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Hagsteel hagsteel

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* A rather simple way of testing out SwampDragon.
* Create a load of connections, connect, subscriber, update and count the number
* of published messages.
* 1. npm install sockjs-client-node
* 2. curl > swampdragon.js
* 3. Set router_name to the name of your router.
* 4. Change "sd.update_object(router_name, { value: val }, 'foo');" to call
from django.db import connection
from swampdragon_auth.socketconnection import HttpDataConnection
from tornado import ioloop
class MysqlHeartbeatConnection(HttpDataConnection):
def _close_db_connection(self):
def on_open(self, request):

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jonashagstedt on github.
  • I am hagsteel ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 9C06 7B01 09D0 F7F5 EF01 ABC5 5A43 8D70 29B7 E803

To claim this, I am signing this object:

[ -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ] && { echo "No virtual environment active"; exit 1; }
#let vepath="$VIRTUAL_ENV"
if [ -f "$fpath" ]
# Installing virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper
1. `sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper`
2. `vim ~/.bash_profile`
then add the following to your bash profile:
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am hagsteel on github.
  • I am hagsteel ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBvPYkuI3pewP9w-BBoedpRWA-NyThE4ObU377XhcFu0go

To claim this, I am signing this object:

hagsteel / theme.vim
Created October 7, 2020 08:07
Vim colours
set background=dark
highlight clear SignColumn
highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=234
highlight LineNr ctermbg=234 ctermfg=14
highlight CursorLineNr ctermbg=23 ctermfg=7
highlight CursorLine ctermbg=236
highlight StatusLineNC ctermbg=238 ctermfg=0
highlight StatusLine ctermbg=240 ctermfg=12
highlight IncSearch ctermbg=3 ctermfg=1