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grisevg / FlowBlockList.hx
Last active June 15, 2016 23:41
package ;
import List;
import tink.core.Noise;
import tink.core.Signal;
import tink.core.SignalTrigger;
using Lambda;
typedef Flow = Void -> Void;
grisevg / Easings.hx
Created April 21, 2015 20:09
class Easings
//Standard easing functions
public static inline function easeInQuad(t:Float):Float { return t*t }
public static inline function easeOutQuad(t:Float):Float { return t*(2-t) }
public static inline function easeInOutQuad(t:Float):Float { return t<.5 ? 2*t*t : -1+(4-2*t)*t }
public static inline function easeInCubic(t:Float):Float { return t*t*t }
public static inline function easeOutCubic(t:Float):Float { return (--t)*t*t+1 }
grisevg / BezierEasing.hx
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
import haxe.ds.Vector;
* BezierEasing - use 2d bezier curve to describe easing function. Follows specification of CSS3 `cubic-bezier`
* You can easily get desired values in the cubic-bezier editor:
* Implementation article -
* The algorithm uses combination of newton and bisection methods (
* to approximate bezier function. Please note that this method is much more slower than direct easing functions.
class Collection {
var arr:Array<Int>;
var i:Int = 0;
public function new(arr:Array<Int>) {
this.arr = arr;
public var current(get, set):Int;
function get_current():Int { return arr[i]; }
grisevg / .tigrc
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
My babun
set mouse = yes
grisevg /
Created June 2, 2015 20:32


  • Ctrl-A: go to the beginning of line,
  • Ctrl-E: go to the end of line,
  • Alt-B: skip one work backward,
  • Alt-F: skip one word forward,
  • Ctrl-U: delete to the beginning of line,
  • Ctrl-K: delete to the end of line,
  • Alt-D: delete to the end of word.
  • Ctrl-r: Incrementally search the line history ⇧ backwardly
grisevg / .tmux.conf
Created September 19, 2015 23:26
Babun setup
# More examples
# Custom
# Allow to use vim navigation keys (hjkl) in tmux scroll mode
setw -g mode-keys vi
# Hack to let term window controll scrolling. Will override `set -g mode-mouse on`
# set -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup@:rmcup@'
INSERT INTO `amx_bans` (`player_ip`, `player_id`, `player_nick`, `admin_ip`, `admin_id`, `admin_nick`, `ban_type`, `ban_reason`, `ban_created`, `ban_length`, `server_ip`, `server_name`) VALUES
('', '', '', NULL, 'admin', 'admin', 'SI', 'autocheat', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 0, null, 'website');
grisevg / FAsyncQueue.h
Last active June 9, 2024 23:02
Utility class for asynchronous/coroutine style programming in UE4 C++
#pragma once
* FAsyncQueue can be used to run asynchronous delegates in sequence, parallel and combinations of the above
* Use Add() to enqueue delegates matching FAsyncDelegate signature:
* a void function that accepts a single argument of another void function with no arguments.
* Static factories MakeSync, MakeSequence and MakeParallel can be used to wrap different type of delegates and
* delegate collections into a single FAsyncDelegate which can be enqueued with Add().
grisevg / AnimatedImage.cpp
Last active August 30, 2023 02:49
UMG Animated Image.
#include "AnimatedImage.h"
void UAnimatedImage::SetCurrentFrame(int32 Frame)
CurrentFrame = Frame;
if (CurrentFrame < 0) CurrentFrame = 0;
if (CurrentFrame > TotalFrames - 1) CurrentFrame = TotalFrames - 1;