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(pprof) 1.80s of 1.80s total ( 100%)
Showing top 200 nodes out of 239 (cum >= 0.01s)
flat flat% sum% cum cum%
0.56s 31.11% 31.11% 0.58s 32.22% runtime.cgocall_errno
0.42s 23.33% 54.44% 0.43s 23.89% crypto/elliptic.p256ReduceDegree
0.06s 3.33% 57.78% 0.06s 3.33% scanblock
0.05s 2.78% 60.56% 0.05s 2.78% crypto/sha256.block
0.05s 2.78% 63.33% 0.05s 2.78% runtime.duffcopy
0.04s 2.22% 65.56% 0.05s 2.78% crypto/elliptic.p256Diff
0.03s 1.67% 67.22% 0.03s 1.67% adjustpointers