I hereby claim:
- I am hclivess on github.
- I am hclivess (https://keybase.io/hclivess) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASBud6ucwCC-wivAMdyX2A9osx6urTdQemc_yftjnb8mjgo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
import select, json, os | |
def send(sdef, data, slen): | |
sdef.setblocking(0) | |
sdef.sendall(str(len(str(json.dumps(data)))).encode("utf-8").zfill(slen)) | |
sdef.sendall(str(json.dumps(data)).encode("utf-8")) | |
if "posix" not in os.name: | |
def receive(sdef, slen): |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
# c = hyperblock in ram OR hyperblock file when running only hyperblocks | |
# h = ledger file | |
# h2 = hyperblock file | |
# h3 = ledger file OR hyperblock file when running only hyperblocks | |
# never remove the str() conversion in data evaluation or database inserts or you will debug for 14 days as signed types mismatch | |
# if you raise in the server thread, the server will die and node will stop | |
# never use codecs, they are bugged and do not provide proper serialization | |
# must unify node and client now that connections parameters are function parameters | |
# if you have a block of data and want to insert it into sqlite, you must use a single "commit" for the whole batch, it's 100x faster |
The software modification is provided by Nomadic Labs, details: https://blog.nomadic-labs.com/introducing-snapshots-and-history-modes-for-the-tezos-node.html
rm -rf tezos
wget https://gitlab.com/nomadic-labs/tezos/-/archive/mainnet-snapshots/tezos-mainnet-snapshots.zip
unzip tezos-mainnet-snapshots.zip
from blockchain import blockexplorer | |
from difflib import SequenceMatcher | |
def similar(a, b): | |
return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio() | |
def compare (forked_shitcoin_hashes): | |
winner = None | |
shitcoin_race_winner = 0 |
import json | |
import tornado.ioloop | |
import tornado.web | |
import dator | |
import threading | |
import time | |
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): | |
def initialize(self, updater): | |
self.updater = updater |
del /f /s /q dist 1>nul | |
rmdir /s /q dist | |
mkdir dist | |
python -m nuitka --follow-imports wallet.py --windows-icon=graphics\icon.ico --standalone --show-progress -j 8 --recurse-all --include-package=coincurve --plugin-enable=tk-inter | |
robocopy wallet.dist dist\files /MOVE /E | |
robocopy "C:\Program Files\Python37\Lib\site-packages\Cryptodome" "dist\files\Cryptodome" /MIR | |
robocopy "C:\Program Files\Python37\Lib\site-packages\coincurve" "dist\files\coincurve" /MIR |
#calculates kilowatthour production in a month based on pannel wattage and solar radiation | |
solar_radiation = 4.9 | |
panel_wattage = 330 | |
wh = solar_radiation * panel_wattage | |
kwh = wh / 1000 | |
kwd_month = kwd * 28 | |
print (f"watt_hour {wh}") |
import hashlib | |
import os | |
import sys | |
import essentials | |
import mempool as mp | |
import mining | |
import mining_heavy3 | |
import staking | |
from difficulty import * |