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Hasan Barış GÖK hasanbarisgok

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hasanbarisgok / il.csv
Created January 15, 2023 18:03 — forked from abdullahoguk/il.csv
Türkiye'deki İllerin Enlem Boylam Bilgileri (JSON ve CSV) Kaynak:
plaka il_adi lat lon northeast_lat northeast_lon southwest_lat southwest_lon
1 ADANA 37.00000000 35.32133330 37.07200400 35.46199500 36.93552300 35.17470600
2 ADIYAMAN 37.76416670 38.27616670 37.82566700 38.33546500 37.71708600 38.18818800
3 AFYONKARAHİSAR 38.76376000 30.54034000 38.80210500 30.61116700 38.71428900 30.44232000
4 AĞRI 39.72166670 43.05666670 39.74860500 43.08524100 39.68814400 43.00177800
5 AMASYA 40.65000000 35.83333330 40.67283400 35.85632100 40.63691100 35.78909100
6 ANKARA 39.92077000 32.85411000 40.10098100 33.02486600 39.72282100 32.49909700
7 ANTALYA 36.88414000 30.70563000 36.97517800 30.84095300 36.78586600 30.51609500
8 ARTVİN 41.18333330 41.81666670 41.20707800 41.85479900 41.15541500 41.77736100
9 AYDIN 37.84440000 27.84580000 37.87099700 27.88535500 37.81957300 27.79052200