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$ vagrant up Centos6_64_vmfarms_puppet_4_base_image
Bringing machine 'Centos6_64_vmfarms_puppet_4_base_image' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> Centos6_64_vmfarms_puppet_4_base_image: Running triggers before up...
==> Centos6_64_vmfarms_puppet_4_base_image: Executing command "chruby-exec 2.1.2 -- bundle exec rake deploy_local_modules"...
==> Centos6_64_vmfarms_puppet_4_base_image: Deploy local modules
==> Centos6_64_vmfarms_puppet_4_base_image: Command execution finished.
==> Centos6_64_vmfarms_puppet_4_base_image: Importing base box 'centos6_64-puppet_4-base_image'...
==> Centos6_64_vmfarms_puppet_4_base_image: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> Centos6_64_vmfarms_puppet_4_base_image: Setting the name of the VM: puppet-modules_Centos6_64_vmfarms_puppet_4_base_image_1449516043743_87689
==> Centos6_64_vmfarms_puppet_4_base_image: Fixed port collision for 22 => 2222. Now on port 2200.
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