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halcwb / CalcPAFratio.vb
Created July 27, 2023 10:12
Calculate PAF ration using FiO2 estimation
Sub Main
Console.WriteLine(CalcPAFratio("", 0, 100, 50))
Console.WriteLine(CalcPAFratio("", 0, 50, 100))
Console.WriteLine(CalcPAFratio("lowflow", 5, 100, 50))
Console.WriteLine(CalcPAFratio("mask", 6, 100, 50))
Console.WriteLine(CalcPAFratio("mask", 12, 100, 50))
End Sub
halcwb / CalcEstimatedBW.vb
Created July 27, 2023 10:11
Calculate estimated/ideal body weight
Sub Main
Dim dblAge As Double = 0
For intM As Integer = 0 To 12
dblAge = intM / 12
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", intM, CalcEstimatedBW(dblAge, "", 0))
For intY As Integer = 0 To 9
dblAge = intY
halcwb / CalcAaO2Grandient.vb
Last active July 26, 2023 10:59
Calculate an A-a O2 gradient
Sub Main
Console.WriteLine(CalcAaO2Gradient(21, 80, 45))
End Sub
' A-a O2 Gradient = [ (FiO2) × (Atmospheric Pressure - H2O Pressure) - (PaCO2/0.8) ] – PaO2
' Normal gradient = (age / 4) + 4
' Returns -1 if A-a O2 gradient cannot be calculated
Function CalcAaO2Gradient(dblFiO2 As Double, dblPaO2 As Double, dblPaCO2 As Double) As Double
Dim dblGrad As Double = -1
Const dblPatm As Double = 760
halcwb / CalcEGFR.vb
Last active July 26, 2023 09:49
Function to calculate the eGFR according to available parameters
Sub Main
Dim dblCreat As Double = 88.42
Dim dblUrea As Double = 0.3571
Dim dbleGFR As Double
' cannot calculate
dblEGFR = CalcEGFR("", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Console.WriteLine(System.Math.Round(dbleGFR, 0)) ' -1
halcwb / QueryOpenAI.vb
Last active July 26, 2023 06:25
Code to query open AI
Sub Main
Dim strApiKey As String = "<API_KEY>"
Dim strContent As String = "say: Hello world, this is from open AI"
Dim strResult = MakeWebRequest(CreateOpenAIRequest(strApiKey, strContent))
Console.WriteLine(ParseOpenAIJson(strResult, "content"))
End Sub
Function CreateOpenAIRequest(strApiKey As String, strContent As String) As System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage
halcwb / InsertFunction.sql
Last active July 26, 2023 09:43
Insert a parameterized function in a MV database
begin transaction
declare @stat_ModuleID as smallint;
declare @stat_VBScript as nvarchar(max);
declare @stat_Name as nvarchar(100);
declare @stat_Description as nvarchar(1000);
declare @stat_OldVbScript as nvarchar(max);
declare @stat_LastUpdateGUID as uniqueidentifier;
-- makes it an internal parameterized function
halcwb / CalcAge.vbs
Last active July 27, 2023 18:43
Calculate age in years, months, weeks and days
Sub Main
Dim dtmFrom As Date
Dim dtmTo As Date
' 366. 1-1-2022 - 1-1-2023 -> Age: 1 years, 11 months, 0 weeks, -334 days
dtmFrom = New System.DateTime(2022, 1, 1)
dtmTo = New System.DateTime(2023, 1, 1)
' TestCase(1, dtmFrom, dtmTo)
halcwb / CalcBSA.vb
Last active July 27, 2023 17:31
Calculate BSA using different formulas
Sub Main
Dim dblW As Double = 10
Dim dblH As Double = 70
Dim strForm As String = ""
System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", strForm, CalcBSA(strForm, dblW, dblH))
strForm = "mosteller"
System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", strForm, CalcBSA(strForm, dblW, dblH))
strForm = "dubois"
System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", strForm, CalcBSA(strForm, dblW, dblH))
halcwb / FixPrecision.vb
Last active July 27, 2023 17:25
Sub Main
Dim dblNum As Double = 1.12345
Console.WriteLine("FixPrec: {0}", FixPrecision(dblNum, 2))
End Sub
' Purpose: Relative rounding of a number with a specified minimum precision. All digits
' before the decimal point are preserved. Digits after the decimal point are preserved
' as follows:
halcwb / DateTime.fsx
Last active June 17, 2023 10:54
F# DateTime extensions
module DateTime =
open System
let create (year: int) (month: int) (day: int) = DateTime(year, month, day)
let withContinuation fSucc fErr year month day =