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Harlan Haskins harlanhaskins

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harlanhaskins / phoneformat.swift
Created July 8, 2015 17:29
extension String {
static let phoneDetector = NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingType.PhoneNumber.rawValue, error: nil)!
func stringByFormattingPhoneNumbers() -> String {
var mutableString = self
String.phoneDetector.enumerateMatchesInString(self, options: NSMatchingOptions.allZeros, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: count(self))) { result, flags, stop in
if let
range = self.rangeFromNSRange(result.range),
phoneNumber = result.phoneNumber.flatMap(PhoneManager.sanitizedPhoneNumber) {
mutableString.replaceRange(range, with: PhoneManager.formattedPhoneNumber(phoneNumber))
protocol KindaEquatable {
func ~==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
infix operator ~!= { associativity left precedence 140 }
func ~!=<T where T: KindaEquatable>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
return !(lhs ~== rhs)
// MARK: - String
extension UIView {
func constraintsEqualToSuperview(_ edgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets =, priority: UILayoutPriority = 1000) -> [NSLayoutConstraint] {
self.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
var constraints = [NSLayoutConstraint]()
if let superview = self.superview {
constraints.append(self.constraining(.leading, .equal, to: superview, constant: edgeInsets.left, priority: priority))
constraints.append(self.constraining(.trailing, .equal, to: superview, constant: -edgeInsets.right, priority: priority))
constraints.append(self.constraining(.top, .equal, to: superview, constant:, priority: priority))
constraints.append(self.constraining(.bottom, .equal, to: superview, constant: -edgeInsets.bottom, priority: priority))
static func systemLogs(count: Int = 30) -> [LogEntry] {
let q = asl_new(UInt32(ASL_TYPE_QUERY))
var logs = [LogEntry]()
let r = asl_search(nil, q)
var m = asl_next(r)
while logs.count < count && m != nil {
var logDict = [String: String]()
for key in keysNeeded {
if let val = String.fromCString(asl_get(m, key)) {
static func systemLogs() -> [[String: String]] {
let q = asl_new(UInt32(ASL_TYPE_QUERY))
var logs = [[String: String]]()
let r = asl_search(nil, q)
var m = asl_next(r)
while m != nil {
var logDict = [String: String]()
var i: UInt32 = 0
while true {
if let key = String.fromCString(asl_key(m, i)) {
% Change "article" to "report" to get rid of page number on title page
harlanhaskins / harlan.asm
Created October 21, 2015 20:21
harlan.asm - Prints "Harlan Haskins\n" to stdout.
global _main
bits 64
default rel
section .text
mov r8, array
add byte [r8], 8
cmp byte [r8], 0
je loop_0_end
harlanhaskins / facts.c
Created October 27, 2015 04:12
C Factorials
#include <stdio.h>
char mem[30000];
char *p = mem;
int main() {
p += 1;
*p += 10;
p += 3;
*p += 1;
p += 1;
*p += 1;
harlan@nietzsche ~/D/C/S/grmustache-example> swift build
Cloning Packages/GRMustache.swift
Compiling Swift Module 'MustacheTVOSTests' (1 sources)
Compiling Swift Module 'DemoApps' (7 sources)
Compiling Swift Module 'Mustache' (32 sources)
Compiling Swift Module 'MustacheTests' (44 sources)
<unknown>:0: error: filename "AppDelegate.swift" used twice: '/Users/harlan/Documents/Code/Swift/grmustache-example/Packages/GRMustache.swift-0.12.0/DemoApps/MustacheDemoiOS/MustacheDemoiOS/AppDelegate.swift' and '/Users/harlan/Documents/Code/Swift/grmustache-example/Packages/GRMustache.swift-0.12.0/DemoApps/MustacheDemoiOS7/MustacheDemoiOS7/AppDelegate.swift'
<unknown>:0: note: filenames are used to distinguish private declarations with the same name
<unknown>:0: error: filename "ViewController.swift" used twice: '/Users/harlan/Documents/Code/Swift/grmustache-example/Packages/GRMustache.swift-0.12.0/DemoApps/MustacheDemoiOS/MustacheDemoiOS/ViewController.swift' and '/Users/harlan/Documents/Code/Swift/grmustache-example/Pac
Building the standard library for: swift-stdlib-macosx-x86_64
Running Swift tests for: check-swift-macosx-x86_64
cmark: using standard linker
++ cmake_config_opt cmark
++ product=cmark
++ [[ Unix Makefiles == \X\c\o\d\e ]]
+ /Applications/ --build /Users/harlan/Documents/Code/Swift/swift/build/Unix_Makefiles-DebugAssert/cmark-macosx-x86_64 -- -j8 all
[ 93%] Built target cmark
[ 93%] Built target libcmark