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"# Bayesian Statistics for Beginners\n",
"Tadeusz Lesiak\n",
"Based on the book \n",
">\"Bayesian Statistics for Beginners \n",
">A Step-by-Step Approach\"\n",
"><cite>Therese M.Donovan, \n",
">Ruth M.Mickey</cite>"
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" Thomas Bayes (1701-1761)\n",
"English mathematician and Presbyterian minister\n",
"<img src=\"Bayes.png\" width=\"250\"/>\n",
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"# Frequentist Probability (FP)\n",
"* $$ P = \\frac{\\rm number~of~observed~outcomes~of~interest}{\\rm number~of~all~possible~outcomes~}$$\n",
"* **The conditional probability:** \"the probability of A, given that B occurs\": $~~~~P(A|B)= \\frac{P(A\\cap B)}{P(B)}$\n",
"* Usually $P(A|B)\\ne P(B|A)$\n",
"* $P(A\\cap B) = P(A|B) \\times P(B) = P(B|A) \\times P(A)$"
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"# Bayes' Theorem (BT) and Bayesian Inference (BI)\n",
"* **Bayes' Theorem describes the relationship between two inverse conditional probabilities P(A|B) and P(B|A)**\n",
"* the BT can be used to express how a degree of belief for a given hypothesis can be updated in light of new evidence\n",
"* The BI is the use of BT to draw conclusions about a set of mutually exclusive and exhaustive alternative hypotheses by linking prior knowledge about each hypothesis with new data - the result is updated probabilities for each hypothesis of interest."
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"## Bayes' Theorem\n",
"There are two ways to think about BT:\n",
"1. to describe the relationship between P(A|B) and P(B|A)\n",
"2. to express how a subjective degree of belief for a given hypothesis can be rationally updated to account for new evidence\n",
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"## Bayes' Theorem to describe the relationship between P(A|B) and P(B|A)\n",
"$P(A|B)= \\frac{P(A\\cap B)}{P(B)}$ $~~~~\\Longrightarrow~~~~$ $P(A\\cap B) = P(A|B)\\times P(B)$ \n",
"$P(B|A)= \\frac{P(B\\cap A)}{P(A)}$ $~~~~\\Longrightarrow~~~~$ $P(B\\cap A) = P(B|A)\\times P(A)$\n",
"$P(A\\cap B) = P(A\\cap B)$ $~~~~\\Longrightarrow~~~~$ $P(A\\cap B) \\times P(B) = P(B\\cap A)\\times P(A)$\n",
"The Bayes' Theorem: $~~~~P(A|B)= \\frac{P(B|A)\\times P(A)}{P(B)}$\n",
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"## Bayes' Theorem to describe the relationship between P(A|B) and P(B|A)\n",
"![alt text](BT.png \"Bayes' Theorem\")"
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"### Example of Application of Bayes' Theorem \n",
"![alt text](Bex1.png \"Bayes' Theorem\")\n",
"* A - represent women with breast cancer $~~~~P(A) = 0.01~~~~$\n",
"* B - represent a positive test \n",
"* B|A - represents a positive test, given that a woman has breast cancer $~~\\Longrightarrow~~$ given as $~~~~P(B|A) = 0.8$\n",
"* A|B - represent women with breast cancer, given a posotve outcome of the test $~~\\Longrightarrow~~$ this is what we want to know\n",
"* The BT: $~~~~P(A|B)= \\frac{P(B|A)\\times P(A)}{P(B)}$ $~~\\Longrightarrow~~$ we need the P(B)\n"
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"### Example of Application of Bayes' Theorem Cont.\n",
"* we need to fill the table:\n",
"![alt text](Bex2.png \"Bayes' Theorem\")\n",
"* $P(B\\cap A) = P(B|A)\\times P(A) = 0.8 \\times 0.01 = 0.008$\n",
"* $~~\\Longrightarrow~~$ $P(\\sim B\\cap A) = P(A) - P(B\\cap A) = 0.01 - 0.008 = 0.002$\n",
"![alt text](Bex3.png \"Bayes' Theorem\")\n",
" "
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"### Example of Application of Bayes' Theorem Cont.\n",
"* We also know B|~A - representing the cases when the test is positive under the condition that a woman does not have cancer\n",
" $~~~~P(B|\\sim A) = 0.096~~~~$\n",
" \n",
" * Thus $P(B\\cap \\sim A) = P(B|\\sim A)\\times P(\\sim A) = 0.096 \\times 0.99 = 0.095$\n",
" \n",
" * $~~\\Longrightarrow~~$ $ P(B) = P(B\\cap \\sim A) + P(B\\cap A) = 0.008+ 0.095 = 0.103$\n",
" \n",
" ![alt text](Bex4.png \"Bayes' Theorem\")\n",
" \n",
" \n",
" $~~~~P(A|B)= \\frac{P(B|A)\\times P(A)}{P(B)} = \\frac{0.8\\times 0.01}{0.103} = 0.0776$"
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"## The \"second\" formulation of the Bayes' Theorem (2BT)\n",
"* The alternative, equally valid way to express the BT:\n",
"$P(A|B)= \\frac{P(B|A)\\times P(A)}{P(B)}$ $~~~~\\Longrightarrow~~~~$ $P(A|B)= \\frac{P(B|A)\\times P(A)}{P(A\\cap B) + P(\\sim A \\cap B)}$\n",
"* This, last formulation of the BT, focuses on inference and has vast applications in science"
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"## The \"second\" formulation of the Bayes' Theorem (2BT)\n",
"* The scientific method consists of two types of inquiry:\n",
" 1. **induction (IN)**\n",
" 2. __deduction (DE)__\n",
" \n",
" "
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"## The \"second\" formulation of the Bayes' Theorem (2BT)\n",
" Illustration of the scientific process:\n",
"<img src=\"Bex41.png\" width=\"450\"/>\n",
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"## The \"second\" formulation of the Bayes' Theorem (2BT)\n",
" The __Bayesian inference (BI)__: \n",
"- the process of confronting alternative hypotheses with new data and using BT to update our beliefs in each hypothesis\n",
"- an approach hconcerned with the consequences of modifying our previous beliefs as a result of receiving new data\n",
"- a method of statistical inference in which BT is used to update the probability for a hypothesis as more evidence or information becomes available\n"
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"## How does Bayesian inference work ?\n",
"* Let us go back to the formula: $P(A|B)= \\frac{P(B|A)\\times P(A)}{P(A\\cap B) + P(\\sim A \\cap B)}$\n",
"* __The critical fact: the marginal probability of B is the sum of the joint probabilities that make it up__ (the denominator of the formula)\n",
" ![alt text](Bex5.png \"Bayes' Theorem\")\n"
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"## How does Bayesian inference work ?\n",
"* Using now the former example of breast cancer:\n",
"* Suppose we were asked to find the probability P(A|B) that a woman has a breast cancer (A), given \n",
" that her mammogram test came back positive (B) \n",
"* \"data\" - the results of the mammogram\n"
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"## How does Bayesian inference work ?\n",
"* Let us now identify the parts of the problem (in $P(A|B)= \\frac{P(B|A)\\times P(A)}{P(A\\cap B) + P(\\sim A \\cap B)}$) in terms of the scientific method\n",
"* we have two competing __hypotheses__ regarding cancer: the woman has cancer (A) vs she does not (~A)\n",
"* we have __data__ for this problem: the test came back positive. So B represents our observed data (~B does not appear in the BT formula; sensible since we did not observe a negative test"
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"## How does Bayesian inference work ?\n",
"* Let us now replace the __joint probabilities__ with their conditional probability equivalents:\n",
"* $P(A\\cap B)= P(B|A)\\times P(A)$\n",
"* $P(\\sim A\\cap B)= P(B|\\sim A)\\times P(\\sim A)$\n",
"* Then, the BT: $~~~~~~~~P(A|B)= \\frac{P(B|A)\\times P(A)}{P(B|A)\\times P(A) + P(B|\\sim A)\\times P(\\sim A)}$"
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"## How does Bayesian inference work ?\n",
"* Note: the first term in the denominator is exactly the same as numerator\n",
"* this fact is clearly justified\" BT returns a proportion, or probability, ranging between 0 and 1"
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"## The Bayesian, scientific procedure:\n",
"<img src=\"Bex41.png\" width=\"200\"/>\n",
"1. __Hypotheses or theory box__\n",
" - the hypotheses are identified; \n",
" - they must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive; \n",
" - we assign (guess) the probability that each individual hypothesis is true (prior to making an experiment). \n",
" - These are called __prior probabilities__ because they represent our current belief in each hypothesis *prior* to data collection \n"
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"## The Bayesian, scientific procedure:\n",
"<img src=\"Bex41.png\" width=\"200\"/>\n",
"2. __Consequences box__\n",
" - we write out equations for calculating the probability of observing the test data under each hypothesis\n",
" - this probability is called __likelihood__\n",
" - figuring out how to calculate the likelihood of the data is often the most challenging part of Bayesian inference\n",
" \n"
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"## The Bayesian, scientific procedure:\n",
"<img src=\"Bex41.png\" width=\"200\"/>\n",
"3. __Data box__\n",
" - we collect data; for the example of cancer, the test came back positive\n",
"4. __Inference box__\n",
" - with data in hand, we can now plug our data into the likelihood equations:\n",
" - likelihood of observing the data (a positive test result) under the cancer hypothesis\n",
" - likelihood of observing the data (a positive test result) under the no-cancer hypothesis \n"
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"## The Bayesian, scientific procedure:\n",
"* __Finally__ we use BT to determine a __posterior probability (PP)__ for each hypothesis\n",
"* The PP represents our updated belief in each hypothesis after new data are collected:\n",
" - probability of cancer, given the observed data\n",
" - probability of no cancer, given the observed data "
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"## The Bayesian, scientific procedure:\n",
"In the particular case of the cancer example, The BT reads:\n",
"<img src=\"PP.png\" width=\"600\"/>\n",
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"## The Bayesian, scientific procedure:\n",
"Let us now replace each term with its Bayesian inference definition:\n",
"<img src=\"BI.png\" width=\"600\"/>\n",
"The \"second\" approach of BI places the problem within a scientific context, where one posits hypotheses and then update our beliefs in each hypothesis after data are collected"
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"## Bayes' Theorem - the case of more than two hypotheses:\n",
"Assume the discrete number (n) of hypotheses; then the BT reads:\n",
"$$\\rm P(H_i|data) = \\frac{P(data|H_i) \\times P(H_i)}\n",
"{\\sum_{j=1}^nP(data|H_k) \\times P(H_k) }$$\n",
"The essence of BI:\n",
"**Initial belief in Hypothesis i + New Data $~~~~\\Longrightarrow~~~~$ updated belief in Hypothesis i** \n",
"**updating our beliefs by acquiring more data = learning**\n"
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"* 1964: *Frederick Mosteller* and *David Wallace* published an articlein which they studied the disputed authorship of some of the *Federalist Papers*:\n",
"![alt text](AP01.png \"Bayes' Theorem\")\n",
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"* Let us assume that we are working with a **specific** paper of unknown authorship (No 54)\n",
"* Let us apply BI\n",
"1. **we identify our hypotheses**\n",
" - Hamilton = Hamilton's authorship hypothesis\n",
" - Madison = Madison's authorship hypothesis\n",
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"* Note that bot hypotheses are exhaustive and mutually exclusive:\n",
" - P(Hamilton) = P(~Madison)\n",
" - P(Madison) - P(~Hamilton\n",
" \n",
" - Hamilton = A \n",
" - Madison = ~A\n",
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"$P(A|B)= \\frac{P(B|A)\\times P(A)}{P(B|A)\\times P(A) + P(B|\\sim A)\\times P(\\sim A)}$\n",
"${\\rm P(Hamilton|data)= \\frac{P(data|Hamilton)\\times P(Hamilton)}{P(data|Hamilton)\\times P(Hamilton) + P(data|Madison)\\times P(Madison)}}$\n",
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"2. **we express our belief that each hypothesis is true in terms of prior probabilities**\n",
" - P(Hamilton) = prior probability that the true author is Hamilton\n",
" - P(Madison) = prior probability that the true author is Madison\n",
" \n",
" \n",
"* there are plenty possible choices of prior probabilities\n",
"* Let us set e.g. P(Hamilton) = P(Madison) = 0.5\n"
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"3. **Gather the data** - can be found in paper No 54 which is 2008 words long\n",
" * It turned out that Madison tended to use the word **by** more frequently than Hamilton\n",
" * whereas Hamilton tended to use the word **to** more frequently than Madison\n",
" * the best single discriminant, however, was the use of the word **upon** - Hamilton used **upon** overwhelmingly greater frequency than Madison\n",
" * Many other measures, like sentence length, have been considered as well\n",
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"3. **Gather the data** \n",
" * the word **upon** appeared twice in the paper in question; the rate \n",
" ${\\rm \\frac{\\#~upons}{total~words} = \\frac{2}{2008} = 0.000996 }$\n",
" * in other words:0.996 **upons** per 1000 words\n",
"4. determine the **likelihood** of the observed data, assuming each hypothesis is true\n",
" * determine P(0.996|Hamilton) and P(0.996|Madison)\n",
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"* Likelihood vs probability: likelihood describes the probability of observing data that have already been collected (we look retrospectively at the probability of collecting those data)\n",
"* Likelihood is the hypothetical probability that an event has already occured, would yield a specific outcome\n",
"* Note: the likelihoods are conditional for each hypothesis - in this Bayesian analysis, the likelihood is interpreted as the probability of observing the data, given the hypothesis\n",
"* **Computing the likelihood of the observed data is a critical part of Bayesian analysis**\n",
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"* our dataset is composed of 98 articles, 48 (50) of which are known to be penned by Hamilton (Madison), respectively\n",
"* The frequency histogram of the word upon (per 1000 words):\n",
"![alt text](AP02.png \"Bayes' Theorem\")\n",
"* Intuitively, tha data are more consistent with the Madison hypothesis\n"
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"* The same data in the tabular form: \n",
"![alt text](AP03.png \"Bayes' Theorem\")"
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"* Only one of Hamilton's 48 manuscripts has a rate of **upon** in the range [0,1]\n",
"* Therefore P(0.996|Hamilton) = 1/48 = 0.021\n",
"* Seven of Madison's 50 manuscripts has a rate of **upon** in the range [0,1]\n",
"* Therefore P(0.996|Madison) = 7/50= 0.14\n",
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"5. Use BT to compute P(Hamilton|0.996) and P(Madison|0.996)\n",
"${\\rm P(Hamilton|0.996)= \\frac{P(0.996|Hamilton)\\times P(Hamilton)}{P(0.996|Hamilton)\\times P(Hamilton) + P(0.996|Madison)\\times P(Madison)}}$\n",
"${\\rm P(Hamilton|0.996)= \\frac{0.021 * 0.5}{0.021 * 0.5 + 0.14 * 0.5} =\n",
"\\frac{0.0105}{0.0805} = 0.1304}$\n",
"Thus \n",
"$${\\rm P(Madison|0.996) = 0.8696}$$\n",
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"* The prior and new posterior estimated can be graphed as follows:\n",
"![alt text](AP04.png \"Bayes' Theorem\")\n",
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"* What happens if we use a different set of priors e.g.\n",
"* P(Hamilton) = 0.75, P(Madison) = 0.25\n",
"* Then:\n",
"$${\\rm P(Hamilton|0.996)= \\frac{0.021 * 0.75}{0.021 * 0.75 + 0.14 * 0.25} =\n",
"\\frac{0.0105}{0.0805} = 0.3103}$$\n",
"![alt text](AP05.png \"Bayes' Theorem\")\n",
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"* **what if we found more papers known to be authorized by Hamilton and Madison?**\n",
"* The more information you have to calculate the likelihood, the better\n",
"* We would use this new information to get better estimatesof the probability of each author's use of the word **upon**\n",
"* Additionally, the discovery of more papers may influence our choice of priors\n",
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"## The Author Problem - Bayesian Inference with Two Hypotheses:\n",
"* **Do the likelihoods of the data have to add to 1.0?**\n",
"* No, one cannot confuse the likelihoods with the prior probabilities for a set of hypotheses\n",
"![alt text](AP06.png \"Bayes' Theorem\")\n",
"![alt text](AP07.png \"Bayes' Theorem\")\n",
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"## The Birthday Problem - Bayesian Inference with Multiple Discrete Hypotheses:\n",
"* Bobbie has completely forgotten the dat of his wife's birthday; he knows only the year: 1900\n",
"* The wife, Mary decided to leave Bobbie, unless he find this date - at least the Month\n",
"* **Our task: to use a Bayesian inference approach to determine the month in which Mary was born**\n",
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"## The Birthday Problem - Bayesian Inference with Multiple Discrete Hypotheses:\n",
"To begin with, we have n = 12 discrete hypotheses\n",
"$$\\rm P(H_i|data) = \\frac{P(data|H_i) * P(H_i)}\n",
"{\\sum_{j=1}^nP(data|H_k) * P(H_k) }$$\n",
"1. **identify your hypotheses:**\n",
" * born in January = January hypothesis\n",
" * born in February = February hypothesis\n",
" * etc\n",
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"## The Birthday Problem - Bayesian Inference with Multiple Discrete Hypotheses:\n",
"2. **Express our belief that each hypothesis is true in terms of probabilities**\n",
" * P(January) = prior probability that Mary's true birth month is January\n",
" * P(February) = prior probability that Mary's true birth month is February\n",
" * etc. \n",
" \n"
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"## The Birthday Problem - Bayesian Inference with Multiple Discrete Hypotheses:\n",
"2a. **non-informative prior (NIP)** - equal probabilities for all hypotheses\n",
" * the distribution of priors vs months is flat: expresses \"vague or general information about a variable\"\n",
" * The NIP adds little or no information to the Bayesian inference; it does not have an impact the posterior distribution\n",
" * When an analyst uses a NIP, the goal is to obtain a posterior distribution that is shaped primarily by the likelihood of the data\n",
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"## The Birthday Problem - Bayesian Inference with Multiple Discrete Hypotheses:\n",
"2b. **Informative prior (IP)**\n",
" * The IP is not \"flat\" i.e. it is not dominated by the likelihood, it adds information to the Bayesian inference and it has an impact on the posterior distribution\n",
" * When an analyst uses an IP ==> the goal is to obtain a posterior distribution that is shaped by both the prior and the likelihood of the data\n",
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"## The Birthday Problem - Bayesian Inference with Multiple Discrete Hypotheses:\n",
"* The non-informative prior:\n",
"<img src=\"BP01.jpg\" width=\"200\"/>\n",
"* The informative prior (Bobby had some hints to believe that February and May are more likely that the rest of the year):\n",
"<img src=\"BP02.jpg\" width=\"200\"/>\n",
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"## The Birthday Problem - Bayesian Inference with Multiple Discrete Hypotheses:\n",
"3. **Collect the data**\n",
" * In this case the dat would comprise the information how frequent was the name Mary in each individual month of the year 1900\n",
" \n",
" * The BT:\n",
" $\\rm P(H_i|data) = \\frac{P(data|H_i) * P(H_i)}\n",
"{\\sum_{k=1}^nP(data|H_k) * P(H_k) }$ \n",
" * for e.g. the January hypothesis: $\\rm P(January|1Mary)= \\frac{P(1Mary|January) * P(January)}\n",
"{\\sum_{j=1}^nP(1Mary|H_k) * P(H_k) } $\n",
" * here *1Mary* means the likelihood of observing the data for each montly hypothesis"
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"## The Birthday Problem - Bayesian Inference with Multiple Discrete Hypotheses:\n",
"4. **Estimate the likelihood of observing the data** i.e. estimate the *1Mary* likelihood\n",
" * Let us assume that the following data (frequency histogram of Marys per month) are available\n",
" \n",
" <div>\n",
"<img src=\"BP03.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>\n",
" \n"
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"## The Birthday Problem - Bayesian Inference with Multiple Discrete Hypotheses:\n",
"5. **Use the BT to compute the posterior probabilities P(January|1Mary), P(February|1Mary) etc**\n",
"$$\\rm P(January|1Mary)= \\frac{P(1Mary|January) * P(January)}\n",
"{\\sum_{j=1}^nP(1Mary|H_k) * P(H_k) } $$\n",
" <div>\n",
"<img src=\"BP04.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>\n",
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"## The Birthday Problem - Bayesian Inference with Multiple Discrete Hypotheses:\n",
"* Prior distribution and posterior distribution:\n",
"Informative | Non-informative\n",
"-:| -: \n",
"![alt](BP05.jpg) | ![alt](BP06.jpg)"
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"## The Birthday Problem - Bayesian Inference with Multiple Discrete Hypotheses:\n",
"* The left plot is an example of a **prior sensitive analysis**\n",
"* In Bayesian analysis and scientific deduction, a primary goal of the analyst is to collect data that will discriminate the hypotheses\n",
"* The tricky part comes into play when one really doesn't have any information to set the prior and is trying to be as objective as possible\n",
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"## The Birthday Problem - Bayesian Inference with Multiple Discrete Hypotheses:\n",
"* \"flat priors are not necessarily non-informative, and non-informative priors are not necessarily flat\"\n",
"* all priors are in fact subjective because the analyst must select one and, in doing so, exercises subjectivity\n",
"* **Happy end:** eventually, Bobby remembered that he took Mary to a play for her birthday. After a bit of detective work, he determined Mary's birthday way May 8th.\n",
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"## The Portrait Problem - Bayesian Inference with Joint Likelihood\n",
"* Let us discuss how to combine **multiple sources of data**\n",
"* A ficticious problem: how to determine the probability that the man in the photo is Thomas Bayes?\n",
"<img src=\"PB01.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>"
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"## The Portrait Problem - Bayesian Inference with Joint Likelihood\n",
"1. **identify the hypotheses**\n",
" * there are just two hypotheses: \n",
" * the portrait is of Thomas Bayes\n",
" * the portrait is not of Thomas Bayes\n",
" \n",
"2. **what are the prior probabilities that each hypothesis is true?**\n",
" * we set the priors 50/50\n",
" * 0.5 = P(\"Thomas Bayes hypothesis\")\n",
" * 0.5 = P(Not Thomas Bayes hypothesis\")\n",
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"## The Portrait Problem - Bayesian Inference with Joint Likelihood\n",
"3. **What are the data?**\n",
" * Consider two kinds of data\n",
" * the frequency of usage of **wigs** by the ministers in 1700's:\n",
" - people on the set of similar portraits will be known as ministers or not and will wear a wig or not\n",
" - the variable is discrete: 1 = true, 0 = not\n",
" * the **similarity index**\n",
" - spanning the range (0,100) (0-no similarity, 100 - total similarity); \n",
" - one can measure characteristics such as eyebrow shape, nose length, forehead length etc for Bayes's close relatives and random persons\n",
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"## The Portrait Problem - Bayesian Inference with Joint Likelihood\n",
"* **collect the data**\n",
" * From the portrait itself we get:\n",
" - wigs = 0\n",
" - similarity = 55 (from the comparison of the portrait under study and the one of Bayes's brother Joshua)\n",
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"## The Portrait Problem - Bayesian Inference with Joint Likelihood\n",
"4. **what is the likelihood of the observed data under hypothesis**\n",
" * we have **two sources of data** \n",
" * we **assume that each piece of information is independent of the other**\n",
" * we can **calculate the likelihood of observing each individual piece of data under each hypothesis**\n",
" * once we have the two likelihood calclations, we can **compute the joint likelihood for each hypothesis**\n"
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"## The Portrait Problem - Bayesian Inference with Joint Likelihood\n",
"* The dataset1 for wigs is composed of a 100 portraits, with the results as follows:\n",
"<img src=\"PB02.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>\n",
" \n",
"$\\Longrightarrow~~$ **how likely it is to observe in our data no wig, under the Thomas Bayes hypothesis = 2/100 = 0.02** (among all the portraits we choose only those with a man who is a minister and does wear a wig)\n",
"$\\Longrightarrow~~$ **how likely it is to observe in our data no wig, under the Not Thomas Bayes hypothesis = 77/100** (the probability that a man on the portrait will not wear a wig) \n"
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"## The Portrait Problem - Bayesian Inference with Joint Likelihood\n",
"* the dataset2 is composed of the pairs of males of two kinds: father and sons (1) and unrelated ones (0)\n",
"* For each pair the similarity index is determined, like e.g.\n",
"<img src=\"PB03.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>\n",
" \n"
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"## The Portrait Problem - Bayesian Inference with Joint Likelihood\n",
"* we can split the samples of related and unrelated pairs and plot the similarity distributions together with thobserved similarity factor:\n",
"<img src=\"PB04.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>"
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"## The Portrait Problem - Bayesian Inference with Joint Likelihood\n",
"* **the likelihood of observing a similarity score of at least 55 under the Thomas Bayes hypothesis = the fraction of the GREEN plot on the right of the value of 55 = 0.69**\n",
"* **the likelihood of observing a similarity score of at least 55 under the NOT Thomas Bayes hypothesis = the fraction of the RED plot on the right of the value of 55 = 0.01**"
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"## The Portrait Problem - Bayesian Inference with Joint Likelihood\n",
"* **The combination of both results into one likelihood for each hypothesis**\n",
" * if our two data sources are **independent** we can simply multiply the two likelihood components together\n",
" \n",
" * the likelihood of observing the data under the Thomas Bayes hypothesis:\n",
" \n",
" 0.02 * 0.69 = 0.0138 \n",
" \n",
" * the likelihood for observing the data under the Not Thomas Bayes hypothesis: \n",
" 0.77 * 0.01 = 0.0077 "
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"## The Portrait Problem - Bayesian Inference with Joint Likelihood\n",
"* the results from BT:\n",
"table | histogram\n",
":---:| :---: \n",
"![alt](PB05.jpg) | ![alt](PB06.jpg)\n"
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"## Probability Functions\n",
"### Probability Mass Functions (pmf)\n",
"### Probability Density Functions (pdf)"
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"### Random Variable (RV)\n",
"* RV - when the value of a variable which is subjected to random variation, OR\n",
"* when it is the value of a randomly chosen member of a population\n",
"* RV is a function"
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"## Probability Functions\n",
"* we are often interested in knowing the probability of observing particular outcomes\n",
"* the outcome of a random event cannot be determined before it occurs, but it may be any one of several possible outcomes\n",
"* The actual outcome is considered to be determined by chance"
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"## Probability Mass Function (pmf)\n",
"* a pmf is a function that gives the probability that a discrete random variable is exactly equal to some value"
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"## Binomial pmf\n",
"* all binomial problems are composed of trials that have only two possible outcomes: \"success\" and \"failure\"\n",
"* The mpf is widely used for problems where there are a fixed number of independent trials (designated n) and where each trial can have only one of two outcomes"
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"### Binomial pmf\n",
"* the binomial pmf:\n",
"$f(y;n,p) = \\left( \\begin{array}{c} n \\\\ y \\end{array} \\right) p^y (1-p)^{(n-y)},~~ y = 1, 2, \\ldots n,~~~~\\left( \\begin{array}{c} n \\\\ y \\end{array} \\right)= \\frac{n\\!}{y\\!(n-y\\!)}$\n",
"* Parameters:\n",
" * n - the total number of trials\n",
" * p - the probability of success\n",
"* y - the 3rd input - the observed number of successes in the experiment "
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"### Binomial pmf\n",
"* assumptions\n",
" 1. the trials are independent\n",
" 2. there are two possible outcomes (success or failure) on each trial\n",
" 3. the probability of success is constant across trials"
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"### The \"other\" pmfs\n",
"* Negative bimomial distribution\n",
"* Bernoulli distribution\n",
"* Poisson distribution\n",
"* Discrete uniform distribution\n",
"* Geometric distribution\n",
"* Hypergeometric distribution\n"
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"### Bernoulli distribution\n",
"* a special case of a binomial distribution, in which the number of trials is n=1\n",
"$$f(y;1,p) = p^y (1-p)^{(n-y)}$$"
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"### Reminder\n",
"<img src=\"BP11.jpg\" width=\"600\"/>\n",
" </div>"
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"### Reminder\n",
"* Note that the likelihoods are conditional on each hypothesis\n",
"* In Bayesian analysis, the likelihood is interpreted as the probability of observing the data, given the hypothesis\n",
"* the notation: ${\\cal L}({\\rm data;H})$ or ${\\cal L}({\\rm data~|~H})$\n",
"* Likelihoods describe the probability of observing data that have already been collected\n",
"* The likelihood computations do not need to sum to 1\n"
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"### Example\n",
"* Example: the likelihood of the binomial pmf for the experiment in which we do not know p, and we were given 2 heads out of 3 coin flips\n",
"<img src=\"BP12.jpg\" width=\"200\"/>\n",
" </div>"
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"### Example cont.\n",
"* In fact, p can assume any value in the range of 0 to 1, so there are an infinite number of possibilities\n",
"* the full spectrum of p alternatives = a **likelihood profile** of the binomial function when n=3 and y=2\n",
"<img src=\"BP13.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>"
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"### Example cont.: the Bayes' Theorem:\n",
"$$\\rm P(H_i|data)= \\frac{P(data|H_i) * P(H_i)}\n",
"{\\sum_{k=1}^n P(data|H_k) * P(H_k) } $$\n",
"1. Hypotheses - just two for our coin in terms of fairness:\n",
" * $H_1$ - the coin is fair so that the probability of heads p = 0.5\n",
" * $H_2$ - the coin is weighted so thath p = 0.4\n"
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"### Example cont.: the Bayes' Theorem:\n",
"2. the prior probabilities for each hypothesis\n",
" * Let us set the prior probability for each hypothesis = 0.5\n",
" <div>\n",
"<img src=\"BP14.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>\n"
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"### Example cont.: the Bayes' Theorem:\n",
"3. Collect data:\n",
" * let us assume that we tossed a coin 3 times and ended up with 2 heads\n",
"4. Compute the likelihood of the data under each hypothesis\n",
" * For the $H_1$ (p=0.5): $~~{\\rm P(data|H_1)} = 0.375$\n",
" * For the $H_2$ (p=0.4): $~~{\\rm P(data|H_2)} = 0.288$\n"
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"### Example cont.: the Bayes' Theorem:\n",
"5. Use the BT to update the priors to posteriors:\n",
"$\\rm P(H_1|data)= \\frac{P(data|H_1) * P(H_1)}\n",
"{P(data|H_1) * P(H_1) + P(data|H_2) * P(H_2) } = \\frac{0.375*0.5}{0.375*0.5 + 0.288*0.5} = 0.566 $\n",
"$\\rm P(H_2|data)= \\frac{P(data|H_2) * P(H_2)}\n",
"{P(data|H_1) * P(H_1) + P(data|H_2) * P(H_2) } = \\frac{0.288*0.5}{0.375*0.5 + 0.288*0.5} = 0.434 $\n"
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"### Example cont.: the Bayes' Theorem\n",
" * This comprises the update of our belief that the coin is fair from 0.5 to 0.556\n",
" * and the update of our belief that the coin is biased from 0.5 to 0.434\n",
" * The resulting posterior distribution:\n",
" <div>\n",
"<img src=\"BP15.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>"
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"### Example cont.: the Bayes' Theorem\n",
"* The Kruschke diagram - intended to communicate the structure of the prior and likelihood\n",
"<img src=\"BP16.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>"
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"### Example cont.: the Bayes' Theorem\n",
"* The above example illustrates for the first time the application of the pmf to calculate the likelihood of the data under each hypothesis"
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"### Probability density functions\n",
"* when a random variable is continuous\n",
"* example: uniform distribution U:\n",
" $~~~~~~f(x) = 0.5,~~ 4 \\le x \\le 6~~ X\\sim U(4,6)$\n",
"* the area under the pdf f(x) must be equal 1.00 \n",
"* the formal definition of U(a,b):\n",
"$$f(x;a,b) = \\frac{1}{b-a}$$"
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"### Probability density functions\n",
"* example cont: \n",
"* the probability of 4.5 < x < 5.5 ==> 0.5\n",
"* the probability of x=5 ===> 0"
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"### Probability density functions: Gaussian\n",
"* two parameters:\n",
" 1. location parameter\n",
" 2. scale parameter\n",
"$$f(x;\\mu, \\sigma) = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi\\sigma}} e^{-(x-\\mu)^2/2\\sigma^2}$$"
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"### The other pdfs\n",
"* normal\n",
"* log-normal\n",
"* beta\n",
"* gamma\n",
"* exponential\n",
"* Weibull\n",
"* Cauchy"
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"### The BT and pdfs\n",
"* let us consited the BT when the hypotheses for a (single) parameter $\\theta$ are infinite\n",
"$$\\rm P(H_i|data) = \\frac{P(data|H_i) * P(H_i)}\n",
"{\\sum_{k=1}^nP(data|H_k) * P(H_k) } ~~==>~~\n",
"P(\\theta|data) = \\frac{P(data|\\theta) * P(\\theta)}\n",
"{\\int P(data|\\theta) * P(\\theta) d\\theta }$$\n",
"* Two parameters --> the likelihood surface"
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"### Probability density functions: Gaussian example\n",
"* Consider the average lifespan ($\\mu$) of a bacterium \n",
"* Let as fix $\\sigma = 0.5$\n",
"* Then the BT: \n",
"$$\\rm P(\\mu|data) = \\frac{P(data|\\mu) * P(\\mu)}\n",
"{\\int P(data|\\mu) * P(\\mu) d\\mu }$$"
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"### Probability density functions: Gaussian example\n",
"1. the hypotheses:\n",
" * there are an infinite number of hypotheses\n",
" * we could have some bounds though"
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"### Probability density functions: Gaussian example\n",
"2. Prior probabilities for each hypotheses\n",
" * we think that $\\mu$ can range between 4 and 6 ==> \n",
" * prior = U(4,6)"
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"### Probability density functions: Gaussian example\n",
"3. collect data\n",
" * suppose that we draw a random bacterium that lives 4.7 years"
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"### Probability density functions\n",
"4. compute the likelihoo of the data under each hypothesis\n",
" * Now we evaluate the likelihhod of observing x = 4.7 under all values of $\\mu$ \n",
" * this gives the **likelihood profile**\n",
"<img src=\"BT21.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>"
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"### Probability density functions\n",
"5. Use BT to update the priors to posteriors\n",
" * reminder: we used an uniform prior\n",
" * Kruschke plot\n",
" <div>\n",
"<img src=\"BT22.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>"
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"### Probability density functions - tractable priors\n",
"* In the example it was easy to integrate in the denominator.\n",
"* However, sometimes it is intractable\n",
"* There are a few special cases where a particular prior, collec data distributed by some pdf and this leads to the tractable posterior. These are called **tractable priors**"
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"### Probability density functions - examples tractable priors\n",
"* **beta pdf prior + binomial data ==> beta pdf posterior**\n",
"* **gamma pdf prior + Poisson data ==> gamma pdf posterior**\n",
"* **normal pdf prior + normal data ==> normal pdf posterior**\n",
"* **Dirichlet pdf prior + multinormal data ==> Dirichlet pdf posterior**"
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"## Beta-Binomial Conjugate - The White House Problem\n",
"* now we use the BT to estimate the parameters of a pdf \n",
"* **The problem: what is the probability that any famous person (FP) can drop by the White House without an appointment?**"
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"* Thus is a binomial problem \n",
"$f(y;n,p) = \\left( \\begin{array}{c} n \\\\ y \\end{array} \\right) p^y (1-p)^{(n-y)},~~ y = 1, 2, \\ldots n,~~~~\\left( \\begin{array}{c} n \\\\ y \\end{array} \\right)= \\frac{n\\!}{y\\!(n-y\\!)}$\n",
"* assume that the individual trials are independent\n",
"* **We do not know what p * the probability of success) is !**\n",
"* Our goal: to use a Bayesian inference approach to estimate the probability that that a FP can get into a White House without an invitation "
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"1. **What are the hypotheses for p?**\n",
" * there would be the alternative hypotheses for p, ranging from 0 to 1"
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"1. **What are the prioir densities for these hypotheses?**\n",
" * we need to assign a prior for each hypothesises value of p\n",
" * here we will use the **beta distribution** to set prior probabilities for each and every hypothesis for p\n",
" <div>\n",
"<img src=\"BT23.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>"
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"* The beta distribution is often used as a prior distribution for a proportion\n",
"* The beta distribution is defined on the interval (0,1)\n",
"* It has two positive parameters $\\alpha$ and $\\beta$\n",
"$$f(x;\\alpha,\\beta) = \\frac{1}{B(\\alpha,\\beta)} x^{\\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\\beta-1},~~ 0 < x < 1$$\n",
"* B - normalization constant"
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"* the bigger $\\alpha$ is relative to $\\beta$, the more the **weight** of the curve is shifted to the right and vice versa\n",
"* the mean: $\\mu = \\frac{\\alpha}{\\alpha+\\beta}$\n",
"* the variance: $\\sigma^2 = \\frac{\\alpha\\beta}{(\\alpha+\\beta)^2(\\alpha+\\beta+1)}$\n",
"<img src=\"BT24.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>"
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"* **hyperparameter** - a parameter of a prior or a posterior distribution\n",
"* Asumme (guess) the prior beta distribution with $\\alpha_0 = 0.5$ and $\\beta_0 = 0.5$\n",
"<img src=\"BT25.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>"
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"3. **Collect the data**\n",
" * assume that a FP makes one attempt and fails to get in\n",
" * Kruschke plot\n",
" <div>\n",
"<img src=\"BT26.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div> \n",
" "
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"4. **Determine the likelihood of the observed data, assuming each hypothesis is true**\n",
" * for each hypothesized value of p, let us compute the binomial likelihood of observing 0 successes out of 1 trial \n",
"* Now, because p is a continuous variable between 0 and 1, we have infinite number of hypotheses\n",
"* ==> we need to use the BT in order to estimate a **single** parameter, called $\\theta$\n",
"$$\\rm P(\\theta|data) = \\frac{P(data|\\theta) * P(\\theta)}\n",
"{\\int P(data|\\theta) * P(\\theta) d\\theta }$$\n",
"* Technically, the likelihood $\\rm P(data|\\theta)$ can be a pmf or a pdf"
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"4. **Determine the likelihood of the observed data, assuming each hypothesis is true**\n",
" * In the FP problem:\n",
" $$\\rm P(p|data) = \\frac{P(data|p) * P(p)}\n",
"{\\int P(data|p) * P(p) dp}$$\n",
" * **Here is the kicker: the integration of the denominator is often tedious, and sometimes impossible**"
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"4. **Determine the likelihood of the observed data, assuming each hypothesis is true**\n",
" * In the FP problem there exists an **analytical shortcut**:\n",
" * the posterior: beta distribution with the following hyperparameters:\n",
" \n",
" $\\alpha_{\\rm posterior} = \\alpha_0 + y~~~~~~~~~~ \\Longrightarrow~~~~ \\alpha_{\\rm posterior} = 0.5 + 0 = 0.5$\n",
" \n",
" $\\beta_{\\rm posterior} = \\beta_0 +n - y~~~~~~~~~~ \\Longrightarrow~~~~ \\beta_{\\rm posterior} = 0.5 +1 - 0 = 1.5$"
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"5. **Use BT to compute the posterior densities for each value of p i.e. the posterior distribution**\n",
" * the prior and posterior distributions:\n",
" <div>\n",
"<img src=\"BT27.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div> \n",
" "
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"**What is the posterior in case of a \"flat prior\"?**\n",
"* Flat prior: $\\alpha_0 = 1$ and $\\beta_0=1$\n",
"* The resulting posterior: $\\alpha_{\\rm posterior} = \\alpha_0 + 1 = 1+ 0 =1$ \n",
" and $\\beta_{\\rm posterior} = \\beta_0 + n -y = 1 + 1 - 0 = 2$\n",
" <div>\n",
"<img src=\"BT28.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div> \n",
" "
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"**Is the flat prior really non-informative?**\n",
" * Here is a strange twist: the U-shaped prior that was actually used, is less informative than the \"flat prior\"\n",
" * Thus a non-informative prior for a beta distribution is not a flat one, but will will be the distribution in which $\\alpha$ and\n",
" $\\beta$ are tiny\n",
" "
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"**Whst if a FP makes a second attempt?**\n",
" * Let us assume the first set of prior and posterior parameters\n",
" * Let us suppose that a FP fails again\n",
" * Then the next posterior distribution will be the one with $\\alpha_{\\rm posterior2} = \\alpha + 1 = 0.5+ 0 =0.5$ and $\\beta_{\\rm posterior2} = \\beta + 1 -0 = 1.5 + 1 - 0 = 2.5$\n",
" <div>\n",
"<img src=\"BT29.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>\n",
" * We could get the same by \"jumping\" with two failures in one go of the analysis\n",
" \n",
" "
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"**The conjugate shortcut**\n",
" * The above shortcut is called **the beta-binomial conjugate**\n",
" * It was introduced by Howard Raiffa and Robert Schlaifer in 1961\n",
" \n",
"table | histogram\n",
":---:| :---: \n",
"![alt](BT30.jpg) | ![alt](BT31.jpg)\n"
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"**How should we describe our confidence in the hypothesized values for p?**\n",
"* Let us use *a credible interval (CI)*, representing in interval in the domain of the posterior or predictive distribution\n",
"* For a 95% CU, the value of interest lies with a 95% probability in the interval i.e., given the data and the model, there is a 95% chance the true value lies in that interval\n"
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"* There are three basic methods for chosing a CI:\n",
" 1. **choosing the narrowest interval**, which for a unimodal distribution wil involve choosing those values of highest pdf (sometimes called the highest posterior density interval)\n",
" 2. **choosing the interval where the probability of being below the interval is as likely as being above it** (sometimes called the equal-tailed interval)\n",
" 3. **choosing the interval for which the mean is te central point** (provided that the mean exists) "
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"### Beta-Binomial Conjugate\n",
"* Example: let us look for 90% CI for the problem of a FP (posterior with $\\alpha_{\\rm posterior2} =0.5$ and $\\beta_{\\rm posterior2} = 2.5$:\n",
"* we need to find the area under the curve where 5% of the distribution is in the upper tail, and 5% is in the lower tail\n",
"* The correspondig values of p are: $p_{\\rm low} = 0.00087$ and $p_{\\rm high} = 0.57$\n",
"<img src=\"BT32.jpg\" width=\"400\"/>\n",
" </div>"
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"### General Remarks about conjugate priors and posteriors\n",
"* Conjugate means \"joined together\" especially in pairs\n",
"* There are cases when we can use a particular pdf as a prior distribution, collect data of a specific flavour, and then derive analytically the posterior pdf\n",
"* In these special cases, the pdf of the prior and posterior are the same probability density function, but *their parameters may differ*\n",
"* Such a prior distribution is called a **conjugate prior**\n"
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"text/plain": [
"<Figure size 432x288 with 1 Axes>"
"metadata": {
"needs_background": "light"
"output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
"import numpy as np\n",
"import scipy.stats as st\n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"%matplotlib inline\n",
"def posterior(n, h, q):\n",
" return (n + 1) * st.binom(n, q).pmf(h)\n",
"n = 100\n",
"h = 61\n",
"q = np.linspace(0., 1., 1000)\n",
"d = posterior(n, h, q)\n",
"fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)\n",
"ax.plot(q, d, '-k')\n",
"ax.set_xlabel('q parameter')\n",
"ax.set_ylabel('Posterior distribution')\n",
"ax.set_ylim(0, d.max() + 1)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"metadata": {
"celltoolbar": "Slideshow",
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "Python 3",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
"language_info": {
"codemirror_mode": {
"name": "ipython",
"version": 3
"file_extension": ".py",
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.7.3"
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 1
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