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grofit / AttackAction.cs
Last active April 22, 2016 13:49
Example of interacting with uFrame from NodeCanvas
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NodeCanvas;
using NodeCanvas.Variables;
using UnityEngine;
Let us assume you have a uFrame Entity which can attack
and when it does it needs to play an animation in the view layer
and also needs to tell the controller to trigger an attack
grofit / CompositionExample.cs
Created May 31, 2015 08:58
An example of inheritance woes
/* Ok lets start by expressing the intent for a vehicle to move */
public interface IVehicleMovement
public float Speed {get; set;}
public void Move(Vector2 direction);
/* This will implement the most common form of movement */
public class SimpleWheelMovement : IVehicleMovement
grofit / create-user-view-model.js
Created April 16, 2015 14:29
Some MVVM class based approach thing
// Imagine this is a starting page where the user creates their account
function CreateUserViewModel()
// could be done via IoC to improve testability and reuseability
var someAjaxService = {}; // Imagine it does something
this.user = new User();
var saveDataToServer = function() {
var data = ko.toJS(this.user);
someAjaxService.Post("/users", data);
grofit / NotUsingIoC.cs
Last active May 17, 2020 18:45
What is Inversion of Control
This is worst case scenario
- You are unable to control the dependency or swap it for another without changing the NotUsingIoC source code.
- You are also going to have difficulties testing this as you cannot easily mock _someDependency.
public class NotUsingIoC
private ISomeDependency _someDependency;
grofit / middleware.js
Created January 25, 2015 22:17
SocketIO + Passport + Cookie-Sessions
This is just a hacky approach to get things moving, as passport-socketio library
does not support cookie-sessions.
var Promise = require("bluebird");
var passport = require("passport");
var session = require("cookie-session");
var sessionConfig = {
grofit / AStarPathCalculator.cs
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
An example of why inheritance is a poor substitute for composition
This is a Path calculator which uses an A* approach
public class AStarPathCalculator : IPathCalculator
IEnumerable<Vector3> FindPathTo(Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 endPosition)
var path = ABPath.Construct(startPosition, endPosition);
return path.vectorList;
grofit / Account.cs
Created January 7, 2015 11:45
A GOOD Generic Repository Pattern
public class Account
Guid Id {get;set;}
string Name {get;set;}