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hanhha /
Last active January 23, 2018 15:40
Demo of Bokeh programmatic server
#/usr/bin/env python3
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.application import Application
from bokeh.application.handlers.function import FunctionHandler
from bokeh.document import without_document_lock
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
hanhha / gist:498ba841417a7a3e807440bbe4d7f71f
Created July 10, 2021 17:36 — forked from jagregory/gist:710671
How to move to a fork after cloning
So you've cloned somebody's repo from github, but now you want to fork it and contribute back. Never fear!
Technically, when you fork "origin" should be your fork and "upstream" should be the project you forked; however, if you're willing to break this convention then it's easy.
* Off the top of my head *
1. Fork their repo on Github
2. In your local, add a new remote to your fork; then fetch it, and push your changes up to it
git remote add my-fork