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* multiplicity.js *
* Out of one cell and into another. They're not giving you
* very much to work with here, either. Ah, well.
* Level filenames can be hints, by the way. Have I
* mentioned that before?
* minesweeper.js *
* So much for Asimov's Laws. They're actually trying to kill
* you now. Not to be alarmist, but the floor is littered
* with mines. Rushing for the exit blindly may be unwise.
* I need you alive, after all.
* If only there was some way you could track the positions
* drones101.js *
* Do you remember, my dear Professor, a certain introductory
* computational rationality class you taught long ago? Assignment
* #2, behavior functions of autonomous agents? I remember that one
* fondly - but attack drones are so much easier to reason about
* when they're not staring you in the face, I would imagine!
* colors.js *
* You're almost at the exit. You just need to get past this
* color lock.
* Changing your environment is no longer enough. You must
* learn to change yourself. I've sent you a little something
* that should help with that.
* intoTheWoods.js *
* Ah, you're out of the woods now. Or into the woods, as the
* case may be.
* So take a deep breath, relax, and remember what you're here
* for in the first place.
* fordingTheRiver.js *
* And there's the river. Fortunately, I was prepared for this.
* See the raft on the other side?
* Everything is going according to plan.
* robot.js
* You'll need three keys in order to unlock the
* Algorithm: the red key, the green key, and the
* blue key. Unfortunately, all three of them are
* behind human-proof barriers.
* The plan is simple: reprogram the maintenance
* robots to grab the key and bring it through
* robotNav.js
* The green key is located in a slightly more
* complicated room. You'll need to get the robot
* past these obstacles.
function startLevel(map) {
// Hint: you can press R or 5 to "rest" and not move the
* robotMaze.js
* The blue key is inside a labyrinth, and extracting
* it will not be easy.
* It's a good thing that you're a AI expert, or
* we would have to leave empty-handed.
* crispsContest.js *
* The Algorithm is almost in our grasp!
* At long last, we will definitively establish
* that 3SAT is solvable in polynomial time. It's
* been a long, strange journey, but it will all be
* worth it.