So, I woke up on a Sunday morning wanting to play with [ChefSpec] ( (it's been on my 'to-play-with' list for a while now..), so what better time to play with this than a nice, sunny Sunday morning in Crete.
I started looking into the [examples] ( in order to see how to write some tests. I soon realized an easy addition would be to use Fauxhai to mock the different platforms -- to my disappointment OpenSUSE 13.2 (our current target platform) was not in the list.
Now, at this point, I do realize I could have just said 'oh, well' and moved on with something else.. But you have to understand, I'm sitting in the sun, the birds are singing (really), and it's an overall wonderful day... what choice did I have but to want to contribute to the community!?
According to the [Contributing instructions] (, I should start a machine and just install ohai and faux