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Constantin Kraft gruentee

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gruentee /
Last active March 5, 2017 09:55 — forked from mamiu/
Install HabitRPG on Uberspace.

##This is a guide to install HabitRPG on an Uberspace.

###Prerequisites Be sure to have NodeJS >= 6 and NPM >= 3.10.10 installed. The latter is neccessary for BCrypt (dependency) to build properly. Instructions on how to set NodeJS versions can be found in the article on NodeJS in the uberspace wiki.

You may install custom Node/NPM versions on your uberspace using Node Version Manager (

Once the correct Node and NPM verions are installed, make sure a recent Compiler version is used to build BCrypt:

gruentee / HAproxy_uberspace.markdown
Created October 10, 2017 16:03 — forked from jpawlowski/HAproxy_uberspace.markdown
Setup HAproxy on an Uberspace webspace

HAproxy als Reverse Proxy auf Uberspace installieren

Wer bei verschiedenen Reverse Proxy Aktivitäten auf seinem Uberspace mit Apache auf Grenzen stößt, kann HAproxy installieren. Ähnlich wie Pound ist es DASein Swiss Army Knife für alle HTTP, HTTPS und TCP Aktivitäten. Man kann sehr granular auf Layer 3-7 beeinflussen, wie Daten an andere Server und Dienste weitergeschleust werden sollen.

Ich benötigte HAproxy, um eine Website von einem externen Server via TLS gesichert per Uberspace verfügbar zu machen, also ein recht simles Szenario.

Apache Proxy einrichten

gruentee /
Created April 24, 2021 14:40
Create XPaths expressions from BeatufilSoup4 node objects, inspired by
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Tag, NavigableString, Comment
from lxml import etree
import pytest
def node_to_xpath(node):
node_type = {
Tag: getattr(node, "name"),
Comment: "comment()",
NavigableString: "text()"
gruentee /
Created September 19, 2022 11:53 — forked from Engr-AllanG/
Firefly-III Ubuntu 20.04 Proxmox Installation Guide

This is a summarized guide I created while installing Firefly-III in a Proxmox (6.2-15) container running Ubuntu 20.04.

I followed this tutorial. It has a link to this other tutorial for installing mariaDB. Furthermore, the official Firefly-iii documentation is Here

This guide has everything I did in one concise summary. Not much is explained. This will take about 1.5 hrs.

Note: I initially followed the official instructions and used a LAMP stack. I had issues with apache and getting the webserver to work (likely because I am not familiar with apache and am more comfortable with nginx).

To begin, first read through the two tutorials and official documentation so that you hav an idea of whats going on

gruentee /
Last active April 27, 2023 16:15 — forked from incogbyte/
Install Meslo Fonts Ubuntu Linux Mint and debians
sudo apt install fontconfig
cd ~
mkdir -p .local/share/fonts
unzip -d .local/share/fonts
cd .local/share/fonts