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hehachris / array.php
Created December 24, 2014 10:18
PHP 5.5+: Array vs Generator
function xrange($start, $end)
$array = [];
for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) {
$array[] = $i;
hehachris / consul
Last active August 14, 2023 23:31 — forked from blalor/gist:c325d500818361e28daf
Consul init script for Redhat/CentOS
# consul Manage the consul agent
# chkconfig: 2345 95 95
# description: Consul is a tool for service discovery and configuration
# processname: consul
# config: /etc/consul.conf
# pidfile: /var/run/
# Add Vagrant's NFS setup commands to sudoers, for `vagrant up` without a password
# Updated to work with Vagrant 1.3.x
# Stage updated sudoers in a temporary file for syntax checking
TMP=$(mktemp -t vagrant_sudoers)
cat /etc/sudoers > $TMP
cat >> $TMP <<EOF
# Allow passwordless startup of Vagrant when using NFS.