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socket = /tmp/app.sock
chdir = /home/USER/sites/
env = NEW_RELIC_ENVIRONMENT=production
env = NEW_RELIC_CONFIG_FILE=newrelic.ini
uid = USER
chown-socket = www-data:GROUP
chmod-socket = 660

Nice illustration of importance of MAC use in encryption

Without use of MAC, it’s easy to mess with the IV to change the result of “successfully decrypting” ciphertext.

First, create some plaintext:

echo Give Eve \$500 > plaintext.dat

cat plaintext.dat

My ThinkPad X200 Arch Linux install process

TODO passphrase protected keyfiles…setup a keyfile in a remaining key-slot? something to make this properly two–factor.

Notes on installing Arch Linux from scratch, using LVM volumes inside a LUKS container.

Why not boot from removable media? Well, there's no real support for “plausible deniability” built in to LUKS/dm-crypt. This means that the benefit of booting from removable media—being able to keep secret the fact that the main HDD contains an encrypted

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Retrieve a list of hosts from EC2, with Name metadata tags matching
# the supplied regex.
# e.g. in your fabfile
# env.roledefs = {
# 'somesite': lambda: matching_names(r'somesite-web-\d+'),
# }
# -*- mode: sh; coding: utf-8 -*-
# check for interactive shell, returning straight away if this isn't
# one!
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
setopt prompt_subst
setopt transient_rprompt
setopt prompt_sp
autoload -Uz vcs_info
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Update Route53 DNS A name record for home IP.
# Uses the *route53* library, rather than boto.
import os
import re
import sys
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
remove Control = Control_L
keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
add Lock = Caps_Lock
add Control = Control_L

My ThinkPad X200 Arch Linux install process

TODO passphrase protected keyfiles…setup a keyfile in a remaining key-slot? something to make this properly two–factor.

Notes on installing Arch Linux from scratch, using LVM volumes inside a LUKS container.

Why not boot from removable media? Well, there's no real support for “plausible deniability” built in to LUKS/dm-crypt. This means that the benefit of booting from removable media—being able to keep secret the fact that the main HDD contains an encrypted

Watch outgoing DNS requests on wlan0

tcpdump -pni wlan0 'port domain'
set skip on lo0
block in all
pass in on { em0 wlan0 } proto udp from any to port mdns
pass out all keep state