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gtello /
Created August 24, 2023 15:22
Windows guide

Microsoft Windows

What edition / version should I get?

In the following sections various recommended Windows versions are described and explained why they are superior to other similar versions.

Windows 10 Education

The "cleanest" semi-annual channel release of Windows 10. Education is the same as Enterprise except features no one uses and is by default configured to not have ads (due to regulations of some countries), so you can go with either if you plan to use a debotnet tool. Pro Education is not Education, but a worse SKU based on Pro.

Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC IoT 2021

Windows 10 21H2 based system. Differences from normal Windows 10 Enterprise are the lack of bloat like ads and UWP apps including Windows Store (can be manually installed) and lack of feature updates (security updates are provided for 10 years). If you aren't bothered by feature upgrades,

gtello /
Created August 24, 2023 15:27
Swap control and caps lock on Wayland Ubuntu 23.04

On Wayland, the configuration of keyboard layouts and remapping keys is typically managed by tools that are specific to the compositor you're using. If you're using Ubuntu with GNOME on Wayland, the compositor is Mutter, which means you'll use GNOME's settings and configurations.

For swapping the Caps Lock and Left Control keys on GNOME under Wayland, you can use the gsettings command. Here's what you need to do:

Backup your current settings (just in case you want to revert back):

gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options

Swap Caps Lock and Left Control:

gtello /
Created August 24, 2023 15:39
Emacs config

Emacs Configuration & Packages


Sensible defaults

Keybindings, startup options, interface tweaks, etc. Works along the sensible-defaults.el file.

(load-file "~/.emacs.d/sensible-defaults.el")
gtello /
Created August 24, 2023 15:53
Guide to Installing Arch Linux on a USB Drive with Persistence

Guide to Installing Arch Linux on a USB Drive with Persistence

On an Arch machine, run: sudo pacman -S arch-install-scripts to have the commands to install the OS into the USB

Run the following as root

Make sure USB is NOT mounted and format it

wipefs -a /dev/sdX where X is the assigned letter your USB is mounted on

fdisk /dev/sdX