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Swift Programming Language Guide
"A Swift Tour" Solutions
These are the solutions to all the "experiments" in the pre-release Swift Programming Guide.
You should be able to copy-paste it into your own playground. Let me know if I screwed
any of them up, and I'll be happy to update this gist.
griffingdm / Swift Walkthrough: "A Swift Tour"
Created June 8, 2014 19:45
Apple's "A Swift Tour" walkthrough with completed "Experiment" solutions included and comments throughout that explain the code.
Swift Programming Language Guide
//"A Swift Tour" Reference
Apple's "A Swift Tour" walkthrough with completed "Experiment" solutions included and comments throughout.
You should be able to copy-paste it into your own playground. Let me know of any errors I made throughout the code. Also tell me if any comments are unclear or have an incorrect explanation.
Written by Griffin Mullins