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import re
def normalize_text(t: str):
:param t: English text
:return: Normalized text according to below:
# language-dependent part (assuming Western languages):
$norm_text = " $norm_text ";
$norm_text =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/ unless $preserve_case;
hanayashiki /
Last active June 25, 2019 06:12
Ping a website with your sock5 proxy. Test your connectivity and speed.
# Usage:
# $
# Connected to[:80]: seq=1 time=1.47s
# Connected to[:80]: seq=2 time=1.27s
# Connected to[:80]: seq=3 time=1.18s
# Connected to[:80]: seq=4 time=1.15s
# $ -h
# usage: [-h] [-s SOCKS5HOST] [-o SOCKS5PORT] [-p PORT]
hanayashiki /
Created July 18, 2019 04:10
Truncate long json objects so that it is human readable
import sys
import json
max_item = 3
def visualize(obj: dict):
if isinstance(obj, list):
if len(obj) > max_item:
return [visualize(o) for o in obj[0:max_item] + ["(%d items in total)" % len(obj)]]
import socket
def extract_request_line(request):
first_line = request.split("\r\n")[0]
method, resource, ver = first_line.split(" ")
return method, resource, ver
def respond(method, resource):
if method == "GET" and resource == "/A":
return b"<h1>Resource A from my server!</h1>", 200
class CallbackSequence extends Function {
constructor() {
this.callbacks = {};
return new Proxy(this, {
apply: (target, thisArg, argumentsList) => {
hanayashiki /
Created December 28, 2019 07:39
2d sliding window implementation for numpy
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
from typing import *
def sliding_window_2d(a: np.array, wnd_size: Tuple[int, int]):
# a: an nd-array of (height, width,
# wnd_size: a tuple of (wnd_width, wnd_height)
# returns an nd-array of (height - wnd_height + 1, width - wnd_width + 1, wnd_height, wnd_width,
height, width, *rest = a.shape
s0, s1, *rest_strides = a.strides
hanayashiki / EventEmitter.swift
Last active July 9, 2020 21:37 — forked from brennanMKE/EventEmitter.swift
React Native Event Emitter for RCTEventEmitter in Objective-C and Swift
class EventEmitter {
/// Shared Instance.
public static var sharedInstance = EventEmitter()
// ReactNativeEventEmitter is instantiated by React Native with the bridge.
private static var eventEmitter: ReactNativeEventEmitter!
private init() {}
hanayashiki /
Created July 10, 2020 11:19 — forked from mbinna/
Clear CocoaPods cache, re-download and re-install all pods
#!/usr/bin/env bash
rm -rf "${HOME}/Library/Caches/CocoaPods"
rm -rf "`pwd`/Pods/"
pod update
hanayashiki / benchmarks.mjs
Created November 16, 2021 04:27
module resolution benchmarks
import { build } from 'esbuild'
import typescript from '@rollup/plugin-typescript'
export async function esbuildResolve(id, dir) {
let result
await build({
stdin: {
contents: `import ${JSON.stringify(id)}`,
hanayashiki / Setup
Created August 9, 2022 12:58
pnpm install -D eslint @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin eslint-plugin-prettier prettier eslint-plugin-import


module.exports = {
  ignorePatterns: ['**/vendors/**'],
  plugins: ['import', '@typescript-eslint', 'prettier'],
  parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',