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Hanh Le hanh090

  • Ho Chi Minh City
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hanh090 / memoize1.js
Last active March 18, 2020 02:26
Correct way to using memoize in EH project
// Import memoize from lodash fp package - it is convention in EH project
import memoize from 'lodash/fp/memoize';
// in lodash functional programming, memoize only have 1 argument
// this is code to changed to original API which support keyResolver
const memoizeWithResolver = memoize.convert({ fixed: false });
const keyResolver = (...args) => JSON.stringify(args);// Just sample code, you can choose method which you prefer
const withMemo = memoizeWithResolver((a,b) => doSomethingWith(a,b), keyResolver)
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"date": "2021-05-17T10:37:11",
"slug": "eiusmod-adipisicing-officia-do-pariatur-eu",
"title": "Ea reprehenderit non occaecat qui eiusmod Lorem ex anim enim deserunt incididunt exercitation nulla.",
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