.6 185.5 Q 134.6 187.8, 134.0 189.7 Q 133.3 191.6, 132.0 193.6 L 131.1 193.1 Q 132.2 191.1, 132.7 189.4 Q 133.2 187.7, 133.2 185.5 Q 133.2 183.3, 132.7 181.6 Q 132.2 179.9, 131.1 178.0 L 132.0 177.4 Q 133.3 179.5, 134.0 181.3 Q 134.6 183.2, 134.6 185.5 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 135.4 185.5 Q 135.4 183.2, 136.1 181.3 Q 136.8 179.5, 138.1 177.4 L 139.0 178.0 Q 137.9 179.9, 137.4 181.6 Q 136.9 183.3, 136.9 185.5 Q 136.9 187.7, 137.4 189.4 Q 137.9 191.1, 139.0 193.1 L 138.1 193.6 Q 136.8 191.6, 136.1 189.7 Q 135.4 187.8, 135.4 185.5 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 142.1 178.8 L 145.8 184.8 Q 146.2 185.3, 146.8 186.4 Q 147.4 187.5, 147.4 187.6 L 147.4 178.8 L 148.9 178.8 L 148.9 190.1 L 147.3 190.1 L 143.4 183.5 Q 142.9 182.8, 142.4 181.9 Q 141.9 181.0, 141.8 180.7 L 141.8 190.1 L 140.3 190.1 L 140.3 178.8 L 142.1 178.8 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 152.8 185.5 Q 152.8 187.8, 152.1 189.7 Q 151.5 191.6, 150.2 193.6 L 149.3 193.1 Q 150.3 191.1, 150.8 189.4 Q 151.4 187.7, 151.4 185.5 Q 151.4 183.3, 150.8 181.6 Q 150.3 179.9, 149.3 178.0 L 150.2 177.4 Q 151.5 179.5, 152.1 181.3 Q 152.8 183.2, 152.8 185.5 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 153.6 185.5 Q 153.6 183.2, 154.3 181.3 Q 154.9 179.5, 156.2 177.4 L 157.1 178.0 Q 156.1 179.9, 155.6 181.6 Q 155.0 183.3, 155.0 185.5 Q 155.0 187.7, 155.6 189.4 Q 156.1 191.1, 157.1 193.1 L 156.2 193.6 Q 154.9 191.6, 154.3 189.7 Q 153.6 187.8, 153.6 185.5 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 158.5 178.8 L 165.2 178.8 L 165.2 180.0 L 160.0 180.0 L 160.0 183.5 L 164.6 183.5 L 164.6 184.8 L 160.0 184.8 L 160.0 190.1 L 158.5 190.1 L 158.5 178.8 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 169.1 185.5 Q 169.1 187.8, 168.5 189.7 Q 167.8 191.6, 166.5 193.6 L 165.6 193.1 Q 166.7 191.1, 167.2 189.4 Q 167.7 187.7, 167.7 185.5 Q 167.7 183.3, 167.2 181.6 Q 166.7 179.9, 165.6 178.0 L 166.5 177.4 Q 167.8 179.5, 168.5 181.3 Q 169.1 183.2, 169.1 185.5 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 173.8 178.8 Q 175.8 178.8, 176.8 179.6 Q 177.7 180.5, 177.7 182.1 Q 177.7 183.6, 176.7 184.5 Q 175.7 185.4, 173.8 185.4 L 172.0 185.4 L 172.0 190.1 L 170.5 190.1 L 170.5 178.8 L 173.8 178.8 M 173.8 184.1 Q 175.0 184.1, 175.5 183.6 Q 176.1 183.1, 176.1 182.1 Q 176.1 181.1, 175.5 180.6 Q 175.0 180.0, 173.8 180.0 L 172.0 180.0 L 172.0 184.1 L 173.8 184.1 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 atom-1\" d=\"M 347.0,102.7 L 327.2,91.3\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#FF0000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 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352.9 103.1 Q 351.3 105.0, 351.3 108.8 Q 351.3 112.6, 352.9 114.5 Q 354.4 116.4, 357.3 116.4 \" fill=\"#FF0000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-0\" d=\"M 368.3 99.3 L 370.9 99.3 L 370.9 107.4 L 380.6 107.4 L 380.6 99.3 L 383.1 99.3 L 383.1 118.3 L 380.6 118.3 L 380.6 109.5 L 370.9 109.5 L 370.9 118.3 L 368.3 118.3 L 368.3 99.3 \" fill=\"#FF0000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-1\" d=\"M 277.1 75.3 Q 277.1 70.6, 279.3 68.2 Q 281.5 65.7, 285.7 65.7 Q 289.6 65.7, 291.7 68.4 L 289.9 69.9 Q 288.4 67.9, 285.7 67.9 Q 282.8 67.9, 281.3 69.8 Q 279.8 71.7, 279.8 75.3 Q 279.8 79.1, 281.4 81.0 Q 282.9 82.9, 286.0 82.9 Q 288.1 82.9, 290.5 81.7 L 291.2 83.7 Q 290.3 84.3, 288.8 84.7 Q 287.3 85.1, 285.6 85.1 Q 281.5 85.1, 279.3 82.6 Q 277.1 80.1, 277.1 75.3 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-1\" d=\"M 292.9 77.9 Q 292.9 74.6, 294.6 72.7 Q 296.3 70.9, 299.4 70.9 Q 302.6 70.9, 304.2 72.7 Q 306.0 74.6, 306.0 77.9 Q 306.0 81.3, 304.2 83.2 Q 302.6 85.1, 299.4 85.1 Q 296.3 85.1, 294.6 83.2 Q 292.9 81.3, 292.9 77.9 M 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style=\"fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;\"/>\n<path d=\"M 223.1 184.4 Q 223.1 181.7, 224.4 180.1 Q 225.7 178.6, 228.2 178.6 Q 230.8 178.6, 232.1 180.1 Q 233.4 181.7, 233.4 184.4 Q 233.4 187.1, 232.1 188.7 Q 230.7 190.3, 228.2 190.3 Q 225.8 190.3, 224.4 188.7 Q 223.1 187.2, 223.1 184.4 M 228.2 189.0 Q 230.0 189.0, 230.9 187.8 Q 231.8 186.7, 231.8 184.4 Q 231.8 182.2, 230.9 181.0 Q 230.0 179.9, 228.2 179.9 Q 226.5 179.9, 225.6 181.0 Q 224.7 182.1, 224.7 184.4 Q 224.7 186.7, 225.6 187.8 Q 226.5 189.0, 228.2 189.0 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 234.8 177.7 L 238.2 177.7 L 238.2 178.8 L 236.2 178.8 L 236.2 192.0 L 238.2 192.0 L 238.2 193.2 L 234.8 193.2 L 234.8 177.7 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 239.0 184.4 Q 239.0 181.6, 240.3 180.1 Q 241.7 178.6, 244.2 178.6 Q 246.5 178.6, 247.8 180.3 L 246.7 181.1 Q 245.8 179.9, 244.2 179.9 Q 242.5 179.9, 241.5 181.1 Q 240.7 182.2, 240.7 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185.4, 262.5 186.7 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 272.4 184.4 Q 272.4 181.7, 273.7 180.1 Q 275.1 178.6, 277.6 178.6 Q 280.1 178.6, 281.4 180.1 Q 282.8 181.7, 282.8 184.4 Q 282.8 187.1, 281.4 188.7 Q 280.1 190.3, 277.6 190.3 Q 275.1 190.3, 273.7 188.7 Q 272.4 187.2, 272.4 184.4 M 277.6 189.0 Q 279.3 189.0, 280.2 187.8 Q 281.2 186.7, 281.2 184.4 Q 281.2 182.2, 280.2 181.0 Q 279.3 179.9, 277.6 179.9 Q 275.9 179.9, 274.9 181.0 Q 274.0 182.1, 274.0 184.4 Q 274.0 186.7, 274.9 187.8 Q 275.9 189.0, 277.6 189.0 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 284.1 178.8 L 285.7 178.8 L 285.7 183.6 L 291.5 183.6 L 291.5 178.8 L 293.0 178.8 L 293.0 190.1 L 291.5 190.1 L 291.5 184.8 L 285.7 184.8 L 285.7 190.1 L 284.1 190.1 L 284.1 178.8 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 294.5 188.8 L 297.0 188.8 L 297.0 180.3 L 294.2 181.2 L 293.9 180.2 L 297.3 178.7 L 298.5 178.9 L 298.5 188.8 L 300.7 188.8 L 300.7 190.1 L 294.5 190.1 L 294.5 188.8 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 304.4 177.7 L 304.4 193.2 L 301.0 193.2 L 301.0 192.0 L 303.1 192.0 L 303.1 178.8 L 301.0 178.8 L 301.0 177.7 L 304.4 177.7 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 305.2 185.5 Q 305.2 183.2, 305.9 181.3 Q 306.6 179.5, 307.8 177.4 L 308.7 178.0 Q 307.7 179.9, 307.2 181.6 Q 306.7 183.3, 306.7 185.5 Q 306.7 187.7, 307.2 189.4 Q 307.7 191.1, 308.7 193.1 L 307.8 193.6 Q 306.6 191.6, 305.9 189.7 Q 305.2 187.8, 305.2 185.5 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 309.5 184.4 Q 309.5 181.6, 310.9 180.1 Q 312.2 178.6, 314.7 178.6 Q 317.0 178.6, 318.3 180.3 L 317.2 181.1 Q 316.3 179.9, 314.7 179.9 Q 313.0 179.9, 312.1 181.1 Q 311.2 182.2, 311.2 184.4 Q 311.2 186.6, 312.1 187.8 Q 313.0 188.9, 314.9 188.9 Q 316.1 188.9, 317.6 188.2 L 318.0 189.4 Q 317.4 189.8, 316.5 190.0 Q 315.6 190.2, 314.6 190.2 Q 312.2 190.2, 310.9 188.7 Q 309.5 187.2, 309.5 184.4 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 319.7 177.9 L 321.1 177.9 L 321.1 190.1 L 319.7 190.1 L 319.7 177.9 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 325.1 185.5 Q 325.1 187.8, 324.4 189.7 Q 323.7 191.6, 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191.6, 340.2 193.6 L 339.3 193.1 Q 340.3 191.1, 340.9 189.4 Q 341.4 187.7, 341.4 185.5 Q 341.4 183.3, 340.9 181.6 Q 340.3 179.9, 339.3 178.0 L 340.2 177.4 Q 341.5 179.5, 342.2 181.3 Q 342.8 183.2, 342.8 185.5 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 343.6 185.5 Q 343.6 183.2, 344.3 181.3 Q 345.0 179.5, 346.2 177.4 L 347.1 178.0 Q 346.1 179.9, 345.6 181.6 Q 345.1 183.3, 345.1 185.5 Q 345.1 187.7, 345.6 189.4 Q 346.1 191.1, 347.1 193.1 L 346.2 193.6 Q 345.0 191.6, 344.3 189.7 Q 343.6 187.8, 343.6 185.5 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 350.3 178.8 L 354.0 184.8 Q 354.3 185.3, 354.9 186.4 Q 355.5 187.5, 355.6 187.6 L 355.6 178.8 L 357.1 178.8 L 357.1 190.1 L 355.5 190.1 L 351.5 183.5 Q 351.1 182.8, 350.6 181.9 Q 350.1 181.0, 349.9 180.7 L 349.9 190.1 L 348.5 190.1 L 348.5 178.8 L 350.3 178.8 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 361.0 185.5 Q 361.0 187.8, 360.3 189.7 Q 359.7 191.6, 358.4 193.6 L 357.5 193.1 Q 358.5 191.1, 359.0 189.4 Q 359.5 187.7, 359.5 185.5 Q 359.5 183.3, 359.0 181.6 Q 358.5 179.9, 357.5 178.0 L 358.4 177.4 Q 359.7 179.5, 360.3 181.3 Q 361.0 183.2, 361.0 185.5 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 362.3 178.8 L 369.1 178.8 L 369.1 180.0 L 363.9 180.0 L 363.9 183.5 L 368.5 183.5 L 368.5 184.8 L 363.9 184.8 L 363.9 190.1 L 362.3 190.1 L 362.3 178.8 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 atom-1\" d=\"M 547.0,102.7 L 527.2,91.3\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#FF0000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-0 atom-0 atom-1\" d=\"M 527.2,91.3 L 507.3,79.8\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-1 atom-1 atom-2\" d=\"M 479.5,86.8 L 461.7,97.1\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-1 atom-1 atom-2\" d=\"M 461.7,97.1 L 443.9,107.4\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#00CC00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-2 atom-1 atom-3\" d=\"M 499.4,69.2 L 499.4,8.4\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-3 atom-1 atom-4\" d=\"M 507.6,70.5 L 528.2,58.7\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-3 atom-1 atom-4\" d=\"M 528.2,58.7 L 548.7,46.8\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#0000FF;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-0\" d=\"M 548.6 108.8 Q 548.6 104.2, 550.9 101.7 Q 553.1 99.1, 557.3 99.1 Q 561.5 99.1, 563.8 101.7 Q 566.0 104.2, 566.0 108.8 Q 566.0 113.4, 563.8 116.0 Q 561.5 118.6, 557.3 118.6 Q 553.2 118.6, 550.9 116.0 Q 548.6 113.4, 548.6 108.8 M 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style=\"fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;\"/>\n<path d=\"M 431.5 184.4 Q 431.5 181.7, 432.8 180.1 Q 434.2 178.6, 436.7 178.6 Q 439.2 178.6, 440.6 180.1 Q 441.9 181.7, 441.9 184.4 Q 441.9 187.1, 440.5 188.7 Q 439.2 190.3, 436.7 190.3 Q 434.2 190.3, 432.8 188.7 Q 431.5 187.2, 431.5 184.4 M 436.7 189.0 Q 438.4 189.0, 439.4 187.8 Q 440.3 186.7, 440.3 184.4 Q 440.3 182.2, 439.4 181.0 Q 438.4 179.9, 436.7 179.9 Q 435.0 179.9, 434.0 181.0 Q 433.1 182.1, 433.1 184.4 Q 433.1 186.7, 434.0 187.8 Q 435.0 189.0, 436.7 189.0 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 443.3 177.7 L 446.7 177.7 L 446.7 178.8 L 444.6 178.8 L 444.6 192.0 L 446.7 192.0 L 446.7 193.2 L 443.3 193.2 L 443.3 177.7 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 447.5 184.4 Q 447.5 181.6, 448.8 180.1 Q 450.1 178.6, 452.6 178.6 Q 455.0 178.6, 456.2 180.3 L 455.1 181.1 Q 454.2 179.9, 452.6 179.9 Q 450.9 179.9, 450.0 181.1 Q 449.1 182.2, 449.1 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728.1,91.8\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-1 atom-1 atom-2\" d=\"M 728.1,91.8 L 748.6,103.7\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#00CC00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"bond-2 atom-1 atom-3\" d=\"M 699.4,69.2 L 699.4,8.4\" style=\"fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-0\" d=\"M 748.6 41.9 Q 748.6 37.3, 750.9 34.8 Q 753.1 32.3, 757.3 32.3 Q 761.5 32.3, 763.8 34.8 Q 766.0 37.3, 766.0 41.9 Q 766.0 46.5, 763.8 49.1 Q 761.5 51.7, 757.3 51.7 Q 753.2 51.7, 750.9 49.1 Q 748.6 46.5, 748.6 41.9 M 757.3 49.6 Q 760.2 49.6, 761.8 47.6 Q 763.4 45.7, 763.4 41.9 Q 763.4 38.2, 761.8 36.3 Q 760.2 34.4, 757.3 34.4 Q 754.4 34.4, 752.9 36.3 Q 751.3 38.1, 751.3 41.9 Q 751.3 45.7, 752.9 47.6 Q 754.4 49.6, 757.3 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80.5, 703.4 77.9 Q 703.4 75.4, 702.3 74.1 Q 701.3 72.8, 699.4 72.8 Q 697.5 72.8, 696.5 74.1 Q 695.5 75.4, 695.5 77.9 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-2\" d=\"M 750.0 109.4 Q 750.0 104.6, 752.2 102.2 Q 754.4 99.7, 758.6 99.7 Q 762.6 99.7, 764.6 102.5 L 762.9 103.9 Q 761.3 101.9, 758.6 101.9 Q 755.8 101.9, 754.3 103.8 Q 752.8 105.7, 752.8 109.4 Q 752.8 113.1, 754.3 115.0 Q 755.9 116.9, 758.9 116.9 Q 761.0 116.9, 763.5 115.7 L 764.2 117.7 Q 763.2 118.3, 761.7 118.7 Q 760.2 119.1, 758.6 119.1 Q 754.4 119.1, 752.2 116.6 Q 750.0 114.1, 750.0 109.4 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path class=\"atom-2\" d=\"M 766.9 98.5 L 769.4 98.5 L 769.4 118.8 L 766.9 118.8 L 766.9 98.5 \" fill=\"#00CC00\"/>\n<path d=\"M 674.4,75.3 L 674.4,75.2 L 674.4,75.0 L 674.4,74.9 L 674.3,74.8 L 674.3,74.7 L 674.2,74.6 L 674.2,74.5 L 674.1,74.4 L 674.0,74.3 L 673.9,74.3 L 673.8,74.2 L 673.7,74.1 L 673.6,74.1 L 673.5,74.0 L 673.4,74.0 L 673.3,74.0 L 673.2,73.9 L 673.1,73.9 L 673.0,73.9 L 672.9,73.9 L 672.7,74.0 L 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188.7 Q 647.9 190.3, 645.4 190.3 Q 642.9 190.3, 641.5 188.7 Q 640.2 187.2, 640.2 184.4 M 645.4 189.0 Q 647.1 189.0, 648.0 187.8 Q 649.0 186.7, 649.0 184.4 Q 649.0 182.2, 648.0 181.0 Q 647.1 179.9, 645.4 179.9 Q 643.6 179.9, 642.7 181.0 Q 641.8 182.1, 641.8 184.4 Q 641.8 186.7, 642.7 187.8 Q 643.6 189.0, 645.4 189.0 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 651.9 177.7 L 655.3 177.7 L 655.3 178.8 L 653.3 178.8 L 653.3 192.0 L 655.3 192.0 L 655.3 193.2 L 651.9 193.2 L 651.9 177.7 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 656.1 184.4 Q 656.1 181.6, 657.5 180.1 Q 658.8 178.6, 661.3 178.6 Q 663.6 178.6, 664.9 180.3 L 663.8 181.1 Q 662.9 179.9, 661.3 179.9 Q 659.6 179.9, 658.7 181.1 Q 657.8 182.2, 657.8 184.4 Q 657.8 186.6, 658.7 187.8 Q 659.6 188.9, 661.5 188.9 Q 662.7 188.9, 664.2 188.2 L 664.6 189.4 Q 664.0 189.8, 663.1 190.0 Q 662.2 190.2, 661.2 190.2 Q 658.8 190.2, 657.5 188.7 Q 656.1 187.2, 656.1 184.4 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 665.6 186.0 Q 665.6 184.0, 666.6 182.8 Q 667.6 181.7, 669.5 181.7 Q 671.4 181.7, 672.4 182.8 Q 673.4 184.0, 673.4 186.0 Q 673.4 188.0, 672.4 189.1 Q 671.4 190.2, 669.5 190.2 Q 667.6 190.2, 666.6 189.1 Q 665.6 188.0, 665.6 186.0 M 667.2 186.0 Q 667.2 187.5, 667.8 188.2 Q 668.4 189.0, 669.5 189.0 Q 670.7 189.0, 671.3 188.2 Q 671.9 187.5, 671.9 186.0 Q 671.9 184.4, 671.3 183.7 Q 670.7 182.9, 669.5 182.9 Q 668.4 182.9, 667.8 183.7 Q 667.2 184.4, 667.2 186.0 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 684.6 193.1 Q 684.1 193.3, 683.3 193.5 Q 682.5 193.7, 681.5 193.7 Q 679.2 193.7, 677.6 192.8 Q 676.0 191.9, 675.1 190.3 Q 674.2 188.7, 674.2 186.6 Q 674.2 184.3, 675.2 182.5 Q 676.2 180.7, 678.0 179.7 Q 679.7 178.7, 681.9 178.7 Q 684.0 178.7, 685.5 179.4 Q 687.1 180.2, 687.9 181.7 Q 688.7 183.1, 688.7 185.0 Q 688.7 186.4, 688.3 187.5 Q 687.9 188.5, 687.1 189.1 Q 686.3 189.6, 685.3 189.6 Q 684.5 189.6, 683.9 189.2 Q 683.3 188.8, 683.1 188.1 Q 682.7 188.9, 682.0 189.3 Q 681.4 189.6, 680.6 189.6 Q 679.5 189.6, 678.8 188.9 Q 678.2 188.2, 678.2 186.9 Q 678.2 185.6, 678.7 184.7 Q 679.2 183.7, 680.2 183.2 Q 681.2 182.6, 682.4 182.6 Q 683.3 182.6, 684.4 183.0 L 684.1 185.6 Q 684.0 186.0, 684.0 186.4 Q 684.0 188.4, 685.4 188.4 Q 686.1 188.4, 686.6 187.6 Q 687.1 186.8, 687.1 185.0 Q 687.1 182.7, 685.8 181.3 Q 684.5 179.9, 681.9 179.9 Q 680.2 179.9, 678.8 180.8 Q 677.4 181.7, 676.6 183.2 Q 675.8 184.8, 675.8 186.6 Q 675.8 188.3, 676.5 189.6 Q 677.2 190.9, 678.5 191.7 Q 679.8 192.4, 681.5 192.4 Q 682.4 192.4, 683.1 192.3 Q 683.8 192.1, 684.2 192.0 L 684.6 193.1 M 679.6 186.7 Q 679.6 187.5, 679.9 188.0 Q 680.3 188.4, 680.8 188.4 Q 681.6 188.4, 682.1 187.8 Q 682.6 187.1, 682.8 186.0 L 683.1 184.0 Q 682.6 183.8, 682.2 183.8 Q 681.0 183.8, 680.4 184.6 Q 679.7 185.4, 679.6 186.7 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 689.5 184.4 Q 689.5 181.7, 690.8 180.1 Q 692.2 178.6, 694.7 178.6 Q 697.2 178.6, 698.6 180.1 Q 699.9 181.7, 699.9 184.4 Q 699.9 187.1, 698.5 188.7 Q 697.2 190.3, 694.7 190.3 Q 692.2 190.3, 690.8 188.7 Q 689.5 187.2, 689.5 184.4 M 694.7 189.0 Q 696.4 189.0, 697.4 187.8 Q 698.3 186.7, 698.3 184.4 Q 698.3 182.2, 697.4 181.0 Q 696.4 179.9, 694.7 179.9 Q 693.0 179.9, 692.0 181.0 Q 691.1 182.1, 691.1 184.4 Q 691.1 186.7, 692.0 187.8 Q 693.0 189.0, 694.7 189.0 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 701.3 178.8 L 702.8 178.8 L 702.8 183.6 L 708.6 183.6 L 708.6 178.8 L 710.1 178.8 L 710.1 190.1 L 708.6 190.1 L 708.6 184.8 L 702.8 184.8 L 702.8 190.1 L 701.3 190.1 L 701.3 178.8 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 711.6 188.8 L 714.1 188.8 L 714.1 180.3 L 711.4 181.2 L 711.0 180.2 L 714.5 178.7 L 715.6 178.9 L 715.6 188.8 L 717.8 188.8 L 717.8 190.1 L 711.6 190.1 L 711.6 188.8 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 721.6 177.7 L 721.6 193.2 L 718.1 193.2 L 718.1 192.0 L 720.2 192.0 L 720.2 178.8 L 718.1 178.8 L 718.1 177.7 L 721.6 177.7 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 722.4 185.5 Q 722.4 183.2, 723.0 181.3 Q 723.7 179.5, 725.0 177.4 L 725.9 178.0 Q 724.8 179.9, 724.3 181.6 Q 723.8 183.3, 723.8 185.5 Q 723.8 187.7, 724.3 189.4 Q 724.8 191.1, 725.9 193.1 L 725.0 193.6 Q 723.7 191.6, 723.0 189.7 Q 722.4 187.8, 722.4 185.5 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 726.7 184.4 Q 726.7 181.6, 728.0 180.1 Q 729.3 178.6, 731.8 178.6 Q 734.2 178.6, 735.4 180.3 L 734.4 181.1 Q 733.4 179.9, 731.8 179.9 Q 730.1 179.9, 729.2 181.1 Q 728.3 182.2, 728.3 184.4 Q 728.3 186.6, 729.2 187.8 Q 730.2 188.9, 732.0 188.9 Q 733.2 188.9, 734.7 188.2 L 735.2 189.4 Q 734.6 189.8, 733.7 190.0 Q 732.8 190.2, 731.8 190.2 Q 729.3 190.2, 728.0 188.7 Q 726.7 187.2, 726.7 184.4 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 736.8 177.9 L 738.3 177.9 L 738.3 190.1 L 736.8 190.1 L 736.8 177.9 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 742.2 185.5 Q 742.2 187.8, 741.5 189.7 Q 740.8 191.6, 739.6 193.6 L 738.7 193.1 Q 739.7 191.1, 740.2 189.4 Q 740.7 187.7, 740.7 185.5 Q 740.7 183.3, 740.2 181.6 Q 739.7 179.9, 738.7 178.0 L 739.6 177.4 Q 740.8 179.5, 741.5 181.3 Q 742.2 183.2, 742.2 185.5 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n<path d=\"M 743.0 184.4 Q 743.0 181.6, 744.3 180.1 Q 745.6 178.6, 748.1 178.6 Q 750.5 178.6, 751.7 180.3 L 750.7 181.1 Q 749.7 179.9, 748.1 179.9 Q 746.4 179.9, 745.5 181.1 Q 744.6 182.2, 744.6 184.4 Q 744.6 186.6, 745.5 187.8 Q 746.5 188.9, 748.3 188.9 Q 749.6 188.9, 751.0 188.2 L 751.5 189.4 Q 750.9 189.8, 750.0 190.0 Q 749.1 190.2, 748.1 190.2 Q 745.6 190.2, 744.3 188.7 Q 743.0 187.2, 743.0 184.4 \" fill=\"#000000\"/>\n</svg>",
"text/plain": "<IPython.core.display.SVG object>"
"execution_count": 13,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"metadata": {},
"id": "infectious-safety",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "Those last two are messed up, *sigh*"
"metadata": {},
"id": "thermal-publicity",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "# 3D"
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"id": "brief-teach",
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "IPythonConsole.ipython_3d = True",
"execution_count": 14,
"outputs": []
"metadata": {},
"id": "established-trailer",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "## SP"
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"id": "cross-attraction",
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "mols_2d = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(x) for x in \n ('C[Pt@SP1](F)(Cl)[H]','C[Pt@SP2](F)(Cl)[H]','C[Pt@SP3](F)(Cl)[H]')]\nmols = [Chem.AddHs(m) for m in mols_2d]\nfor mol in mols:\n rdDistGeom.EmbedMolecule(mol)\ndisplay(mols_2d[0])\nmols[0]",
"execution_count": 15,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"text": "[06:48:15] WARNING: not removing hydrogen atom with neighbor that has non-tetrahedral stereochemistry\n[06:48:15] WARNING: not removing hydrogen atom with neighbor that has non-tetrahedral stereochemistry\n[06:48:15] WARNING: not removing hydrogen atom with neighbor that has non-tetrahedral stereochemistry\n[06:48:15] WARNING: not removing hydrogen atom with neighbor that has non-tetrahedral stereochemistry\n[06:48:15] WARNING: not removing hydrogen atom with neighbor that has non-tetrahedral stereochemistry\n[06:48:15] WARNING: not removing hydrogen atom with neighbor that has non-tetrahedral stereochemistry\n",
"name": "stderr"
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
"text/plain": "<rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol at 0x7fa949b776d0>",
"text/html": "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>\n<svg version='1.1' baseProfile='full'\n xmlns=''\n xmlns:rdkit=''\n xmlns:xlink=''\n xml:space='preserve'\nwidth='450px' height='150px' viewBox='0 0 450 150'>\n<!-- END OF HEADER -->\n<rect style='opacity:1.0;fill:#FFFFFF;stroke:none' width='450.0' height='150.0' x='0.0' y='0.0'> </rect>\n<path class='bond-0 atom-0 atom-1' d='M 288.8,18.1 L 240.5,66.4' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-1 atom-1 atom-2' d='M 240.5,82.5 L 260.4,102.4' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-1 atom-1 atom-2' d='M 260.4,102.4 L 280.4,122.4' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#33CCCC;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-2 atom-1 atom-3' d='M 219.2,87.7 L 199.1,107.8' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-2 atom-1 atom-3' d='M 199.1,107.8 L 179.1,127.8' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#00CC00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-3 atom-1 atom-4' d='M 219.2,61.2 L 186.5,28.5' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='atom-1' d='M 218.7 63.2\nQ 222.5 63.2, 224.5 64.9\nQ 226.4 66.6, 226.4 69.8\nQ 226.4 72.9, 224.4 74.7\nQ 222.4 76.5, 218.7 76.5\nL 215.1 76.5\nL 215.1 85.7\nL 212.0 85.7\nL 212.0 63.2\nL 218.7 63.2\nM 218.7 73.9\nQ 220.9 73.9, 222.1 72.9\nQ 223.2 71.8, 223.2 69.8\nQ 223.2 67.8, 222.1 66.8\nQ 220.9 65.7, 218.7 65.7\nL 215.1 65.7\nL 215.1 73.9\nL 218.7 73.9\n' fill='#000000'/>\n<path class='atom-1' d='M 227.4 71.6\nL 227.4 69.4\nL 230.5 69.4\nL 231.0 64.6\nL 233.2 64.6\nL 233.2 69.4\nL 238.2 69.4\nL 238.2 71.6\nL 233.2 71.6\nL 233.2 80.7\nQ 233.2 83.5, 235.6 83.5\nQ 236.6 83.5, 238.0 83.1\nL 238.5 85.2\nQ 236.7 85.9, 235.1 85.9\nQ 232.9 85.9, 231.6 84.7\nQ 230.2 83.4, 230.2 80.9\nL 230.2 71.6\nL 227.4 71.6\n' fill='#000000'/>\n<path class='atom-2' d='M 282.1 119.5\nL 295.5 119.5\nL 295.5 122.1\nL 285.1 122.1\nL 285.1 128.9\nL 294.4 128.9\nL 294.4 131.6\nL 285.1 131.6\nL 285.1 142.1\nL 282.1 142.1\nL 282.1 119.5\n' fill='#33CCCC'/>\n<path class='atom-3' d='M 154.5 131.6\nQ 154.5 126.0, 157.1 123.0\nQ 159.8 120.1, 164.8 120.1\nQ 169.4 120.1, 171.9 123.4\nL 169.8 125.1\nQ 168.0 122.7, 164.8 122.7\nQ 161.3 122.7, 159.5 125.0\nQ 157.7 127.2, 157.7 131.6\nQ 157.7 136.0, 159.6 138.3\nQ 161.5 140.6, 165.1 140.6\nQ 167.6 140.6, 170.5 139.1\nL 171.4 141.5\nQ 170.2 142.3, 168.4 142.7\nQ 166.6 143.2, 164.7 143.2\nQ 159.8 143.2, 157.1 140.2\nQ 154.5 137.2, 154.5 131.6\n' fill='#00CC00'/>\n<path class='atom-3' d='M 174.6 118.7\nL 177.6 118.7\nL 177.6 142.9\nL 174.6 142.9\nL 174.6 118.7\n' fill='#00CC00'/>\n<path class='atom-4' d='M 167.3 6.8\nL 170.3 6.8\nL 170.3 16.4\nL 181.9 16.4\nL 181.9 6.8\nL 184.9 6.8\nL 184.9 29.4\nL 181.9 29.4\nL 181.9 19.0\nL 170.3 19.0\nL 170.3 29.4\nL 167.3 29.4\nL 167.3 6.8\n' fill='#000000'/>\n</svg>\n",
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"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
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"metadata": {}
"output_type": "execute_result",
"execution_count": 15,
"data": {
"text/plain": "<rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol at 0x7fa949b77740>",
"text/html": "",
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"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"id": "chinese-logging",
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "display(mols_2d[1])\nmols[1]",
"execution_count": 16,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
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"metadata": {}
"output_type": "execute_result",
"execution_count": 16,
"data": {
"text/plain": "<rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol at 0x7fa949b777b0>",
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"source": "## TB"
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"id": "loved-directory",
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "mols_2d = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(x) for x in \n ('S[As@TB1](F)(Cl)(Br)N','S[As@TB2](F)(Cl)(Br)N','S[As@TB15](F)(Cl)(Br)N')]\nmols = [Chem.AddHs(m) for m in mols_2d]\nfor mol in mols:\n rdDistGeom.EmbedMolecule(mol)\ndisplay(mols_2d[0])\nmols[0]",
"execution_count": 17,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"text": "[06:48:37] UFFTYPER: Unrecognized charge state for atom: 1\n[06:48:37] UFFTYPER: Unrecognized atom type: As5+3 (1)\n[06:48:37] UFFTYPER: Unrecognized charge state for atom: 1\n[06:48:37] UFFTYPER: Unrecognized atom type: As5+3 (1)\n[06:48:37] UFFTYPER: Unrecognized charge state for atom: 1\n[06:48:37] UFFTYPER: Unrecognized atom type: As5+3 (1)\n",
"name": "stderr"
"output_type": "display_data",
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"metadata": {}
"output_type": "execute_result",
"execution_count": 17,
"data": {
"text/plain": "<rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol at 0x7fa949ebb4a0>",
"text/html": "",
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"metadata": {}
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"id": "spanish-elite",
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "display(mols_2d[2])\nmols[2]",
"execution_count": 18,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
"text/plain": "<rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol at 0x7fa949ebb270>",
"text/html": "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>\n<svg version='1.1' baseProfile='full'\n xmlns=''\n xmlns:rdkit=''\n xmlns:xlink=''\n xml:space='preserve'\nwidth='450px' height='150px' viewBox='0 0 450 150'>\n<!-- END OF HEADER -->\n<rect style='opacity:1.0;fill:#FFFFFF;stroke:none' width='450.0' height='150.0' x='0.0' y='0.0'> </rect>\n<path class='bond-0 atom-0 atom-1' d='M 209.8,26.9 L 219.6,43.7' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#CCCC00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-0 atom-0 atom-1' d='M 219.6,43.7 L 229.3,60.5' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-1 atom-1 atom-2' d='M 238.6,64.9 L 249.7,45.5' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-1 atom-1 atom-2' d='M 249.7,45.5 L 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202.5 8.9, 201.6 9.7\nQ 200.6 10.4, 200.6 11.6\nQ 200.6 12.6, 201.1 13.2\nQ 201.6 13.7, 202.3 14.1\nQ 203.1 14.4, 204.3 14.8\nQ 205.9 15.3, 206.9 15.8\nQ 207.8 16.3, 208.5 17.4\nQ 209.2 18.4, 209.2 20.1\nQ 209.2 22.6, 207.5 23.9\nQ 205.9 25.3, 203.1 25.3\nQ 201.5 25.3, 200.3 24.9\nQ 199.1 24.6, 197.7 24.0\nL 198.4 22.0\n' fill='#CCCC00'/>\n<path class='atom-1' d='M 227.6 79.7\nL 225.7 74.5\nL 218.6 74.5\nL 216.8 79.7\nL 214.3 79.7\nL 220.5 61.8\nL 223.5 61.8\nL 229.9 79.7\nL 227.6 79.7\nM 219.3 72.4\nL 225.0 72.4\nL 222.1 64.3\nL 219.3 72.4\n' fill='#000000'/>\n<path class='atom-1' d='M 231.9 77.0\nQ 233.1 77.5, 233.9 77.8\nQ 234.7 78.0, 235.6 78.0\nQ 236.8 78.0, 237.4 77.5\nQ 238.0 77.0, 238.0 76.1\nQ 238.0 75.5, 237.7 75.1\nQ 237.4 74.8, 236.9 74.6\nQ 236.5 74.4, 235.4 74.0\nQ 235.2 74.0, 234.0 73.6\nQ 232.9 73.2, 232.2 72.3\nQ 231.6 71.4, 231.6 70.2\nQ 231.6 68.6, 232.8 67.5\nQ 234.1 66.5, 236.4 66.5\nQ 237.4 66.5, 238.3 66.7\nQ 239.2 66.9, 240.1 67.3\nL 239.5 69.2\nQ 238.7 68.8, 237.9 68.6\nQ 237.2 68.4, 236.4 68.4\nQ 235.2 68.4, 234.6 68.9\nQ 234.0 69.4, 234.0 70.1\nQ 234.0 70.9, 234.5 71.2\nQ 235.0 71.5, 236.0 71.9\nQ 236.3 72.0, 236.6 72.1\nL 237.2 72.3\nQ 238.2 72.7, 238.9 73.0\nQ 239.5 73.4, 240.0 74.1\nQ 240.4 74.8, 240.4 76.0\nQ 240.4 77.9, 239.1 78.9\nQ 237.8 80.0, 235.6 80.0\nQ 234.4 80.0, 233.3 79.7\nQ 232.3 79.4, 231.2 79.0\nL 231.9 77.0\n' fill='#000000'/>\n<path class='atom-2' d='M 261.6 6.8\nL 272.2 6.8\nL 272.2 8.9\nL 264.0 8.9\nL 264.0 14.3\nL 271.3 14.3\nL 271.3 16.4\nL 264.0 16.4\nL 264.0 24.8\nL 261.6 24.8\nL 261.6 6.8\n' fill='#33CCCC'/>\n<path class='atom-3' d='M 291.7 71.4\nQ 291.7 66.9, 293.8 64.6\nQ 295.9 62.2, 299.9 62.2\nQ 303.6 62.2, 305.6 64.8\nL 303.9 66.2\nQ 302.4 64.3, 299.9 64.3\nQ 297.2 64.3, 295.7 66.1\nQ 294.3 67.9, 294.3 71.4\nQ 294.3 74.9, 295.8 76.8\nQ 297.3 78.6, 300.2 78.6\nQ 302.1 78.6, 304.4 77.4\nL 305.2 79.3\nQ 304.2 79.9, 302.8 80.3\nQ 301.4 80.6, 299.8 80.6\nQ 295.9 80.6, 293.8 78.2\nQ 291.7 75.8, 291.7 71.4\n' 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"metadata": {}
"output_type": "execute_result",
"execution_count": 18,
"data": {
"text/plain": "<rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol at 0x7fa949b776d0>",
"text/html": "",
"image/svg+xml": "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>\n<svg version='1.1' baseProfile='full'\n xmlns=''\n xmlns:rdkit=''\n xmlns:xlink=''\n xml:space='preserve'\nwidth='450px' height='150px' viewBox='0 0 450 150'>\n<!-- END OF HEADER -->\n<rect style='opacity:1.0;fill:#FFFFFF;stroke:none' width='450.0' height='150.0' x='0.0' y='0.0'> </rect>\n<path class='bond-0 atom-0 atom-1' d='M 236.5,49.3 L 233.0,67.8' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#CCCC00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-0 atom-0 atom-1' d='M 233.0,67.8 L 229.4,86.2' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-5 atom-0 atom-6' d='M 233.7,34.8 L 229.1,27.2' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#CCCC00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-5 atom-0 atom-6' d='M 229.1,27.2 L 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88.7\nQ 229.6 88.6, 229.1 88.6\nQ 228.3 88.6, 227.9 88.9\nQ 227.5 89.2, 227.5 89.8\nQ 227.5 90.2, 227.8 90.5\nQ 228.1 90.7, 228.8 91.0\nQ 229.0 91.0, 229.2 91.1\nL 229.6 91.2\nQ 230.3 91.5, 230.7 91.7\nQ 231.2 91.9, 231.5 92.4\nQ 231.8 92.9, 231.8 93.7\nQ 231.8 95.0, 230.9 95.7\nQ 230.0 96.4, 228.6 96.4\nQ 227.7 96.4, 227.0 96.2\nQ 226.3 96.0, 225.6 95.7\nL 226.1 94.4\n' fill='#000000'/>\n<path class='atom-2' d='M 216.2 80.7\nL 223.5 80.7\nL 223.5 82.1\nL 217.9 82.1\nL 217.9 85.8\nL 222.8 85.8\nL 222.8 87.2\nL 217.9 87.2\nL 217.9 92.8\nL 216.2 92.8\nL 216.2 80.7\n' fill='#33CCCC'/>\n<path class='atom-3' d='M 277.8 89.5\nQ 277.8 86.4, 279.2 84.9\nQ 280.6 83.3, 283.3 83.3\nQ 285.8 83.3, 287.1 85.0\nL 286.0 86.0\nQ 285.0 84.7, 283.3 84.7\nQ 281.5 84.7, 280.5 85.9\nQ 279.5 87.1, 279.5 89.5\nQ 279.5 91.9, 280.5 93.1\nQ 281.5 94.3, 283.5 94.3\nQ 284.8 94.3, 286.4 93.5\nL 286.9 94.8\nQ 286.2 95.2, 285.3 95.5\nQ 284.3 95.7, 283.3 95.7\nQ 280.6 95.7, 279.2 94.1\nQ 277.8 92.5, 277.8 89.5\n' 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"metadata": {}
"metadata": {},
"id": "athletic-terminal",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "## OH"
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"id": "painful-december",
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "mols_2d = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(x) for x in \n ('O[Co@OH1](Cl)(C)(N)(F)P','O[Co@OH3](Cl)(C)(N)(F)P','O[Co@OH27](Cl)(C)(N)(F)P')]\nmols = [Chem.AddHs(m) for m in mols_2d]\nfor mol in mols:\n rdDistGeom.EmbedMolecule(mol)\ndisplay(mols_2d[0])\nmols[0]",
"execution_count": 19,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
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"data": {
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"metadata": {}
"output_type": "execute_result",
"execution_count": 19,
"data": {
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L 299.0,70.3' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='atom-0' d='M 154.5 45.4\nQ 154.5 42.3, 156.0 40.6\nQ 157.5 38.9, 160.3 38.9\nQ 163.1 38.9, 164.6 40.6\nQ 166.1 42.3, 166.1 45.4\nQ 166.1 48.5, 164.6 50.2\nQ 163.1 52.0, 160.3 52.0\nQ 157.5 52.0, 156.0 50.2\nQ 154.5 48.5, 154.5 45.4\nM 160.3 50.5\nQ 162.2 50.5, 163.3 49.2\nQ 164.3 47.9, 164.3 45.4\nQ 164.3 42.9, 163.3 41.6\nQ 162.2 40.4, 160.3 40.4\nQ 158.4 40.4, 157.3 41.6\nQ 156.3 42.9, 156.3 45.4\nQ 156.3 47.9, 157.3 49.2\nQ 158.4 50.5, 160.3 50.5\n' fill='#FF0000'/>\n<path class='atom-1' d='M 195.3 61.3\nQ 195.3 58.1, 196.7 56.5\nQ 198.2 54.8, 201.0 54.8\nQ 203.6 54.8, 205.0 56.7\nL 203.9 57.6\nQ 202.8 56.3, 201.0 56.3\nQ 199.1 56.3, 198.1 57.6\nQ 197.1 58.9, 197.1 61.3\nQ 197.1 63.8, 198.1 65.1\nQ 199.2 66.4, 201.2 66.4\nQ 202.6 66.4, 204.2 65.5\nL 204.8 66.9\nQ 204.1 67.3, 203.1 67.6\nQ 202.1 67.8, 201.0 67.8\nQ 198.2 67.8, 196.7 66.1\nQ 195.3 64.4, 195.3 61.3\n' fill='#000000'/>\n<path class='atom-1' d='M 205.9 63.0\nQ 205.9 60.8, 207.0 59.5\nQ 208.1 58.3, 210.2 58.3\nQ 212.3 58.3, 213.5 59.5\nQ 214.6 60.8, 214.6 63.0\nQ 214.6 65.3, 213.5 66.5\nQ 212.3 67.8, 210.2 67.8\nQ 208.1 67.8, 207.0 66.5\nQ 205.9 65.3, 205.9 63.0\nM 207.6 63.0\nQ 207.6 64.7, 208.3 65.6\nQ 209.0 66.5, 210.2 66.5\nQ 211.5 66.5, 212.2 65.6\nQ 212.9 64.7, 212.9 63.0\nQ 212.9 61.3, 212.2 60.5\nQ 211.5 59.6, 210.2 59.6\nQ 209.0 59.6, 208.3 60.5\nQ 207.6 61.3, 207.6 63.0\n' fill='#000000'/>\n<path class='atom-2' d='M 172.1 86.7\nQ 172.1 83.6, 173.5 81.9\nQ 175.0 80.2, 177.8 80.2\nQ 180.4 80.2, 181.8 82.1\nL 180.7 83.1\nQ 179.6 81.7, 177.8 81.7\nQ 175.9 81.7, 174.9 83.0\nQ 173.9 84.3, 173.9 86.7\nQ 173.9 89.2, 174.9 90.5\nQ 176.0 91.8, 178.0 91.8\nQ 179.4 91.8, 181.0 91.0\nL 181.5 92.3\nQ 180.9 92.7, 179.9 93.0\nQ 178.9 93.2, 177.8 93.2\nQ 175.0 93.2, 173.5 91.5\nQ 172.1 89.9, 172.1 86.7\n' fill='#00CC00'/>\n<path class='atom-2' d='M 183.4 79.5\nL 185.0 79.5\nL 185.0 93.1\nL 183.4 93.1\nL 183.4 79.5\n' fill='#00CC00'/>\n<path class='atom-4' d='M 227.6 35.4\nL 231.8 42.1\nQ 232.2 42.8, 232.8 44.0\nQ 233.5 45.2, 233.5 45.3\nL 233.5 35.4\nL 235.2 35.4\nL 235.2 48.1\nL 233.5 48.1\nL 229.0 40.8\nQ 228.5 39.9, 227.9 38.9\nQ 227.4 37.9, 227.2 37.6\nL 227.2 48.1\nL 225.6 48.1\nL 225.6 35.4\nL 227.6 35.4\n' fill='#0000FF'/>\n<path class='atom-5' d='M 213.3 6.8\nL 220.9 6.8\nL 220.9 8.3\nL 215.0 8.3\nL 215.0 12.1\nL 220.2 12.1\nL 220.2 13.6\nL 215.0 13.6\nL 215.0 19.5\nL 213.3 19.5\nL 213.3 6.8\n' fill='#33CCCC'/>\n<path class='atom-6' d='M 272.4 72.2\nQ 274.6 72.2, 275.7 73.2\nQ 276.8 74.1, 276.8 75.9\nQ 276.8 77.7, 275.6 78.7\nQ 274.5 79.6, 272.4 79.6\nL 270.4 79.6\nL 270.4 84.9\nL 268.7 84.9\nL 268.7 72.2\nL 272.4 72.2\nM 272.4 78.2\nQ 273.7 78.2, 274.3 77.6\nQ 275.0 77.0, 275.0 75.9\nQ 275.0 74.8, 274.3 74.2\nQ 273.7 73.6, 272.4 73.6\nL 270.4 73.6\nL 270.4 78.2\nL 272.4 78.2\n' fill='#FF7F00'/>\n<path class='atom-7' d='M 140.3 28.4\nL 142.1 28.4\nL 142.1 33.8\nL 148.5 33.8\nL 148.5 28.4\nL 150.3 28.4\nL 150.3 41.1\nL 148.5 41.1\nL 148.5 35.2\nL 142.1 35.2\nL 142.1 41.1\nL 140.3 41.1\nL 140.3 28.4\n' fill='#000000'/>\n<path class='atom-8' d='M 213.2 130.5\nL 214.9 130.5\nL 214.9 135.9\nL 221.4 135.9\nL 221.4 130.5\nL 223.1 130.5\nL 223.1 143.2\nL 221.4 143.2\nL 221.4 137.3\nL 214.9 137.3\nL 214.9 143.2\nL 213.2 143.2\nL 213.2 130.5\n' fill='#000000'/>\n<path class='atom-9' d='M 207.2 107.9\nL 208.9 107.9\nL 208.9 113.3\nL 215.4 113.3\nL 215.4 107.9\nL 217.1 107.9\nL 217.1 120.6\nL 215.4 120.6\nL 215.4 114.8\nL 208.9 114.8\nL 208.9 120.6\nL 207.2 120.6\nL 207.2 107.9\n' fill='#000000'/>\n<path class='atom-10' d='M 164.2 115.4\nL 165.9 115.4\nL 165.9 120.8\nL 172.4 120.8\nL 172.4 115.4\nL 174.1 115.4\nL 174.1 128.1\nL 172.4 128.1\nL 172.4 122.2\nL 165.9 122.2\nL 165.9 128.1\nL 164.2 128.1\nL 164.2 115.4\n' fill='#000000'/>\n<path class='atom-11' d='M 238.5 59.9\nL 240.3 59.9\nL 240.3 65.3\nL 246.8 65.3\nL 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193.1,60.5 L 193.0,60.5 L 193.0,60.4 L 192.9,60.4 L 192.8,60.4 L 192.7,60.4 L 192.7,60.3 L 192.6,60.3 L 192.5,60.3 L 192.4,60.4 L 192.4,60.4 L 192.3,60.4 L 192.2,60.4 L 192.1,60.5 L 192.1,60.5 L 192.0,60.5 L 192.0,60.6 L 191.9,60.6 L 191.9,60.7 L 191.8,60.8 L 191.8,60.8 L 191.7,60.9 L 191.7,61.0 L 191.7,61.0 L 191.7,61.1 L 191.7,61.2 L 191.7,61.3 L 191.7,61.4 L 191.7,61.4 L 191.7,61.5 L 191.7,61.6 L 191.8,61.6 L 191.8,61.7 L 191.9,61.8 L 191.9,61.8 L 192.0,61.9 L 192.0,61.9 L 192.1,62.0 L 192.1,62.0 L 192.2,62.1 L 192.3,62.1 L 192.4,62.1 L 192.4,62.1 L 192.5,62.1 L 192.6,62.1 L 192.7,62.1 L 192.7,62.1 L 192.8,62.1 L 192.9,62.1 L 193.0,62.0 L 193.0,62.0 L 193.1,62.0 L 193.2,61.9 L 193.2,61.9 L 193.3,61.8 L 193.3,61.7 L 193.3,61.7 L 193.4,61.6 L 193.4,61.5 L 193.4,61.5 L 193.4,61.4 L 193.5,61.3 L 193.5,61.2 L 192.6,61.2 Z' style='fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;' />\n</svg>\n",
"image/png": "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\n"
"metadata": {}
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"id": "sweet-needle",
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "display(mols_2d[1])\nmols[1]",
"execution_count": 20,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
"text/plain": "<rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol at 0x7fa949b77820>",
"text/html": "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>\n<svg version='1.1' baseProfile='full'\n xmlns=''\n xmlns:rdkit=''\n xmlns:xlink=''\n xml:space='preserve'\nwidth='450px' height='150px' viewBox='0 0 450 150'>\n<!-- END OF HEADER -->\n<rect style='opacity:1.0;fill:#FFFFFF;stroke:none' width='450.0' height='150.0' x='0.0' y='0.0'> </rect>\n<path class='bond-0 atom-0 atom-1' d='M 260.6,91.1 L 243.1,81.0' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#FF0000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-0 atom-0 atom-1' d='M 243.1,81.0 L 225.7,70.9' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-1 atom-1 atom-2' d='M 200.3,76.8 L 184.4,86.0' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-1 atom-1 atom-2' d='M 184.4,86.0 L 168.5,95.2' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#00CC00;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-2 atom-1 atom-3' d='M 218.1,61.1 L 218.1,6.8' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-3 atom-1 atom-4' d='M 226.0,62.0 L 244.1,51.6' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-3 atom-1 atom-4' d='M 244.1,51.6 L 262.1,41.1' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#0000FF;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-4 atom-1 atom-5' d='M 200.7,56.5 L 186.6,48.3' style='fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:2.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1' />\n<path class='bond-4 atom-1 atom-5' d='M 186.6,48.3 L 172.4,40.2' 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269.8 103.3\n' fill='#FF0000'/>\n<path class='atom-0' d='M 279.6 88.0\nL 281.9 88.0\nL 281.9 95.2\nL 290.6 95.2\nL 290.6 88.0\nL 292.9 88.0\nL 292.9 105.0\nL 290.6 105.0\nL 290.6 97.1\nL 281.9 97.1\nL 281.9 105.0\nL 279.6 105.0\nL 279.6 88.0\n' fill='#FF0000'/>\n<path class='atom-1' d='M 198.7 66.6\nQ 198.7 62.4, 200.6 60.2\nQ 202.6 58.0, 206.4 58.0\nQ 209.9 58.0, 211.7 60.5\nL 210.1 61.7\nQ 208.8 59.9, 206.4 59.9\nQ 203.8 59.9, 202.5 61.7\nQ 201.1 63.4, 201.1 66.6\nQ 201.1 70.0, 202.5 71.7\nQ 203.9 73.4, 206.6 73.4\nQ 208.5 73.4, 210.7 72.3\nL 211.3 74.1\nQ 210.5 74.6, 209.1 75.0\nQ 207.8 75.3, 206.3 75.3\nQ 202.6 75.3, 200.6 73.1\nQ 198.7 70.8, 198.7 66.6\n' fill='#000000'/>\n<path class='atom-1' d='M 212.8 68.9\nQ 212.8 65.9, 214.3 64.3\nQ 215.9 62.6, 218.7 62.6\nQ 221.4 62.6, 223.0 64.3\nQ 224.5 65.9, 224.5 68.9\nQ 224.5 71.9, 223.0 73.6\nQ 221.4 75.3, 218.7 75.3\nQ 215.9 75.3, 214.3 73.6\nQ 212.8 71.9, 212.8 68.9\nM 215.1 68.9\nQ 215.1 71.2, 216.0 72.3\nQ 217.0 73.5, 218.7 73.5\nQ 220.3 73.5, 221.3 72.3\nQ 222.2 71.2, 222.2 68.9\nQ 222.2 66.7, 221.3 65.5\nQ 220.3 64.4, 218.7 64.4\nQ 217.0 64.4, 216.0 65.5\nQ 215.1 66.7, 215.1 68.9\n' fill='#000000'/>\n<path class='atom-2' d='M 150.2 97.0\nQ 150.2 92.8, 152.1 90.6\nQ 154.1 88.4, 157.9 88.4\nQ 161.4 88.4, 163.2 90.8\nL 161.7 92.1\nQ 160.3 90.3, 157.9 90.3\nQ 155.3 90.3, 154.0 92.0\nQ 152.6 93.7, 152.6 97.0\nQ 152.6 100.3, 154.0 102.1\nQ 155.4 103.8, 158.1 103.8\nQ 160.0 103.8, 162.2 102.7\nL 162.8 104.4\nQ 162.0 105.0, 160.6 105.4\nQ 159.3 105.7, 157.8 105.7\nQ 154.1 105.7, 152.1 103.4\nQ 150.2 101.2, 150.2 97.0\n' fill='#00CC00'/>\n<path class='atom-2' d='M 165.3 87.3\nL 167.5 87.3\nL 167.5 105.5\nL 165.3 105.5\nL 165.3 87.3\n' fill='#00CC00'/>\n<path class='atom-4' d='M 266.1 28.2\nL 271.6 37.2\nQ 272.2 38.1, 273.1 39.7\nQ 273.9 41.3, 274.0 41.4\nL 274.0 28.2\nL 276.2 28.2\nL 276.2 45.1\nL 273.9 45.1\nL 268.0 35.3\nQ 267.3 34.2, 266.5 32.9\nQ 265.8 31.6, 265.6 31.2\nL 265.6 45.1\nL 263.4 45.1\nL 263.4 28.2\nL 266.1 28.2\n' fill='#0000FF'/>\n<path class='atom-4' d='M 278.3 28.2\nL 280.6 28.2\nL 280.6 35.4\nL 289.2 35.4\nL 289.2 28.2\nL 291.5 28.2\nL 291.5 45.1\nL 289.2 45.1\nL 289.2 37.3\nL 280.6 37.3\nL 280.6 45.1\nL 278.3 45.1\nL 278.3 28.2\n' fill='#0000FF'/>\n<path class='atom-4' d='M 292.3 44.5\nQ 292.7 43.5, 293.7 42.9\nQ 294.7 42.3, 296.0 42.3\nQ 297.7 42.3, 298.7 43.2\nQ 299.6 44.1, 299.6 45.8\nQ 299.6 47.4, 298.4 49.0\nQ 297.2 50.5, 294.7 52.3\nL 299.8 52.3\nL 299.8 53.6\nL 292.3 53.6\nL 292.3 52.5\nQ 294.4 51.1, 295.6 50.0\nQ 296.9 48.8, 297.5 47.9\nQ 298.1 46.9, 298.1 45.8\nQ 298.1 44.8, 297.5 44.2\nQ 297.0 43.6, 296.0 43.6\nQ 295.1 43.6, 294.6 43.9\nQ 294.0 44.3, 293.5 45.1\nL 292.3 44.5\n' fill='#0000FF'/>\n<path class='atom-5' d='M 161.4 28.2\nL 171.4 28.2\nL 171.4 30.2\nL 163.6 30.2\nL 163.6 35.3\nL 170.5 35.3\nL 170.5 37.3\nL 163.6 37.3\nL 163.6 45.1\nL 161.4 45.1\nL 161.4 28.2\n' fill='#33CCCC'/>\n<path class='atom-6' d='M 217.7 117.8\nQ 220.6 117.8, 222.0 119.1\nQ 223.5 120.4, 223.5 122.8\nQ 223.5 125.1, 222.0 126.5\nQ 220.5 127.8, 217.7 127.8\nL 215.0 127.8\nL 215.0 134.7\nL 212.7 134.7\nL 212.7 117.8\nL 217.7 117.8\nM 217.7 125.9\nQ 219.3 125.9, 220.2 125.1\nQ 221.1 124.3, 221.1 122.8\nQ 221.1 121.3, 220.2 120.5\nQ 219.4 119.7, 217.7 119.7\nL 215.0 119.7\nL 215.0 125.9\nL 217.7 125.9\n' fill='#FF7F00'/>\n<path class='atom-6' d='M 225.5 117.8\nL 227.8 117.8\nL 227.8 125.0\nL 236.5 125.0\nL 236.5 117.8\nL 238.8 117.8\nL 238.8 134.7\nL 236.5 134.7\nL 236.5 126.9\nL 227.8 126.9\nL 227.8 134.7\nL 225.5 134.7\nL 225.5 117.8\n' fill='#FF7F00'/>\n<path class='atom-6' d='M 239.6 134.1\nQ 240.0 133.1, 241.0 132.5\nQ 242.0 131.9, 243.3 131.9\nQ 245.0 131.9, 245.9 132.8\nQ 246.9 133.7, 246.9 135.3\nQ 246.9 137.0, 245.7 138.5\nQ 244.4 140.1, 241.9 141.9\nL 247.1 141.9\nL 247.1 143.2\nL 239.6 143.2\nL 239.6 142.1\nQ 241.6 140.6, 242.9 139.5\nQ 244.1 138.4, 244.7 137.4\nQ 245.3 136.4, 245.3 135.4\nQ 245.3 134.4, 244.8 133.8\nQ 244.2 133.2, 243.3 133.2\nQ 242.4 133.2, 241.8 133.5\nQ 241.2 133.9, 240.8 134.7\nL 239.6 134.1\n' fill='#FF7F00'/>\n<path d='M 219.3,56.2 L 219.3,56.1 L 219.3,56.0 L 219.3,55.9 L 219.2,55.8 L 219.2,55.7 L 219.1,55.6 L 219.1,55.5 L 219.0,55.4 L 219.0,55.4 L 218.9,55.3 L 218.8,55.2 L 218.7,55.2 L 218.6,55.1 L 218.5,55.1 L 218.4,55.1 L 218.3,55.0 L 218.2,55.0 L 218.1,55.0 L 218.0,55.0 L 217.9,55.0 L 217.8,55.0 L 217.7,55.1 L 217.6,55.1 L 217.5,55.1 L 217.4,55.2 L 217.4,55.3 L 217.3,55.3 L 217.2,55.4 L 217.1,55.5 L 217.1,55.6 L 217.0,55.7 L 217.0,55.7 L 217.0,55.8 L 216.9,55.9 L 216.9,56.0 L 216.9,56.1 L 216.9,56.3 L 216.9,56.4 L 216.9,56.5 L 217.0,56.6 L 217.0,56.6 L 217.0,56.7 L 217.1,56.8 L 217.1,56.9 L 217.2,57.0 L 217.3,57.1 L 217.4,57.1 L 217.4,57.2 L 217.5,57.2 L 217.6,57.3 L 217.7,57.3 L 217.8,57.4 L 217.9,57.4 L 218.0,57.4 L 218.1,57.4 L 218.2,57.4 L 218.3,57.4 L 218.4,57.3 L 218.5,57.3 L 218.6,57.3 L 218.7,57.2 L 218.8,57.2 L 218.9,57.1 L 219.0,57.0 L 219.0,57.0 L 219.1,56.9 L 219.1,56.8 L 219.2,56.7 L 219.2,56.6 L 219.3,56.5 L 219.3,56.4 L 219.3,56.3 L 219.3,56.2 L 218.1,56.2 Z' style='fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;' />\n</svg>\n",
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220.3 73.5, 221.3 72.3\nQ 222.2 71.2, 222.2 68.9\nQ 222.2 66.7, 221.3 65.5\nQ 220.3 64.4, 218.7 64.4\nQ 217.0 64.4, 216.0 65.5\nQ 215.1 66.7, 215.1 68.9\n' fill='#000000'/>\n<path class='atom-2' d='M 150.2 97.0\nQ 150.2 92.8, 152.1 90.6\nQ 154.1 88.4, 157.9 88.4\nQ 161.4 88.4, 163.2 90.8\nL 161.7 92.1\nQ 160.3 90.3, 157.9 90.3\nQ 155.3 90.3, 154.0 92.0\nQ 152.6 93.7, 152.6 97.0\nQ 152.6 100.3, 154.0 102.1\nQ 155.4 103.8, 158.1 103.8\nQ 160.0 103.8, 162.2 102.7\nL 162.8 104.4\nQ 162.0 105.0, 160.6 105.4\nQ 159.3 105.7, 157.8 105.7\nQ 154.1 105.7, 152.1 103.4\nQ 150.2 101.2, 150.2 97.0\n' fill='#00CC00'/>\n<path class='atom-2' d='M 165.3 87.3\nL 167.5 87.3\nL 167.5 105.5\nL 165.3 105.5\nL 165.3 87.3\n' fill='#00CC00'/>\n<path class='atom-4' d='M 266.1 28.2\nL 271.6 37.2\nQ 272.2 38.1, 273.1 39.7\nQ 273.9 41.3, 274.0 41.4\nL 274.0 28.2\nL 276.2 28.2\nL 276.2 45.1\nL 273.9 45.1\nL 268.0 35.3\nQ 267.3 34.2, 266.5 32.9\nQ 265.8 31.6, 265.6 31.2\nL 265.6 45.1\nL 263.4 45.1\nL 263.4 28.2\nL 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133.2, 241.8 133.5\nQ 241.2 133.9, 240.8 134.7\nL 239.6 134.1\n' fill='#FF7F00'/>\n<path d='M 219.3,56.2 L 219.3,56.1 L 219.3,56.0 L 219.3,55.9 L 219.2,55.8 L 219.2,55.7 L 219.1,55.6 L 219.1,55.5 L 219.0,55.4 L 219.0,55.4 L 218.9,55.3 L 218.8,55.2 L 218.7,55.2 L 218.6,55.1 L 218.5,55.1 L 218.4,55.1 L 218.3,55.0 L 218.2,55.0 L 218.1,55.0 L 218.0,55.0 L 217.9,55.0 L 217.8,55.0 L 217.7,55.1 L 217.6,55.1 L 217.5,55.1 L 217.4,55.2 L 217.4,55.3 L 217.3,55.3 L 217.2,55.4 L 217.1,55.5 L 217.1,55.6 L 217.0,55.7 L 217.0,55.7 L 217.0,55.8 L 216.9,55.9 L 216.9,56.0 L 216.9,56.1 L 216.9,56.3 L 216.9,56.4 L 216.9,56.5 L 217.0,56.6 L 217.0,56.6 L 217.0,56.7 L 217.1,56.8 L 217.1,56.9 L 217.2,57.0 L 217.3,57.1 L 217.4,57.1 L 217.4,57.2 L 217.5,57.2 L 217.6,57.3 L 217.7,57.3 L 217.8,57.4 L 217.9,57.4 L 218.0,57.4 L 218.1,57.4 L 218.2,57.4 L 218.3,57.4 L 218.4,57.3 L 218.5,57.3 L 218.6,57.3 L 218.7,57.2 L 218.8,57.2 L 218.9,57.1 L 219.0,57.0 L 219.0,57.0 L 219.1,56.9 L 219.1,56.8 L 219.2,56.7 L 219.2,56.6 L 219.3,56.5 L 219.3,56.4 L 219.3,56.3 L 219.3,56.2 L 218.1,56.2 Z' style='fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.0px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;' />\n</svg>\n",
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"metadata": {}
"output_type": "execute_result",
"execution_count": 20,
"data": {
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