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gscheibel / log
Created February 24, 2014 12:19
EmbeddedMongodb shutdown stacktrace
WARNING: sendShutdown / Connection reset
at de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo.runtime.Mongod.sendShutdown(
at de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo.AbstractMongoProcess.sendStopToMongoInstance(
at de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo.AbstractMongoProcess.stop(
at com.github.joelittlejohn.embedmongo.StopEmbeddedMongoMojo.execute(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.executeMojo(
POST appName/mytype/
"functions": [
"name": "functionName",
"ranges": [
"name": "Range1",
"quantity": {"subtype1": 10, "subtype2": 100}
gscheibel / Dockerfile
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
asciidoctor dockerfile
FROM fedora
MAINTAINER Guillaume Scheibel <>
#Installing JDK because asciidoctor-diagram is reyling on Java classses
RUN (curl -s -k -L -C - -b "oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" | tar xfz -)
ENV JAVA_HOME /jdk1.8.0_20
#Installing ruby and asciidoctor environment
#gcc is required because of rjb (asciidoctor-diagram dependency)
gscheibel / Asciidoctor Ecosystem EN
Created May 18, 2015 09:55
Stop making a fool of yourself with documentation
"Is the documentation up to date ?", "Where is the documentation version 1.5 ?', "What are the differences with the previous version ?" "How do I generate the table of content ?" "How to generate the documentation in PDF ?" "What is the style for titles ?" "Damn Word again broke my numbered list !"
Most of the time, the documentation is written in files completely apart from the source code. Its format can be constraining for the developer which leads to frustration and affect the final delivery. Taking care of the form is not our (main) activity but content is. And of course, what about seeing the difference between versions.
If this introduction sounds familiar so Asciidoctor is here for you. Simple, clear, concise. During this presentation we will see the syntax, the integration in the application life cycle and how to customize the output.
And you will figure out that that you don't have to make a fool of yourself with documentation
gscheibel / Asciidoctor Ecosystem FR
Created May 18, 2015 10:06
Et si on arrêtait de se prendre la tête avec la documentation
“Est-ce que la doc est à jour ?”, “Elle est où la doc de la v1.5?”, “C’est quoi la différence avec la version précédente ?”, “C’est fatiguant de recréer à la main le PDF à chaque nouvelle version de l’application !”, “Comment je génère la table des matières dans cette m**!”, “Arf Word m’a encore pété mes listes numérotés !”
Ecrire de la documentation, c’est la plupart du temps dans un fichier complètement distinct de l’application dont le format est contraignant pour le développeur, ce qui entraîne sa frustration et le résultat s’en ressent sur le livrable final. S’occuper de la forme n’est pas notre activité de prédilection, nous c’est le fond. Tout cela pour que ce document soit déposé dans un répertoire partagé voir au mieux dans une GED. Ne parlons même pas du fait d’essayer de voir la différence entre deux versions!
Si cette introduction vous est familière alors Asciidoctor est là pour vous. Simple, clair et concis. Durant cette présentation nous allons voir ensemble la syntaxe, l’intégration dans une
gscheibel / bio
Created May 18, 2015 10:13
Guillaume is working as software engineer at Expedia in London. He also has contributed to open source projects like Hibernate OGM, Infinispan and more recently to the Asciidoctor ecosystem. He has been nominated JBoss Hero in 2015 and sometimes he speaks at conferences (Devoxx BE and FR Soft-shake) or JUGs.
asciidoctor: FAILED: /documents/test.adoc: Failed to parse source, Ditaa image generation failed: java.lang.NullPointerException
at sun.awt.X11FontManager.getDefaultPlatformFont(
at sun.font.SunFontManager$
at Method)
at sun.font.SunFontManager.<init>(
at sun.awt.X11FontManager.<init>(
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
#from boot2docker or your host
docker@boot2docker:~$ docker run -it -v /Users/gscheibel/labs/adocs/:/documents/ asciidoctor/docker-asciidoctor
#once inside of the container
[root@0fb713cf627f documents]# lazybones create asciidoctor-revealjs 1.0.0 testRevealJS
gscheibel@~/labs/adocs/gradle-variant-aware-dependency-resolution (master) $ gradle generatePdf
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file '/Users/gscheibel/labs/adocs/gradle-variant-aware-dependency-resolution/examples/binarylevel/build.gradle' line: 30
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ':binarylevel'.
> Exception thrown while executing model rule: model.components
scheibel@~/labs/adocs/gradle-variant-aware-dependency-resolution (master) $ gradle generatePdf
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file '/Users/gscheibel/labs/adocs/gradle-variant-aware-dependency-resolution/examples/customlib1/build.gradle' line: 1
* What went wrong:
Could not compile build file '/Users/gscheibel/labs/adocs/gradle-variant-aware-dependency-resolution/examples/customlib1/build.gradle'.
> startup failed: