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Harsh Deep harsh183

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harsh183 / download_all_rhtml_links.user.js
Created August 18, 2019 20:16
Userscript to downlaod all links from a given site - use Tampermonkey for Chrome or GreaseMonkey for firefox to run it (just copy paste this code and it should work)
require 'colorize'
require 'date'
def dash_seperator
'-' * 50
def get_date
require 'sinatra'
# Ex. http://localhost:4567/calc/add?x=1&y=2
get '/calc/:operation' do
operations = { 'add' => ->(x, y) {x + y},
'sub' => ->(x, y) {x - y},
'mul' => ->(x, y) {x * y},
'div' => ->(x, y) {x / y},
'mod' => ->(x, y) {x % y} }
# Yes I could DRY that further but I don't trust user input
harsh183 / fibArray.rb
Last active April 16, 2021 15:33
A array except the indexes are fibonacci numbers!
class FibArray
attr_accessor :array, :cache
def initialize(array = [])
@array = array
@cache = [1, 2] # put precomputed results as needed
generate_next_fib(array.size - cache.size)
def get(i)
Testing 101

So far you've been writing your programs amd running them time and time again doing that. A constant cycle of change-run-repeat until it works.

Which works fine until

  • you have hundreds of scenarios and inputs
  • the program takes quite long to run and it starts eating up too much time
  • you accidently break your program and don't even realize (billions lost, rockets dailing, people dying)
harsh183 /
Last active April 23, 2021 13:20
Uploads the latest picture in my /Pictures directory to IMGBB and uses jq to parse out the image url
# This script goes into my Pictures/ folder and uploads it to ffsend.
# Requires: jq
set -e
cd ~/Pictures # configure to other source of pictures if you want
FILE_NAME=$(ls -rt | tail -n 1)
IMAGE=$( base64 "$FILE_NAME" )
harsh183 /
Last active June 16, 2019 10:10
Find the only x, y, z positive integers such that x^3 = (z-y)^3 + 3yz(z-y) Presentation at:
theme marp

Find the only $x$, $y$, and $z$ positive integers

$$ x^3 = (z - y)^3 + 3yz(z - y)

# This script is my standard create a new experiment for my new idea/side project/whatever that I normally seem to do. I can change this if I like as I move along.
set -ex
mkdir ~/Experiments/$1
cd ~/Experiments/$1
echo "# README" >
# This script is my standard create a new experiment for my new idea/side project/whatever that I normally seem to do. I can change this if I like as I move along.
set -e # Fail if one step fails
set -x # Print before execute
cd ~/Experiments/
mkdir $1
cd $1
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