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Gabriel Vergnaud gvergnaud

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gvergnaud / mapped-types-as-recursive-distributive-union-type.ts
Created January 8, 2023 18:27
Can you express any mapped types in terms of recursive + distributive union type?
// mapped type version
type Fn<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: [K, T[K]] /* arbitrary fn using K and T[k] */;
// distributive union version
type Fn2<T> = FromEntries<
keyof T extends infer K
? K extends keyof T
? [K, [K, T[K]] /* arbitrary fn using K and T[k] */]
import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils'
type Assign<A, B> = {
[K in keyof A | keyof B]: K extends keyof B
? B[K]
: K extends keyof A
? A[K]
: never;
type Range<n, range extends any[] = []> =
range['length'] extends n ? range : Range<n, [...range, range['length']]>
type Drop1<a extends any[]> =
a extends [...infer inits, any] ? inits : []
type Concat<a extends any[], b extends any[]> = [...a, ...b]
type Plus<a, b> =
[...Range<a>, ...Range<b>]['length']
export type TaskPriority = "user-blocking" | "user-visible" | "background";
export type SchedulerPostTaskOptions = {
// This priority is immutable and overrides the
// TaskController's priority.
priority?: TaskPriority;
delay?: number;
signal?: TaskSignal;
type TupleToList<xs> = xs extends [infer head, ...(infer tail)]
? [head extends any[] ? head[number] : never, ...TupleToList<tail>]
: [];
function permute<xs extends [] | [any[], ...any[][]]>([
]: xs): TupleToList<xs>[];
const fs = require("fs");
const tasks = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./input-5req-2render-slow.json"));
// Build histogram of tasks with buckets of 1000ms
const histogram = tasks.reduce((acc, task) => {
const key = Math.floor(task.start / 1000) + "";
return Object.assign(acc, {
[key]: (acc[key] ?? []).concat(task),
gvergnaud / typescript-type-variance.ts
Last active August 30, 2022 15:52
TypeScript type variance (covariance, contravariance and invariance)
* We call "variance" the direction of assignability between two types
* (in other words, which type is a subtype of the other).
* The same type can have a different variance in function of his position
* in a larger type, and this is what makes assignability in TypeScript
* not always straightforwards.
* There are 4 kinds of variance:
* - Covariant: if the type `a` is assignable to `a | b`.
* CancelablePromise is a wrapper around a regular Promise which
* can be cancelled by calling `promise.cancel()`.
* To do something on cancel, return a callback inside the
* function passed to the CancelablePromise constructor.
* Canceled promises will neither be rejected or resolved,
* but will stay unfulfilled.
// Helpers
type Expect<T extends true> = T
type Equal<X, Y> =
(<T>() => T extends X ? 1 : 2) extends
(<T>() => T extends Y ? 1 : 2)
? true
: false;
import mapValues from 'lodash/mapValues';
export type Step<Anims> = {
[K in keyof Anims]: { value: number; progress: number };
export type Values<Anims> = { [K in keyof Anims]: number };
export interface SpringOptions {