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# np.vectorize: rehabilitated
dfY = pd.DataFrame()
dfY["x"], dfY["y"], dfY["z"] = np.vectorize(myfunc4)(dfS.B, dfS.C)
# apply, but pre-select columns e and f instead of complete rows: iteration misdemeanor
def myfunc4(b, c):
x = (b + c)**2
y = (b - c)**2
z = (b - c)**2
return x, y,z
dfY = pd.DataFrame()
# apply row-wise: iteration crime
def myfunc3(row):
return pd.Series(myfunc2(row))
dfY = pd.DataFrame()
dfY[["x", "y", "z"]] = dfS.apply(myfunc3, axis=1)
# convert df to dictionary before iterating
dictS = dfS.to_dict(orient="records")
for row in dictS:
res = myfunc2a(row)
dfY = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dictY).T
dfY.columns = ["x", "y", "z"]
def myfunc2a(row):
x = (row["B"] + row["C"])**2
y = (row["B"] - row["C"])**2
z = (row["B"] - row["C"])**2
return [x, y,z]
# itertuples: iteration misdemeanor
dictY = dict()
for row in dfS.itertuples():
res = myfunc2(row)
dictY[row] = list(res)
dfY = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dictY).T
dfY.columns = ["x", "y", "z"]
# iterrows: iteration felony
dictY = dict()
for i, row in dfS.iterrows():
res = myfunc2(row)
dictY[] = list(res)
dfY = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dictY).T
dfY.columns = ["x", "y", "z"]
def myfunc2(row):
x = (row.B + row.C)**2
y = (row.B - row.C)**2
z = (row.B - row.C)**2
return [x, y,z]
# conventional loop using iloc - iteration crime
dfY = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(dfS.shape[0]):
res = myfunc1(dfS["B"].iloc[i], dfS["C"].iloc[i])
dfY = pd.concat([dfY, pd.DataFrame([res])], ignore_index=True)
dfY.rename(columns={0:"x", 1:"y", 2:"z"}, inplace=True)
def myfunc1(b, c):
x = (b + c)**2
y = (b - c)**2
z = (b - c)**2
return [x,y,z]