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Harlan T Wood harlantwood

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harlantwood /
Last active December 12, 2015 08:28
D3 Circle Packing in CoffeeScript
root = exports ? this
root.collections_viz = (json_path) ->
d3.json json_path, (data) ->
width = 600
height = 600
format = d3.format(",d")
pack = d3.layout.pack()
.size([ width - 4, height - 4 ])
harlantwood / A content addressable infrastructure for a federated social
Last active December 11, 2015 09:48
A content addressable infrastructure for a federated social web

A content addressable base architecture upon which to build interlocking, overlapping public/private information spheres is, in my opinion, one of the most critical infrastructure projects of our time.

Camlistore is the most advanced software of this genre that I have seen. I hope that it may serve as a foundation for a truly open and distributed network of "social" data such as "likes" and "circles", as well as and many other types of content nodes and relationships between them.

Brad Fitzpatrick, chief instigator of Calimstore recently described it thus:

Think of it as a universe where everything is content-addressable and everybody has their own personal, private repo of all their data (files, content, likes, bookmarks, whatever) and they can search their own stuff, or selectively re-share it out to friends. People can use hosted servers or run their own, an

harlantwood / markdown2asciidoc.rb
Last active December 11, 2015 08:09
markdown2asciidoc Convert markdown to aciidoc
# Assumptions:
# - You have markdown files in your current directory that you want to covert to asciidoc
# - These markdown files are checked into git
# - You have pandoc installed to do the actual conversion (if not, visit <>)
# This script will
# - Convert local markdown files to asciidoc
# - "git mv" them appropriately
# - Stage the files for your review and commit

An Architecture for a Distributed Open Web

Nodes and Edges

Every digital resource can be considered a node. You should be able to ask for a node (via HTTP, git, etc.) either by its content identifier, or by a friendly URL-style identifier.

The relationships between nodes can be mapped as graph edges comprised of subject-predicate-object triples. There are mature tools for working with data in this format, such as RDF and SPARQL.

harlantwood /
Last active October 13, 2015 22:28
Federated Social Web: Open Source Budget

An Open Source Budget for the Federated Social Web

This budget is designed to answer the question, "If you had up to 100 million dollars that you wanted to donate to creating the greater open social web, as the logical next step after today's proprietary data silos, how would you divide it?"

This document is created intentionally as a straw man -- though necessarily incomplete and surely flawed in many ways, it is intended to at least stimulate debate and further ideas. If you wish to contribute, please fork this proposal, changing it in any way you see fit to create a better version.

harlantwood / gist:4181294
Created December 1, 2012 09:33
Nahko Bear (Medicine for the People) ღ Aloha Ke Akua ღ
Nahko Bear (Medicine for the People) ღ Aloha Ke Akua ღ
Lend your ears, lend your hands,
Lend your movement, anything you can.
Come to teach, come to be taught.
Come in the likeness in the image of God.
Cause, you can be like that.
With all that humbleness, and all that respect.
harlantwood / models-30ad78e...9846097.diff
Created November 22, 2012 05:31
BetterMeans model code -- since branching from Redmine
diff --git a/app/models/activity_stream.rb b/app/models/activity_stream.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3934483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/models/activity_stream.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Matson Systems, Inc.
+# Released under the BSD license found in the file
+# LICENSE included with this ActivityStreams plug-in.
harlantwood /
Created November 20, 2012 16:44
Blanket shipping zone to cover everywhere for digital downloads in Spree


We are in the testing stage with a product that is an app so we are not shipping, after purchase it will be available electronically for the customer.

At checkout when I enter my address and select check box for use as Billing address also, then I get an error message that says something like, "cannot ship to selected location." How do I proceed?

Thank you

qwan responded:

I think GitHub is a great platform to explore for decentralized, collaborative research and writing -- especially when paired with

I put together a Collaborating Like a Hacker guide to GitHub (for non-geeks) --

If you want to copy Creative Commons licensed content into GitHub, see (in alpha) -- which I created as part of the project. This "fork" part is working well at alpha level, feedback welcome. The next logical components to tackle, IMO, are diff and merge. Friendly. Think of an interface like, but with a 2-pane diff/merge interface.